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........ Jazz Corner can be a bit bawdy and "loud" at times, but some good Jazz folks post there in Speak Out. Might be an alternative....


JazzCorner is fine for discussing music. But, if you're in disagreement, there's a screwed up vibe concerning certain topics such as, e.g., illegal immigration over there. I can't ever go back to JC.

I've never been "jumped" there, but I know what you mean! :lol:


Well, it looks like the board (or at the very least, the community) isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I suppose that's good for the community; it's not so good for me, since I now have to go back to relying on personal discipline and self-will to keep myself from spending so much time here.

Which, as you can see, still doesn't work. <_<;)


Well, it looks like the board (or at the very least, the community) isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I suppose that's good for the community; it's not so good for me, since I now have to go back to relying on personal discipline and self-will to keep myself from spending so much time here.

Which, as you can see, still doesn't work. <_<;)

You and me both. It's like crack!

Be strong, Al! :rsmile:


Well, it looks like the board (or at the very least, the community) isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I suppose that's good for the community; it's not so good for me, since I now have to go back to relying on personal discipline and self-will to keep myself from spending so much time here.

Which, as you can see, still doesn't work. <_<;)

You and me both. It's like crack!

Be strong, Al! :rsmile:

I'm always here for you, my friend!

No, really, I'm always here! :g


I've been reading all sorts of heart felt messages about what this place means to individual members, here's my testimony:

I didn't become a member until late 1960 when I joined in on the discussion of JFK's catholicism. Some posters were fearful that that the president would be taking direct orders from the Pope (I forget which one). Things got pretty heated in those days but the tragic events of 11/22/63 ended the discussion and started new ones, including the marathon "grassy knoll" thread which lasted until the mid-70s when it ended after three of its main participants died in three separate revolving door accidents on the same day.

As far as the tumultuous days of the late 60s went, I managed to escape the turmoil of the board by serving 2 tours of duty in Southeast Asia. When I returned stateside with my heroin habit and post traumatic stress disorder I became convinced that god was trying to communicate with me through the "Offering and Looking For" forum. Ultimately I didn't find him there but did manage to snag some good deals on used Prestige vinyl.

The 80s, 90s and early 00's flew by and when I rejoined the board in 2005 I was ready for anything, except having to express an opinion about music for fear of being mocked by professionals.

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