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As evident on another thread, I'm here now too!

Is it just my imagination, or are there more posts than ever at the BNBB both here and at the AAJ forums now?

I won't have time to check multiple forums for a while as I'm entering a busy period up to my graduation, so I'll try to stay here for now. But there seems to be a couple of old-timers still just posting at AAJ.


As Mae West is reputed to have once said, "I used to be Snow White, but then I drifted." Me too, my skiff finally washed up on these shores. So nice to see the familiar faces. Will just have to learn how to split time between here and AAJ-BNBB is off the Favorites list for good.


Is it just my imagination, or are there more posts than ever at the BNBB both here and at the AAJ forums now?

I don't think it's your imagination. I know I'm posting like a meth addict with laryngitis. Just my way of coping with the shock; I'm probably not the only one...


I'm here also. I like the feel of this board, especially the look and it's the closest thing to the old BNBB. I'm also at AAJ but I think I like it here better.

I hope others from the old board will be checking this out. Also the software is a big improvement over the old board.


Hi you all. Posting here for the first time. Looks great. Been outta the loop for a few days and it seems like there's a lot to digest! (Here and elsewhere). I don't feel obliged to "vote" one way or the other - I'll be cruising around.

Let's look on the very bright side - out here in cyber jazz land it seems like we're spoilt for choices.

Thanks B3-er for your work setting this up.

Sad as it may be to say seeyalater to BNBB, things are moving on and evolving. 'Sfar as I can see AAJ and here and JC will all benefit from all this commotion - as will we all.


I registered here a couple of days ago, but I haven't spent much time here, due to technical difficulties. I already mentioned it to Jim, and he kindly said he'd see what he could do (which I appreciate). It seems like I'm the only one, which strikes me as odd, but I can barely read a lot of the text here- VERY small, despite the fact that I've got my browser settings on "largest". I'm on a PowerMac G3, hooked up on AOL (version 5), and using IE version 4.0. I know- I'm not up to date in terms of computer and software (upgrades usually cause me more headaches than it's worth), and this is only the second time I've ever encountered this on any website (the text on the True Blue site looked like this when it first went up, BTW). Not only that, but I have to hit "refresh" about 75% of the time when I want to go to a new page. I'm getting a lot of blank screens on the first try. Anybody else experiencing any of this?

I'm also registered at AAJ, and while there's one jerk there who's making some waves about "BN people", all else is very good. I happen to like the software over there, for many of the same advantages that Organissimo has over the other boards I've used (and I've used several, going back to JCS). The ability to go directly to the latest post on a thread is like a dream come true. To be honest, though, I don't really dig the color scheme on this board (I'm actually wondering if everybody is seeing it the way I am...?)... I mean... purple, tan, and... PINK? :wacko: I hate it... but life will go on... :)


I hate to hear that your text is messed up Jim R. Matter of fact, my text is coming through BIGGER than on the BNBB....Odd? I'm a computer dummy so I can't help, sorry. Hope it gets fixed for you.


Jim, you may want to try switching or upgrading browsers to see if that'll help. At work, I post from an IMac running IE 5 for Mac and the text here also looked very small, though it looks quite big from my PC at home. If they make Opera for Macs, you might want to give it a shot and see if the text is still small.


Thanks Big Wheel. I actually have IE 4.5 installed (only use it occasionally, as I generally prefer 4.0 and am very comfortable with it after all these years). I tried logging on using that, and there was no improvement. I suppose I may have to just live with it, unless I change my attitude about software upgrades. I just dislike upgrading unless it's absolutely necessary. Every time I've upgraded something (OS 8.5 to OS 9, AOL 4 to AOL 5, etc etc), I've run into problems, and seem to lose features that I liked. This is the only site that I'm currently visiting regularly where I have this problem, so I may just decide to tough it out. I can read posts pretty well, fortunately. It's trying to read the thread list on Today's Active Topics that's causing me the most trouble in terms of text size (there are other text size issues, but that's the one that is fundamentally most important). This constant refreshing of pages is getting old, too. I used to have this problem at Jazz Corner a few years ago when I was visiting there regularly...

Posted (edited)

Jim R:

I've used a Mac computer about zero times in my life. I'm not familiar with the Mac operating system. I have a broadband internet connection so I get every update as it is available (for WINxp). I wonder if THIS site is using code that your browser can't correctly decipher? The board software seems very modern and is proably using the newest HTML tags. Just a thought.

I'd recommend getting all the updates to Internet Explorer and see what happens. This site could be using some HTML code your browser can’t display (if you don’t have all the updates). I don't know what the newest release of Internet Explorer is for the Mac system.

Edited by wesbed
Posted (edited)

I think this is a problem since Mac's use 72 pixels per inch by default and PC's use 96 pixels per inch. I believe there is a setting so you can adjust it.

Also, since you are still running OS 9, try iCab. It's a small but powerful little browser. It doesn't do javascript perfectly, but it renders most pages very well and is customizable.


Edited by Jim Dye

Mr. Dye, thank you! I'm running iCab right now, and although I may need to figure a few things out (it's running a bit slow), I can now read the board with no problems. Also, I haven't had to use the refresh function yet. Hopefully this is a permanent fix.

Thanks to everybody for their sugestions!



I'm using a Mac G4 Powerbook right now with Netscape and at first I had the same problem as you. The text was extremely small. This is an old version of Netscape too (not my computer... I'd update this bad boy in a flash).

In netscape, in the View menu, there is an option for increasing the font size, which helped tremendously.

Also, the colors are not right on this Mac either. The board should simply be purple (more violet actually) and orange. No pink. I can see pink on this Mac too and it's not right. The colors for our band logo are purple and orange so that's why I choose those colors. But there should be no pink.



I just switched over to IE 5 for Mac on this laptop and the text problems are no more, but it still looks PINK! Man, that blows. But the clickable smilies on the left are lined up better.

What can I say, I didn't set this thing up for Macs. :unsure:


Jim, thanks. Yeah, these colors are weird (I'm still seeing the same colors using iCab, BTW). There are a couple shades of purple, a couple shades of pink, some yellowish-tan, some gray... it's bizarre! Oh well, it's not enough to drive me away. :)

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