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Hurricane Isabel's a-comin'


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Assuming you're in the path.......

Latest track has it making landfall at Ocracoke Island, Outer Banks NC and tracking north-northwest......into Virginia and right over my house... :excited:

We have bottled water in case the electricity goes out (we have a deep well) and enough flashlights, batteries radios, etc. Going to move the cars away from trees into the field in case large branches come down- the trees are large oaks and hickorys- at least 100 years old. Hope they live to be 101.....they've survived this long from previous hurricanes/tornadoes!

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Stay safe Mike and be sure to bury your Sinatra recordings in a waterproof container somewhere in your back yard. As my sister sells Tupperware, I'll have her give you a call. ^_^

The Buffalo area is supposed to be hit by rain and high winds this coming Friday. I'll be staying home - not because of the weather but only because I need a rest from work!

Besides, if the weather is crappy, I'm strange in that I prefer to take a vacation day, stay home and relax. Let the other slugs slither in to work!


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Stay safe Mike and be sure to bury your Sinatra recordings in a waterproof container somewhere in your back yard. As my sister sells Tupperware, I'll have her give you a call.

The Sinatras are right with the Mosaics :rolleyes: If anything happens they go with me, my family and the dogs!

On my short list is to check the closet where the Mosaic boxes are stored- it's in a converted attic that's climate controlled and not much seperates them from the roof! The house has a tin roof and is in good shape- no leaks during the fiercest of t-storms from this summer. This will be a good test!

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Hang in there! We went through Hurricane Andrew in 1992 and were without power for about 10 days (not fun in 95 degree heat in August). If you're located inland, I wouldn't worry too much about flooding, but high winds could still be a problem--make sure you have plenty of batteries and water on hand in case the power goes.

Edited by Big Wheel
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Sure hope you guys will be alright.

I was born in Jamaica and lived there for the first eight years of my life. We were hit by hurricanes from time to time.

Now I'm inland Ohio. Unless these hurricanes move into the Great Lakes we're fine over here. Nothing greater than tornadoes to worry about.

Hope you guys make it through without any damage.

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