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Posted (edited)

i do recall a pair of expensive florsheim shoes from a well known local shoery whose heel came off the first time i wore them (standing in line with a comely lass at the box office purchasing tickets for the mansfield symphony). she was very impressed.

Edited by alocispepraluger102
Posted (edited)


1973 Beetle (the picture is a super beetle, mine was standard). I believe I bought it for $1200, then spent about $2000 in parts & labor to fix the thing every other week for 2 years. I ended up selling it for less than $1000 to a burnout in a Judas Priest t-shirt. :w

Edited by Shawn

my first car-- a used 1976 Vega. Burned oil like, well, a Vega. I totaled it before the engine could burn up.

But now that I think about it, either it was unusually sturdy or a guardian angel was riding shotgun because I rolled it after a night of high school revelry. Landed on my wheels and thought I'd just drive it on home hoping nobody would find out. Obviously I was a little in shock, but didn't have a scratch on me. No such thing as wearing seatbelts back then. So it probably wasn't too bad of a purchase. I have a photo of it somewhere.

I guess my next car would be the worst purchase ever. It was a 1975 Volkswagen Beetle. Like Shawn's it needed a lot of work. Bugs after 1972 were crap. Although I think it was pretty roll-proof. ^_^


My worst car purchase was probably the Chevy Celebrity I owned many years ago. Not a terrible car, pretty wimpy power-wise, but just overall a very cheaply made car. I saw many others around that had the same defective paint that mine had, kind of bubbling and rusting prematurely. Yuck. :tdown



My ex-wife's Corvair--an embarrassing car that I rarely drove, and gave away to a guy who paid the parking tickets it had accumulated for non-use.

This isn't it, but it was also white...


I can't tell with the helmet on, but is that Ralph Nader driving?


This one's easy. Wasted about two grand on iTunes purchases before realizing they weren't worth the $$. For DL's, emusic's a way better deal. For sound quality, CDs are a way better deal.

Two grand, flushed.

On the plus side, without them I'd probably not have begun (restarted) exploring jazz again in depth, so maybe in the long run it was money well spent. Wouldn't give iTunes a plugged nickel today though.

Posted (edited)

Without doubt a Sony Viao desktop.

The hard disc burned out in less than two years.

I'm now using a Frontier/Kojiro pc and it's as good as the Sony was bad.

Are the Viao's that bad? I have my eye on one (laptop) for a possible second PC - there seem to be some good deals on them at the moment. Perhaps that's why?

Edited by sidewinder

Without doubt a Sony Viao desktop.

The hard disc burned out in less than two years.

I'm now using a Frontier/Kojiro pc and it's as good as the Sony was bad.

Are the Viao's that bad? I have my eye on one (laptop) for a possible second PC - there seem to be some good deals on them at the moment. Perhaps that's why?

Maybe mine was a Monday morning job. The technical support was also terrible, with a very irritating couldn't give a shit attitude. In contrast the Kojiro support service can't do enough to help, including an unconditional 5 year guarantee.

Sony make great headphones, but that's about it imo.


Maybe mine was a Monday morning job. The technical support was also terrible, with a very irritating couldn't give a shit attitude. In contrast the Kojiro support service can't do enough to help, including an unconditional 5 year guarantee.

Sony make great headphones, but that's about it imo.

Thanks, kinuta !


Early 1970's, a can of whale meat from a health food store. Wanted to see what it tasted like.

It sucked big time. I shouldn't have been surprised. After all, it was whale meat.


I guess my next car would be the worst purchase ever. It was a 1975 Volkswagen Beetle. Like Shawn's it needed a lot of work. Bugs after 1972 were crap. Although I think it was pretty roll-proof. ^_^

Beetles have a really bad reputation for rolling over in a hard sidewind.


Driving on the interstate in a Bug is NO FUN whatsoever. Everytime a big rig passes you, the wind gust blows you halfway into the next lane. Not to mention the car vapor locking in the summertime because the air that's supposed to "cool" the motor is being sucked off the interstate and is about 120 degrees.

What's funny is that my Mother owned a Corvair before I was born and she said it was the biggest piece of shit that she ever drove...she traded it in and bought a Mustang instead!




At the time, it was the only way to get all the movies to the series. But man, that Cornelius bust is hideous! It also serves as the storage case for all the dvds, though thankfully they are all enclosed in a slipcase that I have pulled out and put in my dvd library. The bust, though, sits in a box collecting dust. One of the worst packaging ideas of all time!


Early 1970's, a can of whale meat from a health food store.


I guess the Health Food industry never got the memo from Greenpeace.

Dude, this was Longview, Tx. I doubt that they ever even got the memo from Ishmael...


Early 1970's, a can of whale meat from a health food store. Wanted to see what it tasted like.

It sucked big time. I shouldn't have been surprised. After all, it was whale meat.

Whale meat is ok, if wisely prepared. Since I don't ever eat fish, I never liked the fishiness of this meat, but with the right spices...

I prefer to eat horse meat, which was an alternative in Iceland, but it, too, has its drawbacks--too sweet, for one thing.

Canned whale? No way! How big was the can?


About the size of a large can of tuna, as I remember it. This was, after all, more than 35 years ago. I was in my very early teens and was all into "trying different things".

The meat really didn't taste like fish. It tasted more like liver, very "gamey". And it was very chewy. Plus, it came packed in a foul-smelling "gravy" of indeterminate origin. My mom fixed it up for me with a "you got to be kidding me" look on her face the entire time. :g

Like I said, a very dumb purchase, and looking back on it, god only knows what part(s) of the whale made it into the can...


I prefer to eat horse meat, which was an alternative in Iceland, but it, too, has its drawbacks--too sweet, for one thing.

Is it still legal to buy/sell horse meat in New Jersey?


About the size of a large can of tuna, as I remember it. This was, after all, more than 35 years ago. I was in my very early teens and was all into "trying different things".

The meat really didn't taste like fish. It tasted more like liver, very "gamey". And it was very chewy. Plus, it came packed in a foul-smelling "gravy" of indeterminate origin. My mom fixed it up for me with a "you got to be kidding me" look on her face the entire time. :g

Like I said, a very dumb purchase, and looking back on it, god only knows what part(s) of the whale made it into the can...

I have been spending a lot of my time in Kazakhstan recently, and they do incredible things with horse meat there.



About the size of a large can of tuna, as I remember it. This was, after all, more than 35 years ago. I was in my very early teens and was all into "trying different things".

The meat really didn't taste like fish. It tasted more like liver, very "gamey". And it was very chewy. Plus, it came packed in a foul-smelling "gravy" of indeterminate origin. My mom fixed it up for me with a "you got to be kidding me" look on her face the entire time. :g

Like I said, a very dumb purchase, and looking back on it, god only knows what part(s) of the whale made it into the can...

I have been spending a lot of my time in Kazakhstan recently, and they do incredible things with horse meat there.


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