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Happy Birthday Dan!

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Great cheers and celebrations and AK-47 salutes, you reactionary rapscallion, you!!! If only we had abducted you when we had the chance!!!

I will play some Tree Sounds this fine evening in your honor, my little capitalist friend. To the good life!!!

Edited by The Red Menace
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Thanks a lot everybody for the well wishes! (Especially you, Chris-that was the best card of the bunch :)

Unfortunately, the fates conspired against me-when w got to Blue Note Records we found out that starting Sunday, the jazz and vinyl annex is closed Sundays and Wednesdays! BIG ARGH!! Lucky for me though, I've got this week off from work so I'll be heading down there this afternoon to blow Mom's cash. Kinda traditional for me-I call it "the birthday that keeps on giving" because friends and family always seem slow on the uptake and I end up getting late arriving gifts for a week or ten days after the big day. T'ain't complaining though!


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