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Greetings all!!!

I'm pleased to announce that I successfully interviewed for a middle school music teaching position in the Chester Upland School District last week and have just today received word that I GOT THE JOB!!! :eye::eye: They want me to start in a week!! :rfr

The job requires both work in instrumental and vocal music and will basically be a free-reign kind of position, as the program in the school district has taken a bit of a nose-dive in the past several years and they're looking for someone to lift it up again. I'm scared Sh*tless!!!!!!!!! :alien:

This will possibly be my last week of checking in regularly for a while, as I will no long have consistent PC access and I no doubt will have my hands full trying to get settled in this new job.

It's funny, I spent so long waiting for this and now I'm just totally beside myself and my emotions are going nuts....Happiness, anxious, eager, scared, and just plain excited.

I just wanted to spread the good news and I hope everyone is having a fine day!!!!!



Bill Giffear


Thanks everybody.

I hope so Lon. I suppose it's natural for me to feel some trepidation going into this. I just hope I don't screw up too bad.

Guess this is where all that networking pays off. I got some people to call!! Pick their brains and such.


Presumably, you went to the job interview knowing that you are qualified for the position. Unless you have suddenly developed a tin ear, I would say that you are still qualified. Go in there with that knowledge, don't let fade the belief in yourself that accompanied you to that interview. Remember, too, that you did well in the interview.

When we want something badly enough, we give a little extra to get it. Good luck, I'm sure that all will go well.


Congratulations. My music teacher (and my son's, as well) has made a great contribution to our lives and I'm sure you'll do as well.

Plus, now you have the opportunity to spend more money on Mosaics and other reissues ;)


Good luck, Templejazz.

Teaching is a fantastically rewarding job - full of headaches and heartaches but I know I wouldn't want to do anything else (except perhaps play jazz piano...slight problem there!!!). You'll hit difficulties, bolshie kids and the horrors of paperwork but don't lose sight of why you want to do it.

One kid clicking into what you are trying to put over will carry you through a thousand disappointments.

I've got five new teachers in my Faculty this year so can appreciate your apprehension. Always, always seek help and advice if you are stuck, unsure or feel out of your depth. The biggest mistake new teachers make is thinking that if they can't do it on their own then they've failed.

You'll be astonished how quickly you'll move from inexperienced newbie to old hand. I have people working for me with three and four years experience who seem like they've been doing it for a lifetime...and are still full of enthusiasm!

Good luck, once more.


When we want something badly enough, we give a little extra to get it.

This was my exact philosophy this morning when only one sesame seed bagel was left. ;)

Seriously, congratulations TJ. :tup

Bastard! That bagel had MY name on it! ;)

If you care enough to be nervous, you're sure to do an excellent job.




And when you run across a kid that’s thinking of quitting band, please do what you can to talk him out of it. Damn, I regret dropping music.

No kidding! At least you can clue him in to J. J. Johnson and Jack Teagarden instead of letting him think the trombone was stupid... <_<

Good luck, Templejazz. Not that you'll need it!

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