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At the time, it was the only way to get all the movies to the series. But man, that Cornelius bust is hideous! It also serves as the storage case for all the dvds, though thankfully they are all enclosed in a slipcase that I have pulled out and put in my dvd library. The bust, though, sits in a box collecting dust. One of the worst packaging ideas of all time!

novelty headphone stand?




At the time, it was the only way to get all the movies to the series. But man, that Cornelius bust is hideous! It also serves as the storage case for all the dvds, though thankfully they are all enclosed in a slipcase that I have pulled out and put in my dvd library. The bust, though, sits in a box collecting dust. One of the worst packaging ideas of all time!

novelty headphone stand?

You could maybe put it up in a tree to scare off birds. I did that with an owl statue, but it would be cooler to have Cornelius up there.


The meat really didn't taste like fish. It tasted more like liver, very "gamey". And it was very chewy. Plus, it came packed in a foul-smelling "gravy" of indeterminate origin.

you sure know how to sell this stuff. :bad:

out of curiosity i did a google image search for "whale meat" ... that stuff doesn't even look like fish. in fact it looks more like "red meat".


Well, a whale really isn't a fish. It's an aquatic mammal. So I guess that explains at least a little bit about something, maybe.

But not about that "gravy". :bad: indeed!

Posted (edited)

There's a wonderful chapter in Moby Dick (my all time favorite book, btw...I'm rereading it right now, in fact) where one of the mates (Stubb) has the Pequod's old black cook prepare him a steak cut right out of a freshly killed whale. It always sounded pretty appetizing to me when I read it...

Edited by Alexander

Early 1970's, a can of whale meat from a health food store. Wanted to see what it tasted like.

It sucked big time. I shouldn't have been surprised. After all, it was whale meat.

You hope! :rfr


My ex-wife's Corvair--an embarrassing car that I rarely drove, and gave away to a guy who paid the parking tickets it had accumulated for non-use.

This isn't it, but it was also white...


I can't tell with the helmet on, but is that Ralph Nader driving?

It would be the first Corvair he drove then! ^_^ Funny, Corvairs are really VW's, yet Nader never beat up on them(As far as I know) Perhaps too many of his friends drove them....


There are just too damned many possibilities for the title for me to narrow it down to one. Obviously, right now, an engagement ring stands out in my memory...

Yeah, I thought of that too, Moose. Actually, my bigger regret is spending a very large chunk of money on the down payment for our house and furniture to fill it. Sure, we settled and I got some money back, but nowhere near what I put into it, and she's in the house. It's going to be a long time (if ever) that I can afford to buy a house again (much less find someone to share it with!).

I feel pretty foolish about that.



At the time, it was the only way to get all the movies to the series. But man, that Cornelius bust is hideous! It also serves as the storage case for all the dvds, though thankfully they are all enclosed in a slipcase that I have pulled out and put in my dvd library. The bust, though, sits in a box collecting dust. One of the worst packaging ideas of all time!

novelty headphone stand?

You could maybe put it up in a tree to scare off birds. I did that with an owl statue, but it would be cooler to have Cornelius up there.



There are just too damned many possibilities for the title for me to narrow it down to one. Obviously, right now, an engagement ring stands out in my memory...

Yeah, I thought of that too, Moose. Actually, my bigger regret is spending a very large chunk of money on the down payment for our house and furniture to fill it. Sure, we settled and I got some money back, but nowhere near what I put into it, and she's in the house. It's going to be a long time (if ever) that I can afford to buy a house again (much less find someone to share it with!).

I feel pretty foolish about that.

I don't know if I'd qualify that as a dumb purchase - either the ring or the house. Wouldn't you say that at the time it was the right thing to do, and only in hindsight, after the relationship soured, did your view of it change. I think that's more a change of opinion of the relationship, than something you bought for or with your partner. At least in my case.

My ex has our old house (paid for with my downpayment money), and pretty much all of our furniture (some of which is antique, and some very nice persian carpets we got in Europe) that we bought together. But I feel more regret that the relationship didn't work out, than upset about anything we bought when we were together. And even then, the regret is more because of the hurt that it caused (and probably continues to cause) my children, than anything it's done to me or the ex.


There are just too damned many possibilities for the title for me to narrow it down to one. Obviously, right now, an engagement ring stands out in my memory...

Yeah, I thought of that too, Moose. Actually, my bigger regret is spending a very large chunk of money on the down payment for our house and furniture to fill it. Sure, we settled and I got some money back, but nowhere near what I put into it, and she's in the house. It's going to be a long time (if ever) that I can afford to buy a house again (much less find someone to share it with!).

I feel pretty foolish about that.

I don't know if I'd qualify that as a dumb purchase - either the ring or the house. Wouldn't you say that at the time it was the right thing to do, and only in hindsight, after the relationship soured, did your view of it change. I think that's more a change of opinion of the relationship, than something you bought for or with your partner. At least in my case.

My ex has our old house (paid for with my downpayment money), and pretty much all of our furniture (some of which is antique, and some very nice persian carpets we got in Europe) that we bought together. But I feel more regret that the relationship didn't work out, than upset about anything we bought when we were together. And even then, the regret is more because of the hurt that it caused (and probably continues to cause) my children, than anything it's done to me or the ex.

Yes, you're right, it was the right thing to do at the time, and my biggest regret is about the failure of the relationship (thankfully we had no children). Although now that I'm looking back with a bit more objectivity I can see more clearly where things were going south.

It was a VERY expensive life lesson though! And it's left me very cautious (paranoid? cynical?) about doing anything like that in the future (if I'm ever again in a position to do so).

BTW, my apologies for the thread drift. :)


We didn't buy it (thankfully) but it was a gift from my wife's sister, who did buy it: The Magic Bullet! If you've ever seen the infomercial, the hosts are just having the grandest time making everything from salsa to iced alcoholic drinks to omelets to stir fry to whatever. My sister-in-law bought it for us thinking we might be able to use it for making baby food (Zora was very young at the time).

Well, that's about all it can do is totally puree everything. There is no way in hell you could make chunky salsa. And an omelet? Well, if you like your ham and cheese liquified before it's put into the egg, then sure!

Total piece of crap. And loud as hell, too! :)


We didn't buy it (thankfully) but it was a gift from my wife's sister, who did buy it: The Magic Bullet! If you've ever seen the infomercial, the hosts are just having the grandest time making everything from salsa to iced alcoholic drinks to omelets to stir fry to whatever. My sister-in-law bought it for us thinking we might be able to use it for making baby food (Zora was very young at the time).

Well, that's about all it can do is totally puree everything. There is no way in hell you could make chunky salsa. And an omelet? Well, if you like your ham and cheese liquified before it's put into the egg, then sure!

Total piece of crap. And loud as hell, too! :)

:lol: We got one as a gift as well. At least the storage containers were useful...

Guest Bill Barton


Ranking high on that list would be a Honda CRXsi that looked very much like the photo above, except that it was drastically lowered and had all that "ground effects" add-on nonsense. I bought this about two years ago. I'd always wanted one of these little pocket rockets. It got almost 45 mpg on the highway and 35 mpg in the worst possible city traffic. It also had a $2,000 stereo system that sounded great once I tweaked it not to boom like an underground explosion. Sounds great, right? Only problem was that the thing rode like a buckboard; 20 miles in this sucker and your kidneys were crying for mercy. The engine blew after several thousand miles and I ended up taking a bit of a financial bath getting rid of the thing. I thought that it would be easy to sell taking into account how many kids love these CRXs. Only problem is, none of 'em seem to have any money! So much for my late-middle-age fling with kiddie cars. Now I'm tooling around in a rusty, battered Toyota that doesn't even have a radio. It runs like a charm though... The bitch is that it doesn't even come close to getting the mileage that CRX did.

Posted (edited)

I guess my next car would be the worst purchase ever. It was a 1975 Volkswagen Beetle. Like Shawn's it needed a lot of work. Bugs after 1972 were crap. Although I think it was pretty roll-proof. ^_^

Beetles have a really bad reputation for rolling over in a hard sidewind.


Bugs were awesome, MG.

They ran on basically anything and had snap-together pieces....they were a cinch to drive and cost very little to maintain.

My '64 Bug(s) was one of the best cars I ever owned. If I could, I'd buy another late year bug in a NY minute.

Edited by GoodSpeak

About the size of a large can of tuna, as I remember it. This was, after all, more than 35 years ago. I was in my very early teens and was all into "trying different things".

The meat really didn't taste like fish. It tasted more like liver, very "gamey". And it was very chewy. Plus, it came packed in a foul-smelling "gravy" of indeterminate origin. My mom fixed it up for me with a "you got to be kidding me" look on her face the entire time. :g

Like I said, a very dumb purchase, and looking back on it, god only knows what part(s) of the whale made it into the can...

Parts is parts, JSngry ;)

Posted (edited)

My worst purchase?

A 1972 Ford Pinto; the exploding model.

I could tell you horror stories.

I have not bought another American made car since.

Edited by GoodSpeak

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