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I've heard snippets of this on the CD Universe website (I think ... :blink: ) -- I have to admit, I was kind of disappointed in it. Clyde sounds pretty good, but it's not as funky as I had hoped. That, and the vocalist on some of the tunes is lacking, IMHO.


I have mixed feelings about this release. (BTW, Clyde Stubblefield sings on two vocal tracks.)

One that I like better is a quartet date that has two of the musicians from the B3 recording: Street Wise led by tenor saxophonist Doug Lawrence with organist Dan Trudell, plus guitarist Ray Macchiarola and drummer George Fludas. It's also on the Alltribe Records label.

It sounds more like a boppish jazz organ trio plus sax date and sounds nice...


I don't know about the CD. But from the few CD's I've heard with Dan Trudell...he's a phenomenal organist. He's on that Mike Allamena(?) CD, also tenor player Doug Lawrence CD (listen to his solo on Mr. Clean... :huh: whewee. some bad stuff). Anyway, I'd like to hear that CD if only to hear was Dan Trudell plays.


Got this in the mail the other day. Stinko. Man, I miss the "thumbs down" icon at times like these.

This is bad bar band music and nothing but. Dan Trudell sounded great on the couple of other things I heard from him. But like they say, you can't do it all. He might sound good in a straight ahead setting, but he sounds super-white-and--uptight in a funk band. Him and that guitar player should get together and promise each other to learn some blues and funk before they go out and attempt this type of gig again. And the "original" songs bite my weenie.

When the guitarist lays into his Peter Green-on-his-worst-day-ever intro on "Sweet Sixteen," I want to throw his effects in the pool along with his blues jam bravaro. Pew.

Clyde sounds like clyde. But you can't have a band by yourself. It's like someone took Bonnie Raitt's band, threw in Clyde Stubblefied at gunpoint and told someone to hit the record button on the tape machine.

This CD stinks and I want my money back (so tell us what you really think)


About 4-5 years ago, Doug Lawrence released a very good organ album - High Heel Sneakers. It was on the Fable Records label, which I think is no more. I think it's now available on another label. Amazon lists it.

This isn't a funky organ album, but a really hard-swinging one, with John Webber on bass and Adam Scone on organ, Peter Berstein on guitar.

His previous album, a non-organ date called Soul Carnival, was also pretty good.


Speaking of Clyde Stubblefield, I was shocked to tune in that NPR show WHADDYA' KNOW (or something like that) that airs out of, where, Wisconsin?, to find out that the drummer on the show, apparently the HOUSE drummer for the show was none other than Mr. Funky Drummer hisownself. It was a "jazzy" trio, nothing special, and Clyde sounded adequate. The last few years, I haven't heard him on there, but that's where he was for a while, apparently. Go figure.


Jim --

Clyde has been the house drummer for "Whad'ya Know?" since at least 1990. But I think he plays with the other two guys only when the show is on the road. It does usually air out of Madison.

I have heard some great music come from that trio over the past couple of years, but the CD they put out about ten years ago is a bit of a snoozer.

"Whad'ya Know?" is kind of like Seinfeld on radio -- a show pretty much about nothing, but it has been on the air for close to 20 years, I think. The host, Michael Feldman, has my kind of sense of humor, which is why I enjoy listening to it. Guess I could see myself doing the same thing, IF I had pursued radio as a job.

After this week at work, I'm wondering why I didn't! :wacko:


Thanks, Mike.

I agree, the Feldman show is much cool. Don't know if it's like this everywhere, but on our local NPR affiliate, we got a KILLER 1-2 punch of Car Talk at 10 AM followed by Whad'ya Know? at 11. Switch over to KNTU for Hazen Schumacher's (sp?) Jazz Revisitied at noon, and it's a morning well spent, especially if you're driving around running errrands or working outside. The beauty of radio!

The problem is, my Saturday mornings don't usually start until Saturday afternoon...


I heard a track off this last night on WCMU on my three hour drive home. I agree with Soulstream. El stinko!

I wanted to kill the guitarist. Can't play changes, plays pseudo-blues licks over everything drenched in effects and distortion. Boo!

The organist sounded competent, but I will save judgement for when I hear him in a better setting, since someone said he's a good organist. His Leslie sounded like poo poo! :)

Anyway, I won't be spending my money on that thing. I wish I had WCMU's number last night. I wanted to call the guy and say, "Stop playing that CD and play Organissimo! They're BAD! :)"


Soulstream, I'll make a thumbsdown for ya!


Well, I had headed over to the All Tribe website because I was interested in the Doug Lawrence release and especially in the new Jesse Davis release and Im glad I remembered this thread title before clicking on that B3 Bombers listing.

Here's hoping that the Lawrence CD is good (I was only reminded of its existence when I scanned that radio show's set list). I have both of his earlier Fable releases and they're quite solid, particularly the one with Tardo Hammer on piano. They cover several Blue Note associated tunes and do a real nice job.

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