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Secrets of Cambridge 'porn' library revealed

By Stephen Adams

Last Updated: 6:29am GMT 14/02/2008

For decades generations of Cambridge undergraduates have fantasised about a secret stash of Victorian pornography in the university's library tower.

# Stephen Fry's take on the 'pornography library'

Many have tried to gain access to the chamber to uncover its illicit secrets. So intrigued was Stephen Fry by the collection that he wrote about it in his first novel, The Liar.

Secrets of Cambridge 'porn' library revealed

The Victorian treasure trove in the Cambridge library turned out to be books on marriage and the etiquette of romance

Despite the brilliant scientists, spies and politicians that the university has produced, no student is believed to have gained access to the closely-guarded hideaway.

But now it seems all their efforts have been in vain.

For all that is contained within "this magnificent erection", as Neville Chamberlain is said to have described the 1934 tower, are distinctly restrained guides on the finer points of Victorian romantic etiquette.

According to the university's authorities, the 17 floors of the 157ft-high tower contain nothing more racy than books with titles such as The Lover's Guide to Courtship (Illustrated).

Vanessa Lacey, the manager of the Cambridge University Library Tower Project, said: "The traditional student rumour is that the contents of the tower are pornographic.

"In fact we now know it to be a treasure trove for people who want to know more about Victorian society, and among the books are these late 19th and early 20th century lifestyle guides designed to teach young couples the art of courting. At the time they were acquired, they were not considered the sort of thing that serious students should be reading, so they were put away.


"Many of the 200,000 books in the tower have barely been read and some were never opened, but now they give us a fascinating insight into the life and society of the time."

The university has made the disclosure because it is in the process of putting all the titles online.

The books - likely to be of interest to historians rather than excitable students - that have been unearthed include A Golden Guide To Matrimony (1882).

It advises: "It should be the young man's duty to make the first overtures towards a closer relationship than that of mere friendship.

"Young women cannot be too reserved in this respect. Prudence is of the highest importance."

Other titles include Flirting Made Easy and Courtship And Marriage, which sensibly warns: "The young man who marries not, except in a few exceptional cases arising out of ill health, deformity, malformation, or great perversity of temper, or eccentricity of character, fails in one of the most palpable duties of life."

Students of pornography can take heart, however, because more recent erotica is kept there thanks to its copyright library status.

Mrs Lacey said: "There's plenty of pornography in the library which is more recent.

"People can come and have a look at it - for their research. But there's nothing terribly racy from the 19th century. What we found is the Mills and Boon of the era."

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..."In fact we now know it to be a treasure trove for people who want to know more about Victorian society, and among the books are these late 19th and early 20th century lifestyle guides designed to teach young couples the art of courting.....



aw heck, we might as well burst another bubble while we're at it:



Does the Vatican have the world's largest pornography collection?


Dear Cecil:

Is it true that the Vatican has the world's most extensive collection of erotica and pornography locked away where no one who can appreciate it can see it? --M.B., Baltimore

Dear M.:

I haven't had a chance to check this out personally, M., having been detained with Grafenberg spot research. But having spoken with parties who know, I can tell you that if it's a truly monster porn collection you want, you don't need to leave the U.S.A.

Years ago a couple researchers from the Kinsey Institute in Bloomington, Indiana, made an attempt to inspect the Vatican's collections, but church officials refused to permit it. Subsequently, however, it was learned that the Vatican had arranged to have its holdings microfilmed during World War II, when it was feared Rome would be bombed. The film is now stored at St. Louis University in Missouri. The Kinsey folks looked through all the material and found a few mildly erotic art items, but virtually nothing since the Renaissance. From this they concluded that stories about the Vatican's 100,000 books of porn are naught but a myth.

Not everyone buys this, of course. The more conspiracy-minded among us argue that the Vatican wouldn't be dumb enough to microfilm the smut section. One of my correspondents claims the Vatican library has (or had, anyway) thousands of erotic volumes, most of them file copies of works that appeared on the Catholic Church's well-known Index of Prohibited Books. This fellow says he spent time in a World War II concentration camp with a Vatican librarian, who gave him a tour of the library in 1945. He says many of the books, "mainly the illustrated volumes," have since disappeared.

Well, maybe. Most researchers, however, doubt that the Vatican has or ever had much genuine smut on the shelves. Gershon Legman, a prominent student of erotica who helped compile a bibliography of porn for Alfred Kinsey, says the Vatican "has no really erotic books," although there are some fairly tame volumes from the classical era. For instance, a copy of Ovid's The Art of Love is filed with Latin poetry, and Aristophanes' Lysistrata is with Greek drama.

The Vatican also has some erotic specimens among its art holdings, including, among other things, some drawings by Michelangelo featuring various phallic fantasies. In addition there is a famous collection of erotic frescoes designed by Raphael in 1516 and executed by his students in the bathroom of a certain Cardinal Bibbiena. The frescoes, which are badly deteriorated today, consist of scenes involving Venus and Cupid, Cupid and Psyche, and Vulcan and Pallas, and one would be hard put to describe them as even mildly titillating.

That's not to say hard-core porn is unknown in Rome. A student of Raphael's by the name of Guilio Romano produced some explicit erotic art, in particular a series of 20 drawings of various parties having intercourse and such that even by modern standards would be considered pretty out there. These were turned over to an engraver and printed up in book form. Pope Clement VII was outraged and had the engraver heaved into prison, but copies of the book continued to circulate clandestinely in Europe for centuries. Whether the Vatican has a copy today I dunno, but they ought to--most good university art collections do.

As for the Index of Prohibited Books (which, by the way, was discontinued in 1966), I've taken a look at it, and you could probably come up with a racier bunch of titles in your average Walgreen's. About 1,500 books and/or authors are listed; of the small percentage alleged to be "obscene" (obscenity was just one of 12 categories of forbidden works, the remainder having to do with heresies and the like), many were written by such famous authors as Honore de Balzac, Alexandre Dumas (both father and son), Emile Zola, Anatole France, and Victor Hugo. None of the erotic "classics" (e.g., Fanny Hill, the works of de Sade) were listed, maybe because the Vatican figured they were of such limited circulation they weren't worth worrying about.

In short, I think the legendary Vatican pornography collection is a crock. Most of the stories you hear about it are undoubtedly part of the folklore that surrounds any large, old, secretive institution (the Masons are another case in point).

However, there are some truly awesome smut depots out there, if you're into that kind of thing. The municipal museum of Naples, for instance, is said to have an amazing collection erotic artifacts, most of them classical in origin--fornicating satyrs and so forth. The British Museum in London has a famous "Private Case" collection of erotica bequeathed to it by eccentric Victorians that at one time was said to number 20,000 volumes, although theft, vandalism and other causes have reduced it to somewhere between 1,800 and 5,000 volumes, depending on who's counting. In Paris the Bibliotheque Nationale's famous L'Enfer ("hell") collection contains 4-5,000 volumes.

Initially I thought the largest collection of all was held by the Kinsey Institute (formally known as the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction) on the campus of Indiana University at Bloomington. When I checked there were 12,000 books, 50,000 photographs, 25,000 pieces of flat art, 3,700 films, and 1,300 art objects, such as figurines. Subsequently I learned that an even larger collection was owned by the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, which as of the early 90s had 289,000 films and 100,000 videos. The Kinsey archive spans the ages, but it's safe to say the vast majority of items in these collections is of recent origin. The fact is that color photography, the high-speed offset press, and, more recently, the videocassette have resulted in a profusion of erotica that makes the porn collections of Europe seem positively quaint.


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