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The "I Never Cared For Oscar Peterson's Playing" Corner

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Mandel <-----> Peterson = load meet bore, tho' in this case edc might-- might!!-- be more sympathetic to the portly Canuck.

btw, Wynton Marsalis is the guest on Phil Schaap "Jazz meets Bach" tonight (a disappointment) & got-damn, any ya'll think this guy's some kind of "great" "educator"... i DEFY even a fan to say this dude's not at least-- at least!!-- half a knucklehead.

This thread made me wonder if OP was the Wynton Marsalis of his time:

1) Technically gifted, with a debatable talent as to the placement of those gifts

2) Made a whole BUNCH of albums

3) Very popular (within a jazz context anyway)

4) Had quite a few unpopular opinions (Monk, f'rinstance)

5) Had quite a few detractors

Just a thought.


When you think about it, what's going on here is a lot like what goes on in the politics thread. People who care a lot about something, be it music or politics, tend to have very strong feelings. There's nothing inherently wrong with liking or not liking OP. The fact that one is in his corner or not, has no bearing whatsoever on him as a person or what he brought to the table. Even those who care little for him will admit that he was a remarkable musician. All this is is people with differing opinions, or OPinions as the case may be.

A couple of other thoughts. Just like when people discuss politics, there is little, if any chance of changing anyone's mind. If you liked OP before he died, you're going to continue to like him. If you didn't, you won't. Further, I don't look at any of this as has been characterized by several other posters. These are healthy discussions and there's nothing wrong with having them. There's no sinister inner circle here, no cabal passing judgement on your credibility, just a lot of guys and a few gals who are passionate about the music. If you like OP but others with more perceived clout don't, that doesn't make you a knuckle head. Nor does anyone who happens not to agree with you think that you are a knuckle head.

Up over and out.


This thread made me wonder if OP was the Wynton Marsalis of his time:

1) Technically gifted, with a debatable talent as to the placement of those gifts

2) Made a whole BUNCH of albums

3) Very popular (within a jazz context anyway)

4) Had quite a few unpopular opinions (Monk, f'rinstance)

5) Had quite a few detractors

Just a thought.

One key difference is that Wynton came wrapped in an aggressively worked-up and marketed ideology about "true jazz" -- its nature, its supposedly threatened by charlatanism recent history, and the routes that would lead to its salvation. Without all that, I believe, Wynton would have been just another talented young trumpet player and probably much better off musically than he would become when he began to play and write so as to live up to his role as a noble cultural role model.


i think...and no offense to anyone here...that some people who are taking sides on OP don't seem to "get" what he was about.

for instance, comparing him to turrentine or marsalis-those both seem like bad examples.

i don't have enough handle on what is going on today to have an apt comparison, but i know those are not right.

actually i think one should step outside of jazz for an appropriate example...probably someone on the fusion/prog tip of things might be a better example!

but whatever...the man is a freaking great ambassador for and to jazz. been a starter drug for many people. also good for people on the fence who might not like jazz-what the hell can they complain about if you put on many a peterson album? also good for the tech heads because his technique is unquestioned. also good if you just want to relax to something. he deserves a ton of respect.

actually, right? am i crazy? a lot of the criticism and praise heaped on him seems like the kind of arguments one would use for a sick fusion guitarist (steve vai?).


I've really waffled the last four years or so though. I started to really listen to a lot of his fifties accompaniment. . . and saw how apropos he was in most of those sessions. And I began to listen to a lot of the trio sides (Songbooks, London House, etc.) and. . . enjoy the heck out of them for what they were.

What a career!

Just listened to *Sonny Stitt Sits in with the OP Trio*. That's a hell of a level of musicianship! Thanks SS, OP.




Wow - the things you miss when you take a trip outside of the 21st Century. I hadn't even known OP had died, let alone how the board went bat-shit over it. Really all I can say about it is:

OP was OK, but he was no Gene Harris.


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