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Shipping a Box set from the US to the UK

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From the point of view of the Brit getting the package (and if you want more business, maybe this is a point to think about) Fedex seems to provide a better service; quicker but also seems not to get caught in customs so much. If the difference isn't much, maybe you could offer the choice to yor customer?


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I'd go for USPS too. Watch for customs charges though. In my experience items delivered by Royal Mail tend to escape fees more than commercial carriers. If it's uninsured you can ask the sender to declare a more modest value and mark it as a gift!

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I'd go for USPS too. Watch for customs charges though. In my experience items delivered by Royal Mail tend to escape fees more than commercial carriers. If it's uninsured you can ask the sender to declare a more modest value and mark it as a gift!

Funny, my experience is exactly the reverse. I suppose it's genuinely a matter of chance.


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I prefer DHL, on the grounds that (1) they deliver the goods asap and bill you later for the charges (2) they only make a very low charge for the service of assessing and collecting the tax/duty.

Absolutely! It's totally iniquitous that the Post Office should charge five quid ($10 +) to collect one.


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From the point of view of the Brit getting the package (and if you want more business, maybe this is a point to think about) Fedex seems to provide a better service; quicker but also seems not to get caught in customs so much. If the difference isn't much, maybe you could offer the choice to yor customer?


MG- that's a good point- I haven't checked FedEx......I will ship whatever method the winning bidder wishes me to do. Someone from the UK requested an estimated shipping cost- thus the question. USPS was the cheapest and that's what I've used in the past. When I completed the customs papers for a UK address, I asked what value they wish for me to declare. I was shipping Mosaic sets. I haven't had a problem as long as I work with the buyers, which I'm more than willing to do.

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I just sent a 12x12, 16 cd boxed set to a friend in The Netherlands. I sent it last Friday night...after 5pm. It cost $36.

He wrote me early Wednesday morning to say it had already arrived, in good nick...

Good 'ol USPS.

I always get my mail...; especially all the bills. <_<;)

Well, I wish we got that kind of service here. I had a book sent me fom the US (an Amazon seller) - sent 21 November 2007, arrived 11 January 2008. USPS. OK, Christmas intervened but...


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I just sent a 12x12, 16 cd boxed set to a friend in The Netherlands. I sent it last Friday night...after 5pm. It cost $36.

He wrote me early Wednesday morning to say it had already arrived, in good nick...

Good 'ol USPS.

I always get my mail...; especially all the bills. <_<;)

36?? :blink: What...the Coltrane Prestige box? That including insurance? I just sold one last week and had shipping to Europe/UK posted at $25. Glad someone here bought it or I would have taken a hit on the shipping.

Vajerzy, how much more do you think the 12x12 Riverside box weighs than your cube? A good bit.....or something marginal like the weight of 5 or 6 marshmallows? :crazy:

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Vajerzy, how much more do you think the 12x12 Riverside box weighs than your cube? A good bit.....or something marginal like the weight of 5 or 6 marshmallows? :crazy:

I'm sure more- I haven't wrapped it yet, in case someone wants additional pictures. .......I wrap in a few layers of bubble wrap and then a few layers of heavy duty paper over that- it tends to gain weight fast. I try to be conservative in my mail estimates- the worst thing I can do is give an estimate that's lower than the actual cost. that happened one time and I charged the person the estimated cost (to be fair)......on the other hand if the actual is lower that the estimate, then the buyer will be happy. I don't sell alot on ebay so I have the time to work with potential buyers.

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be aware, too, that the last postal increase by the USPS caused foreign airmail to go up by about 50 percent - insane, and it makes things very difficult -

it also increased priority mail costs enough to make it significantly chepaer to ship larger objects byt UPS or Fedex ground - I sell guitar speakers and things of that nature on occasion, and used to use priority just because the USPS actually handles things more gently than the package services - no longer can I do this, as it will cost up to 50 percent more to use priority on large things, as well -

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