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Idiot interviews Bill Evans in 1972


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But...the show was from his Columbia years! ;)

Which makes it a lot easeier - you only got two albums, and one of the is the George Russell thing he mentions (Living Time), which is as close to Mr. Evans' Wild Ride as we're ever gonna get... The other is The Bill Evans Album, which is actually...Another Bill Evans Album. That's it, investigation over. Wham, bam, thank you mam, as the old folks used to say.

There could/should have been more, but The Great Columbia Purge of 197? is infamous in jazzland to this day...

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But...the show was from his Columbia years! ;)

Which makes it a lot easeier - you only got two albums, and one of the is the George Russell thing he mentions (Living Time), which is as close to Mr. Evans' Wild Ride as we're ever gonna get... The other is The Bill Evans Album, which is actually...Another Bill Evans Album. That's it, investigation over. Wham, bam, thank you mam, as the old folks used to say.

I've heard both and agree with what you say, yet his playing on this show doesn't reflect either of those albums. His playing here resembles his playing for Fantasy, based on what little I've heard from that time period. Besides, wasn't he simultaneously with Columbia and Fantasy? Sorta like when he was simultaneously with Riverside and Verve?

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I remember seeing the Rashied Ali show broadcast on 3/14/72. I was a sophomore in high school and had just started hearing "avant garde" jazz on WKCR but had never seen musicians playing it. I remember being thrilled by the whole experience and though I saw a few of the other Jazz Set show, it's the Ali show that sticks with me, especially Carlos Ward's playing.

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"Library of Congress has either originals (or copies of originals) for the 13 shows that aired on the PBS network"

sadly, this means we'll never see them again, as the LC guys won't let anything out without legal forms signed in triplicate, a note from your grandma, and a sworn statement from the Pope that the signee means well and has no untreated rashes -

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Thanks for sharing this, I love this period of Bill Evans and while I have read several interviews with him I have never seen one.

You did a great job, your question brought out some interesting insight, the show must have been a blast to work on.

btw-I dig the clothes.

Edited by WorldB3
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