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After a cancelled wholesale order I am now trying to sell these off.

Free shipping!!!!

contact me at nyjazz99@yahoo.com for payment instructions

Jazzed Media $13.00

1001 Phil Urso & Carl Saunders`Salute Chet Baker`

1002 Phil Woods + Carl Saunders `Play Henry Mancini`

1003 Irene Kral `Just for Now` 6/13+14/75

1004 Phil Woods `This Is How I Feel About

1005 Phil Woods `Groovin to MartyPaich`

1006 Marvin Stamm &Ed Soph 4tet live`StammS ophProj.`Abercrombie

1007 Bill Holman Band `Live` Andy Martin/ B.Enevoldsen/

1008 Denise Donatelli(vcl)`In The Company Of Friends`Martin/Sheppard

1009 Don Menza bigband `Menza Lines` B.Shew/D.Rader/M.Abene

1010 Pat Longo `ExtremeHeat:In a Latin Groove` A.Martin/P.Christlieb

1011 Jeff Kaye(tpt) `Just Like Me` 6tet John Campbell(

1012 Buddy Charles `We’reHere` B.Watrous/Foster/Christlieb

1013 Phil Woods & L.A.JazzOrch `Unheard Herd` live

1014 Jackie Cain-Roy Kral `Echoes` 5tet live 15cuts

1015 Bud Shank `Taking The Long Way Home` wBob Florence & bigband

1016 Ira Nepus(tbn)-SteveMoore`Another Time/Place`Clayton-

1017 Russ Reinberg(clt)4tet`BlueScarlett` L.Koonse(g)

1018 Bob Lark `In Her Eyes` Phil Woods5tet JimMcNeely

1019 Frank Tiberi 7tet `4Brothers` Larry McKenna/M.Brignola

1020 Jeff Darrohn(s)4tet`T-Bird’6 0`D.Posmontier(p)C.Thomas(b)Vigilante

1021 Terry Gibbs `Findin’ theGroove` Hubert Laws/Dan Faehnle/T.Ranier

1022 pat Bianchi(B3)`East CoastRoots` M.Whitfield(g)B.Landham(d)

1023 Jack Cortner bigband`Fast Track`Dave To fani/Jim Pugh/Bill Mays

1024 Bill Holman`Hommage`inc.C.Saunders/Lanny Morgan

1026 Bob Lark(tptp/flgh)5tet`Suggestions`J.McNeely(p)M.Colby(ts)

1027 Bud Shank(as) Bill May(p) `Beyond the Red Door`

1029 Phil Woods`Swingchronicity`wDePaulUniv.JazzEns.


101 Valery Ponomarev OMeans of IdentificationO Ralph Moore

102 JoePuma(g)`ShiningHour`HodO'Brien+RedMitchell

103 Peter LeitchORed ZoneOwLightsey/R.Drummond

104 Ralph Moore 6tet ORound TripO wLynch/Eubanks

107 Valery Ponomarev OTrip to MoscowO 5tetwRalphMoore

108 Nick Brignola ORaincheckO 4tet wK.Barron/Mraz/Hart

109 J.R.Monterose +TommyFlanagan`A LittlePleasure`4/6+7/81

110 Buddy Tate+AlGreyOJustJazzO8tks.O84 inc.M.Holley/Wylands

111 Don Sickler 5tet play KennyDorham wJ.Heath/C.Walton

112 Nick Brignola 4tet OOn a Different LevelO wK.Barron/Holland

113 Pepper Adams 5tet OConjurationO live 8/83 wK.Wheeler

115 Kenny Barron trio OThe Only OneO 6/6/90 wDrummond/Riley

116 Hod OOBrien trio w ORidinO HighO wDrummond

117 Nick Brignola 5tet OWhat It TakesO wK.Barron/R.Brecker

118 Peter Leitch OExhilarationO inc.J.Hicks/PepperAdams

119 Valery Ponomarev 5tet OProfileO wJ.Henderson/K.Barron

120 Rob Schneiderman 6tet ORadio WavesO wR.Moore/Lynch

121 Kenny Barron trio OThe MomentO wVic Lewis/R.Reid

122 Dick Berk 5tet OLetOs Cool OneO wTad Weed/J.Collins/A.Martin

123 Nick Brignola 4tet OItOs TimeO wK.Barron/D.Holland

124 Jay McShann + JohnHicks OHootie + HicksO duo 9/92

125 Nick Brignola 4tet live at Sweet Basil 1st Set 8/28/92

126 Rob Schneiderman 3 OStandardsO wR.Reid/B.Riley

127 Dick Katz O3 Way PlayO wS.LaSpina + Ben Riley

128 Dick Berk 5tet OEast Coat StrollO wJohn Hicks/J.Collins

129 Peter Leitch 4tet `SpecialRapport` wJohnHicks/Drummond

130 John Hicks 3`Beyond Expectations` wDrummond 9/93

131 Valery Ponomarev 5tet @SweetBasil wDonBraden/J.Hicks

132 Rob Schneiderman `Dark Blue`5tet wR.Moore/B.Lynch

133 Nick Brignola5tet `Like Old Times`wC.Roditi/J.Hicks

134 Peter Leitch + John Hicks `Duality` June '94

135 JayCollins(ts)5tet`UncommonThreads`wK.Barron/J.Locke

136 Claudio Roditi 5tet `Free Wheelin'` wBrignola plays LeeMorgan

137 Jeff Palmer 4tet `Shades of the Pine`wAbercrombie/B.Pierce

138 John Fedchock(tbn)NYBigBand wJ.Gordon/R.Perry/etc

139 Claudio Roditi5tet`Samba-ManhattanStyle`wAbate

140 Peter Leitch`Colours+Dimensions`wRoditi/Bartz/Hicks/J.Levy

141 Dick Katz5tet `the Line Forms Here` wB.Golson/Kisor

142 Jay Collins5tet `Reality Tonic`wFrankLacy/JamesHurt

143 DickBerk(d)6tet`1x1`AndyMartin(tbn)M.Fahn(tbn)

144 RobSchneiderman(p)R.Reid(b)A.Tana(d)`Keepin'InTheGroove`

145 NickBrignola4tet `FlightOfTheEagle`wKennyBarron6/17/96

146 Peter Leitch(g)3 `Up Front` wSean+MarvinSmith

147 Pete Malinverni(p) 3 `This Time`wDennisIrwin/LeroyW.

148 ClaudioRoditi `DoubleStandards`wBoiarsky(ts)J.Greene

149 AndresBoiarsky(ts/ss)`IntoTheLight` wRoditi/D'Rivera/Cables

150 Valery Ponomarev5tet `A Star for You` wBobBerg/SidSimmons

151 Nick Brignola5tet `Poinciana` wP.Markowitz

152 RobSchneiderman5tet`DancingIn theDark`wB.Lynch/Smulyan

153 John Fedchock big band `On the Edge`

156 Helio Alves(p)3 `Trios` wJ.Patitucci/Al Foster

157 SteveKuhn3 `Countdown`wB.Drummond/Finck

158 Pete Malinverni (p) 3 `A Very Good Year`

159 Nick Brignola5tet `All Business`wDavePike/Patitucci

160 Peter Leitch`Blues on the Corner`wB.Watson/Rosnes/Shank

161 Bertha Hope3`Nothin'ButLove` wWalterBooker/JimmyCobb 10cuts

162 Steve Kuhn3 `BestThings` wDavidFinck(b)BillyDrummond(d)

163 John Fedchock(tbn) 'Hit the Bricks`ScottWendholt/C.Potter

164 Pete Malinverni(p)3 `Of 1Mind` D.Irwin + Leroy Williams

166 ValeryPonomarev(5tet)`TheMessenger` M.Karn(ts)PSimmons(p)Cobb

167 Roni Ben-Hur(g)5tet `Anna'sDance` Ch.Davis/B.Harris/W.Booker

168 Nick Brignola4tet `Tour de Force` C.D'Aloia/E.Gomez/Stewart

169 Jon Mayer(p)`FullCircle` 3 wRufusReid/VicLewis

170 JohnFedchock(tbn)+NYBigband`NoNonsense` Perry/Farnham/

171 Pete Malinverni(p)3 `Autumn in NY` L.Williams/D.Irwin

172 Gary Smulyan(bari)5`The RealDeal` Magnarelli(tpt)Ledonne(p)

173 Barry Harris 5tet `Live in NY` Ch.Davis(ts) R.Benhur(g)

174 NickBrignola4 `ThingsAin'tWhatTheyUsedToBe` Holober/Berk

175 Jon Mayer `TheClassics`R.Reid/W.Jones jazz stnds

176 Helio Alves(p)3`PortraitInBlack+White` S.Debriano/M.Wilson

177 Pete Malinverni(p)3 `The Tempest` DennisIrwin(b)L.Williams(d)

178 Rob Schneiderman(p)`BackInTown` 3 B.Kozlov(b)J.Blake(d)

179 PeterLeitch(g)`Autobiography`G.Cables/Burno/Johns

180 HodO'Brien3 `Jazz@BluesAlley` RayDrummond/K.Washington

181 Roni Ben-Hur(g)4tet `Signature` J.Hicks/R.Reid/L.Williams

182 Hod O'Brien(p)3`2nd Set`Live@BluesAlley Drummond/Washington

183 Jon Mayer(p)3 `My Romance` DickBerk/RufusReid stnds.

184 Pete Malinverni(p) `Themes+Variations` 25cuts

185 Gary Smulyan3 `HiddenTreasures` ChristianMcBride/B.Drummond

186 Valery Ponomarev(tpt)4tet`BeyondTheObvious` Braden/Zenker/

187 Hod O'Brien3 `ThirdSet` RayDrummond/KennyWashington

188 John Fedchock New York Big Band - Up & Running

189 Martin Bejerano evolution/revolution

190 Gary Smulyan - more treasures

Edited by jazzmusicdepot

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