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Women of Organissimo


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Nice to see the broads umm, err....I mean chicks talkin' jazz! Though, looking at post totals, it seems like they don't post like the guys here. Will we see some of these seldom heard names posting in the future, or will they fade back into lurkerdom?? Prove me wrong already!

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Nice to see the broads umm, err....I mean chicks talkin' jazz! Though, looking at post totals, it seems like they don't post like the guys here. Will we see some of these seldom heard names posting in the future, or will they fade back into lurkerdom?? Prove me wrong already!

i would venture a guess that quite a large percentage of the posts from guys have nothing or little to do with jazz, per se. see above for examples!! :rolleyes:

marla has more knowledge about jazz than any non-jazz musician i know!! and a fierce passion as well. you're lucky to have her here. :tup

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bergan is right that about half of the women posters do not really ever post about jazz (ie. 2/4 or 3/6). (though neither does he)

some are too preoccupied with the pending US invasion of canada.

though i mean for all this talk about tastes, if i met someone who liked the same music as me, it would set off red flags up the wazoo. no way would i step to them.

i am a woman, by the way. dumpy mama, not dumpy dad.

Edited by dumpy mama
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Egalitarian fantasies notwithstanding , most women view jazz the way men view cuddling : as an adjunct or instrumentality to something more 'valued' .

I don't think one can gauge loving jazz music by how much one writes on bulletin boards. Some people express themselves by writing; others express themselves in other ways; others just like to listen and learn. Obviously.

This is absolutely correct.

Plus, how the hell do people expect the women to write more posts when it takes both hands to operate the vacuum cleaner properly? :g


I've been waiting for this!!

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Egalitarian fantasies notwithstanding , most women view jazz the way men view cuddling : as an adjunct or instrumentality to something more 'valued' .

But, unless you have asked most men and women and you are absolutely sure that they are being candid, you can only speak for yourself. :rolleyes:

Unless I missed something , everyone here is 'only' speaking for themselves . I suspect your pique has little to do with the fact that I failed to affix IMO to my post . I see your comment as disingenuous , for you must surely be familiar with the science of sampling and the fact that one needn't ask most people in order to make inferences about them , hence you must know that strictly speaking , your statement is false . In addition , my view presumes nothing about people's candor , since as my response to Bill outlined , it is predicated on a collection of my own and others' observations and reasonable inferences therefrom .

Pique??? Not at all. I just questioned your broad, general statement.

So, you are saying that you formed your opinion using "sampling???

As a result of this extensive research, asking your friends what they think, or merely observing them, you have concluded that most men cuddle because it seems to increase their chances of moving toward something more "valued" and most women pretend to like jazz in order to make themselves more attractive to targetted men??

Just how large is your research sampling group/circle of friends?

What about men who pretend to like jazz in order to impress women, like me and the women who post here who genuinely love jazz??

Are they an anomaly?

What about men who actually like to be cuddled and aren't doing it, or in your mileu apparently, are enduring it for the benefit of their women simply in order to move toward something more "valued"?

Are they also an anomaly?

And yes, you should have prefaced or qualified your statement in a way that made it clear that it was your understanding as being the general opinion of you and your friends.

It's a really big world.

IN MY OPINION , your comments suggest that you're the type who feels their political egalitarianism and commitment to gender equity necessitate a jaundiced and prejudicial view of any putative gender differences , the type who feels that there can be no comparisons between men and women that are not invidious or politically motivated , that you are in short , an ideologue , and can be dismissed as such .

If ever a thread needed a dose of DEEP's brand of ribaldry it's this one !

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maybe if more people put their first names in their signatures there would be a lot less confusion.

I, for one, refuse to do that--it's far too revealing.

So, your username has nothing to do with your given name? Ooooh Kaaaaay.

I think it's a po-faced joke, Dan.


Then standard BB protocol requires some sort of smiley indicating irony.

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Well, it looks real naff with the sponsors products plastered all over the furniture. The British one, on BBC, looked rather better


And, lest anyone forget, it's (L-R) David Nixon, Lady Isobel Barnett, Barbara Kelly and Gilbert Harding.


Blindfolds, dude. It's all about the blindfolds.

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Well, it looks real naff with the sponsors products plastered all over the furniture. The British one, on BBC, looked rather better


And, lest anyone forget, it's (L-R) David Nixon, Lady Isobel Barnett, Barbara Kelly and Gilbert Harding.


Blindfolds, dude. It's all about the blindfolds.

Certainly, but far be it for me to comment on the substance of the issue. I was commenting on the set design.


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