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Jim Alfredson

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As many of you have no doubt noticed, we are experiencing some glitches with the software and it's interaction with our mail servers. As such, any action that uses the board's email function will return an error. This includes registering, sending a private message, sending an email through the board to other members, and responding to topics that have subscribers.

We are working on the problem. I think it has to due more with things on the server end than on our end. Unfortunately, the person who owns and operates the servers we use is on vacation in Mexico. He will be back on Monday and promises to work the problem out to the best of his abilities. He already has an idea of what it may be, but cannot do anything about it from where he's at.

Thank you for your patience. I know it's very frustrating but hopefully all will be fixed soon.

To new members who cannot register, please stick around! You'll be the first to know when the problem is solved!!!! For some reason I am not able to manually register you anymore. I performed this function just yesterday, but now I cannot. The software returns the same email error.

Upon the problem being solved I will register all of you myself and send a confirmation email. Again, this will hopefully be sometime Monday.

For our current members, if you have forgotten your password, the password recovery system does not work either since it uses the board's email function. Please email me directly for a new password (info@organissimo.org or forum@organissimo.org).

It should be noted that Private Messages DO GO THROUGH! The intended receiver of the message does not get an email telling them that they have a PM, but the message itself does go through. There is no need to resend the message as you will just send multiple copies and keep getting the error message.

Also, any new post or topic does go through as well, regardless of the error screen. There is no need to back-up and re-submit the post or topic.

I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding and patience. Please check back with this thread for current information regarding this problem.

----Jim Alfredson

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I talked to Ken, our service provider, tonight and he apologizes that it's taking so long. The solution he thought might be right turned out to be incorrect. He's still troubleshooting the problem.

He insists that it's on his end and not here, so at least we know that much.

I will keep updating as more info comes in.

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Just want to push this up for everyone who may not have read it. I keep reading posts in other threads about "getting error message when I sent you a PM... I hope it goes through!"

All PM's DO GO THROUGH. The error message is just telling you that the person you PM'd will not receive an email... we're still tracking down the problem.

Thank you for your patience.

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