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NYC subway attack motivated by religious bias/anti-Semitism

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living here in new york, i'm sorry but i just don't think that is "noteworthy". there is not really tension of this sort and a stupid news article doesn't need to artificially create it.

did the victims have long beards and hooked noses and funny hats? were they wearing normal clothing? clean shaven and in keds and blue jeans? how did the muslim know the victms were jews? maybe he or she didn't. did the muslim hear the "happy hannukah" or did he or she just see an assault in progress? would the muslim helper have been upset if he or she knew he or she had helped jews? who knows. probably not. it doesn't matter. it isn't the point.

should that have been included? that sounds like an onion article-muslim dissapointed to learn he helped save jewish group from vicious attack

Of only tangential interest, to be certain: I've been in a number of NY taxi cabs whose drivers told me that not a few of the Muslims in their ranks will, when they are together and off work at the garage, talk freely of their powerful hatred for Jews and say things along the lines of: it's a good day if a Jew gets hit, etc etc. So it may be a bit shortsighted to imagine that such tension doesn't exist here. Of course, it's just as bad from the other side: one has but to listen half-heartedly at most any corner to hear the din of unconscionable disinterest for the plight of both (vis-a-vis the war) native Iraqis and (vis-a-vis the Mid East conflict) the Palestinians being so forcibly nudged from their homes. From either front at any rate, I can't imagine that the Paper of Record noting a harmony could hurt. Unless its real interest was to foment disharmony.

You're right there: "I can't imagine that the Paper of Record noting a harmony could hurt. Unless its real interest was to foment disharmony." Chris' point was that the paper of record didn't report it.


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I'm inclined to agree with Chris. It was an anti-Jewish attack. While everyone should be concerned, it really is noteworthy that only one person stepped in with assistance - and more noteworthy that that person was a Muslim.

Right....and according to one of those who was attacked, seems like there were alot of other Jews on the train who didn't bother to do anything. Geez, how come?

"A Muslim-American saved us when our own people were on the train and didn't do anything," Adler said.

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A follow up yesterday from the AP.

Helper 'A Hero' in NYC Subway Attack

NEW YORK (AP) — A suspected bias attack on four Jewish subway riders has resulted in a friendship between the Jewish victims and the Muslim college student who came to their aid.

Walter Adler is calling Hassan Askari a hero for intervening when Adler and three friends were assaulted on a subway train in lower Manhattan on Friday night.

The altercation erupted when Adler and his friends said "Happy Chanukah" to a group yelling "Merry Christmas" on the Brooklyn-bound train.

The 20-year-old Askari said he tried to fight off the 10 attackers, giving Adler a chance to summon police by pulling an emergency brake.

"I did what I thought was right," said Askari, a student at Berkeley College in Manhattan, who was allegedly punched and beaten. "I did the best that I could to help."

Eight men and two women have pleaded not guilty to assault, menacing and other charges in the case. Prosecutors have said the charges could be upgraded to hate crimes.

"That a random Muslim kid helped some Jewish kids, that's what's positive about New York," said Adler, 23, who suffered a broken nose and a lip wound.

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I think it's a happy story that a Muslim dove in too. Aren't Muslims - in general - semites anyhow?

Mostly, however, the story reminded me of the amazing Henry Bean film, The Believer. Based on a true story from the 60s, but made contemporary (2001) an orthodox Jewish kid from Brooklyn joins an Jew-hating neo-fascist crowd. When a NY Times reporter discovers he's both, the fellow (the brilliant Ryan Gosling) threatens to kill himself if that's revealed. Anyone else see that?

Yes, I did, good movie.

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maybe next time i take a cab driven by a muslim guy, the AP and the NY Times can report on how surprising it is that i gave the guy a good tip.


Back to dumbed down mode:

Oh my god! You read about that muslim that helped a jew?!?! SENSATIONAL! They usually hate each other, you know. ONLY IN NEW YORK!!! AWESOME!! It's like winning the lottery, you know.

Edited by rockefeller center
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According to the old rule that if a dog bites a man is no news (unless it was GWB's or Hillary Clinton's dog and the bited ass is an important one) and if a man bites a dog is a news maybe I missed the point od Dumpy.

Case A (NEWS) in NY racial attacks against jews are pretty rare.

Case B (NO NEWS): in NY racial attacks against jews are pretty common.

Case C (NO NEWS) in NY racial attacks against jews are pretty common and usually everybody turn their head on the other side.

Case D (NO NEWS): in NY racial attacks against jews are pretty common and usually nobody turn their head on the other side.

I could continue for a while, but I think you got the point. In this specific case where's the news for you?

Edited by porcy62
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According to the old rule that if a dog bites a man is no news (unless it was GWB's or Hillary Clinton's dog and the bited ass is an important one) and if a man bites a dog is a news maybe I missed the point od Dumpy.

Case A (NEWS) in NY racial attacks against jews are pretty rare.

Case B (NO NEWS): in NY racial attacks against jews are pretty common.

Case C (NO NEWS) in NY racial attacks against jews are pretty common and usually everybody turn their head on the other side.

Case D (NO NEWS): in NY racial attacks against jews are pretty common and usually nobody turn their head on the other side.

I could continue for a while, but I think you got the point. In this specific case where's the news for you?

Why do you keep saying "racial? I thought jews weren't a race....but a religion? At least that's what they used to tell me.

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According to the old rule that if a dog bites a man is no news (unless it was GWB's or Hillary Clinton's dog and the bited ass is an important one) and if a man bites a dog is a news maybe I missed the point od Dumpy.

Case A (NEWS) in NY racial attacks against jews are pretty rare.

Case B (NO NEWS): in NY racial attacks against jews are pretty common.

Case C (NO NEWS) in NY racial attacks against jews are pretty common and usually everybody turn their head on the other side.

Case D (NO NEWS): in NY racial attacks against jews are pretty common and usually nobody turn their head on the other side.

I could continue for a while, but I think you got the point. In this specific case where's the news for you?

Why do you keep saying "racial? I thought jews weren't a race....but a religion? At least that's what they used to tell me.

Sorry, you're right, take it as "religion", I assumed that it was a "racist" attack, so I used the wrong word. Sorry if I offended someone.

Edited by porcy62
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It may well just be my perception but I think jewishness is more cultural at this point than racial or religious. And dumpy does have a point - or she would, if we lived in anything like an actually global and open society. Unfortunately, the country and even this city seem to me more and more like a provincial town in some backwater backyard every day. Some days anyhow. Others, less so. Say we elected Barack Obama for instance: now that would be a good day. And of course this am I spent almost an hour on the phone buying season tix to Athol Fugard, Beckett and Shakes at BAM...

Edited by Elissa
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i consider being jewish a cultural/ethnic thing and not a religion as well.

Please don't put words in my mounth, english is not my mother language so I can make mistake about religion/ethnies/race because of that. I wish only to ask you what bothered you about the news and the fact that in today's world it's noteworthy that a muslim help a jew.

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I'm inclined to agree with Chris. It was an anti-Jewish attack. While everyone should be concerned, it really is noteworthy that only one person stepped in with assistance - and more noteworthy that that person was a Muslim.

Right....and according to one of those who was attacked, seems like there were alot of other Jews on the train who didn't bother to do anything. Geez, how come?

I dunno but I guess you think you do. So tell us.

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I think it's a happy story that a Muslim dove in too. Aren't Muslims - in general - semites anyhow?

Arabs are a semetic people. While Jews of Middle Eastern descent are also semites, I would say that the semetic has been bred out of most of us of European stock (myself included). Herbrew and Arabic are both semetic languages, however, and are closely related.

The funny thing is that Muslims and Jews once got along quite well. When Muslims had Jews living in their nations, they did not require the Jews to convert nor did they even make them pay taxes (the Jews were self-governing). This is quite a contrast from the way Jews have been treated in Christian nations.

I should also point out that the national news IS playing up the "Muslim helping Jews" angle.

Edited by Alexander
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The funny thing is that Muslims and Jews once got along quite well. When Muslims had Jews living in their nations, they did not require the Jews to convert nor did they even make them pay taxes (the Jews were self-governing). This is quite a contrast from the way Jews have been treated in Christian nations.

Everybody gets treated that way in Christian nations, at least in the West. :blink::unsure:

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Just as side note, this thread reminds me these W. Allen dialogue in Anything Else :


And I was coming home,

speeding a little bit.

What's the fun of having a car like that

if you can't get a little velocity going?

And I was stopped by two state troopers.

They were exceptionally nasty,

and one thing led to another.

They made some remarks

and got physical,

and I made some remarks,

and they got a little rough,

and the next thing I knew,

they made some crack about my religion,

which I found in poor taste.

Religion? You're an atheist.

Yes, I'm an atheist, but I resented the fact,

however obliquely that they implied Auschwitz was basically a theme park.

Anyhow, a little bloodied,

I returned to my apartment

and got one of my many weapons,

and I returned to find them.

Don't you dare tell me you shot them.

I couldn't find both of them,

only one.

As fate turned out, I located

the more porcine of the two.

How serious?

In a satirical mood,

I thought it would be amusing

if I shot him in the ass,

but it was dark and I was nervous,

and, you know,

time has diminished my accuracy.

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