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"Well Allen, truth be told, a few of us have conspired to create this thread to keep you so busy posting here that you would have little time to post elsewhere. "

hmmm....is this to allow Gould to do a JFK end run?

and Chris - I think I know that girl - she sat on my face once -

So, if Stevie Wonder runs his fingers over your face, he will be able to give Gail a call?

Just think of it, one razor bump can result in a wrong number!


look, Weizen it's as though I found something that you believed and was able to match with something said by some member of the Aryan Nation - this would be an unfair tactic - but I'd be happy to start a thread in which this is done -

:lol: By all means, please go ahead and do so!! It's not as though you haven't already gone that shameless route with me before, right? Here, why don't you take this pic for your thread and then make up some story about how I won it at the local 4-H Aryan Nation Club's annual spring fundraiser auction and is now hanging in my bedroom.



Wiki has a not bad overview of conspiracy theories, lines of argument used to justify, that sort of thing.

They list some of the biggies:

* Extraterrestrials are being hidden by governments either to preserve public order or as part of a deal between aliens and a secret government. The latter is a major theme of the popular X-Files TV show.

* 9/11 conspiracy theories, theories claiming US government officials took part in or consciously allowed the September 11, 2001 attacks to get public approval for foreign wars and limits on civil liberties.

* The John F. Kennedy assassination was an operation carried out by government officials and not Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone. Oliver Stone's film JFK is based on this premise.

* The New World Order, theories claiming a powerful and secretive group plans to institute a one-world government.

* World domination by Jews, one of the oldest extant conspiracy theories (often incorporating various existing or historical secret societies and includes most major conspiracy theories)

* The Apollo Moon-Landing Hoax Theory suggests that some or all elements of the Apollo missions were faked by NASA.

* The theory of satanic ritual abuse, a widespread belief that a conspiracy of child molesters and satanists are engaging in child sexual abuse.

* The Paul is Dead theory, stating that Paul McCartney of The Beatles died in 1966 and was replaced by a look-alike while clues were hidden in songs and album cover art.

:rfr (I didn't know about the satanic ritual thing. ...)

Posted (edited)

I was all set to believe that Stephenville was just another in a long line of backwoods-rednecks seeing UFOs in the middle of nowhere until the government stepped in and said it wasn't a UFO but rather some Air Force fighter pilots running training exercises.

Now I'm absolutely positive it really was a UFO. But, for the love of God, why are they (the E.T.'s) looking for intelligent life in Stephenville, much less Texas???

Edited by Big Al

Wiki has a not bad overview of conspiracy theories, lines of argument used to justify, that sort of thing.

:rfr (I didn't know about the satanic ritual thing. ...)

That's because they don't want you to know.

I was afraid of that ... What else are they hiding under those black capes and pointy hats?!


" It's not as though you haven't already gone that shameless route with me before, right? "

uhh, Weitzen, can we have some proof? maybe some documentation?

of course, if the shoe fits...

Um, yeah....thought you'd never ask. ....I'll throw in an extra for good measure. Just the tip of the iceberg. :rolleyes:

I was unaware that I had caused physical harm to Jurgen - perhaps Son-Of-White-People was confusing his ties to the Aryan Nation with my Hitler jokes -

well, I've been in Maine for 10 years and don't sound like a Mainer - on the other hand, Berigan's been living in an enclave of the Aryan nation, and he speaks in Nazi tongues - also, every time he sees someone in uniform, his right hand shoots up in a semi-perpendicular salute.

Wiki has a not bad overview of conspiracy theories, lines of argument used to justify, that sort of thing...

They list some of the biggies:

...The theory of satanic ritual abuse, a widespread belief that a conspiracy of child molesters and satanists are engaging in child sexual abuse....

before you discount the existence of ritual abuse based on the wikipedia entry, note their own warning:

This article or section has multiple issues:

* Its neutrality is disputed.

* It may contain inappropriate or misinterpreted citations which do not verify the text.

* An editor has expressed concern that the article is unbalanced.

after a careful reading of the article, i can see multiple examples of all three points of contention.


look, Weizen it's as though I found something that you believed and was able to match with something said by some member of the Aryan Nation - this would be an unfair tactic - but I'd be happy to start a thread in which this is done -

:lol: By all means, please go ahead and do so!! It's not as though you haven't already gone that shameless route with me before, right? Here, why don't you take this pic for your thread and then make up some story about how I won it at the local 4-H Aryan Nation Club's annual spring fundraiser auction and is now hanging in my bedroom.


Why crop the picture? Weizen Haus is a show place, is it not?


Posted (edited)

wrong again, Weizen -

as you might recall we all took a pledge of civility following Jim Alfredson's threat to shut us all down about 2 (?) months ago - and if you were paying attention you might have seen my apologies to Jazz Moose and my pledge to follow the 12-step-be nice-to-everyone-here pledge (which I think you forgot to take; but that's ok, it's never too late; we're still also waiting for Gould's pledge card to come in; and in case you're asking I think Clementine got a waiver from the Pope; or maybe it was Rabbi Schneerson) -

so anything you cite has to be after 12/1/07, at the least - so that stuff doesn't count - but still, let me apologise to both you and Berigan for saying those things - they were definitely not nice and I should not have posted them -

I now know that you are a truly sensitive and caring individual (not counting, of course, Iraqi civilians) -

-Allen Lowe, Born Again Organissimo-ite

Edited by AllenLowe

wrong again, Weizen -

as you might recall we all took a pledge of civility following Jim Alfredson's threat to shut us all down about 2 (?) months ago

We? Not me! I didn't take no steenkin' pledge!!

- and if you were paying attention you might have seen my apologies to Jazz Moose

No wonder he hasn't been around lately! What did you do?? <_<

and my pledge to follow the 12-step-be nice-to-everyone-here pledge (which I think you forgot to take; but that's ok, it's never too late;

see 1st post! No steenin' pledges from me, dude - ever!!!!!

....well, only that one to keep my trap shut about those 1,800 Diebold machines I rigged up. Oops! :ph34r:

so anything you cite has to be after 12/1/07, at the least - so that stuff doesn't count

As Spock would say: 'fascinating.'

- but still, let me apologise to both you and Berigan for saying those things - they were definitely not nice and I should not have posted them -

No, they weren't nice. Look, I'm perfectly happy to be a forgiving tabula rasa benevolent kind-of-guy, but for appearances sake, it might also be a nice touch for you to get down on bended knee and pledge undying loyalty to me from this day forward. That, and a dozen roses ...and a case of should Veuve Clicquot White Label Demi Sec NV should do nicely.

........and while we're at it, send a case each to Couw and Moose and all the others that you've alienated as well (hint: sell some more box sets and you should be able to gather up enough funds for the 17 odd cases you'll need to buy. Well, screw Clem....he probably doesn't drink anything stronger than papaya nectar anyway....send me his case as well. Does that HammondCheese guy drink? Find out first before shipping to him.)

I now know that you are a truly sensitive and caring individual (not counting, of course, Iraqi civilians) -

Yes, yes.....all indeed true (blush, blush). Ya know, I learned all of that at a Quaker College...

......thank goodness they didn't bounce me for storing firearms in my room. :mellow:

Well, now that we're kinda pals again, Allen.....you want to come down and go shooting with me and Cheney and an ex-Lott staffer on a private reserve out on the Chesapeake some weekend this spring? :)


Wiki has a not bad overview of conspiracy theories, lines of argument used to justify, that sort of thing...

They list some of the biggies:

...The theory of satanic ritual abuse, a widespread belief that a conspiracy of child molesters and satanists are engaging in child sexual abuse....

before you discount the existence of ritual abuse based on the wikipedia entry, note their own warning:

This article or section has multiple issues:

* Its neutrality is disputed.

* It may contain inappropriate or misinterpreted citations which do not verify the text.

* An editor has expressed concern that the article is unbalanced.

after a careful reading of the article, i can see multiple examples of all three points of contention.

Noted. Thank you

Posted (edited)

well, Weizen, I'm glad we finally cleared the air -

"Well, now that we're kinda pals again, Allen.....you want to come down and go shooting with me and Cheney and an ex-Lott staffer on a private reserve out on the Chesapeake some weekend this spring?"

sure, be glad to - but why do I have the feeling that by the end of the weekend I'll be the Jew running naked through the woods with some crazy Republicans shooting at me?

Edited by AllenLowe

I was talking with a college student who works as an intern at my job a week or two ago and he said firmly that he thought the moon landing was a hoax. He'd seen some documentary somewhere that had persuaded him. I asked him what the biggest single piece of evidence was for his belief that it was a hoax. He said that the flag stood straight out and everyone knows there's no wind on the moon. .... This was an otherwise seemingly well-educated guy.

He added that he thought subsequent landings were real. Just the first one was a hoax. Space race and all.

"Whatta maroon."


How about the one about the big bad record companys conspiring to keep real jazz from being the music of choice of a happy & properous nation at peace? Or the one about pointed headed intellectuals conspiring to made happy white youth worship ole, sad blue music?

Posted (edited)

well, Weizen, I'm glad we finally cleared the air -

"Well, now that we're kinda pals again, Allen.....you want to come down and go shooting with me and Cheney and an ex-Lott staffer on a private reserve out on the Chesapeake some weekend this spring?"

sure, be glad to - but why do I have the feeling that by the end of the weekend I'll be the Jew running naked through the woods with some crazy Republicans shooting at me?

Crazy? Sheesh! Hey, if you get yourself into a jam by taunting that Danish-bred rabbit and his four cousins (Allah, Wallah, Sallah ...and J. Carter Canoe II) so that they latch onto your legs in the forest, I should think you'd be happy to take a friendly shotgun blast or two to get them off? Only birdshot though....from a 16-gauge.....you'll be okay in a few days.


"Allen said that my mother looks like a strip of bacon, so now ...MEMRI-1693wmv.jpg

Edited by Son-of-a-Weizen
Posted (edited)

Don't tell Allen, but I have the news on the biggest, baddest conspiracy of them all!!!! A white man invented jazz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ph34r::rfr Most of the evidence has been destroyed by the relations of Jelly Roll Morton, but here is a rare photo of the first jazzman, Milford Lipshitz!!!!!


Edited by BERIGAN

"KIng" Milford taught Buddy Bolden to play hot trumpet, but never gave Milford credit!!!! In fact, ever wonder why the Bolden Cylinder has never been found???? Because it was Milford who made that recording!!! When Buddy heard it, he knew Milford was onto something really new, jass as Milford called.... so he and clubbed him to death with his trumpet, and pretended to have dementia praecox, just to keep himself out of the electric chair!!!! But, while institutionalized, every Tuesday afternoon he taught everything he stole from Milford, to Freddie Keppard, King Oliver, and Jelly Roll..... Yet another example of the black man trying to keep the white man down! :angry:

Posted (edited)

actually, I knew all about that (I interviewed his twice-removed second-cousin's bastard son for That Devilin TUne) - and I have a whole chapter on it in the book. But since neither of you guys have purchased it directly from me you missed the footnote on page 84, chapter 11 - as a matter of fact, on page 97 I reprint the MRI that shows Lipschitz's brain injury from Bolden's blow - they were bedmates at the asylum since it resulted in brain damage. Had sex twice a week and gave birth to Scott Yanow -

Edited by AllenLowe

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