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Eastern Blok


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I'm sure this band has probably been mentioned here before and I've missed it. Anyway, just got their album Folk Tales recently and have been listening to it quite a bit. I really have no clue what "category" this would fall into, but to me it's like an acoustic version of Mahavishnu with elements of folk, classical and King Crimson thrown into a blender. Like I said, my knowledge of this type of music isn't my strongest suit, but I know what I like when I hear it. From a technical perspective these guys are pretty amazing.

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I'm a fan. I saw them live a couple years ago; they put on a great show. The drummer is a hoot, and Goran Ivanovic's guitar playing is something else. Their debut CD is a good one, too. I marvel at how much material Goran assembled there. As far as catagory, the liner notes say: "Most of the music on this album has been inspired by the beautiful folkoric music of the Balkans, focusing on Macedonia, Bulgaria and Serbia."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't know this band, but I'm familiar with Shepik and have an interest in so-called Balkan jazz, or more generally Eastern European influenced music -- which eventually leads to Middle Eastern influenced music and beyond. It's a fascinating area out there on the fringes a bit, I think. Dave Douglas' Tiny Bell Trio, with Shepik on guitar, falls generally into this category. His "Songs for Wandering Souls," "Constellations," and "Tiny Bell Trio" albums are each worth looking into.

The other thing is the different instrumentation used in some of this music, with accordion and strings, violin, sometimes playing a roll. I have only glancing familiarity with Django Reinhardt, but I think his is an early example of music that falls broadly into this area -- gypsy jazz.

As with anything, a lot of different rabbit holes to tumble down once you start exploring. And isn't that a fortunate thing? :tup

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