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It's Friday!

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I love Fridays. Usually a light day at school and the whole weekend lies ahead. And I just handed in my grant proposal- that sucker took a lot of work. You have to format everything just so or they won't accept it. Ah, the joys of academia.

Plus, no school on Monday (Veteran's Day). Sometime it's good to be a state employee.

Anyone else off on Monday? Any exciting weekend plans?

EDIT: ...and the best thing is that the weather has turned BEAUTIFUL in Tallahassee this week! Very cool temps, it actually got down to freezing the last couple of nights. It definitely makes up for the miserable summer nastiness.

Edited by Free For All
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I'm enjoying the cooler weather which has found its way to LA. No big plans for the weekend, other than doing my own thing. Maybe a bit of painting if I can get the ol' creative juices flowing. No Veteran's Day off for me.

Glad things are going well for you, Free my man!

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I'm on my way to NYC for some business and some pleasure--sitting in the airport right now winding down after spending the morning lecturing on "Family Wealth and Business Succession Planning" snoooooooooooze. Going to have a bloody mary after I slog through the morning's email, then head to the gate and tune in to whatever the ipod on shuffle brings me.

Have a great weekend, everybody.

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EDIT: ...and the best thing is that the weather has turned BEAUTIFUL in Tallahassee this week! Very cool temps, it actually got down to freezing the last couple of nights. It definitely makes up for the miserable summer nastiness.

Isn't it great? Cool or even downright chilly nights, but gorgeous days around 70 or so. :tup

Keep in mind though that its still early November. Expect at least one more major heat wave in T-Town.

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As for the weekend, nothing special planned, and no day off Monday either. I would like to start digging into recent blues LP purchases though. Got three different Junior Parker comps and a Guitar Slim (had no idea Brother Ray played and arranged one of his big hits). In between those it will be the FSU-VA Tech game on Saturday and the Dallas-Giants game on Sunday.

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As a student, I have Vet day off. Chess tournament for me tomorrow: not sure whether I'll play, but I'm helping out directing the things. I hope to get a few games in as well. Will get a drink after the tournament ends and hopefully can join some of you guys on live chat Sat. evening.

Pats are off this weekend, so I can relax. I get too nervous for games.

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...going to see Fareed Haque tonight


You forgot "and hang with Joe G." :party:

Fareed was burnin'. Played lots of straightahead stuff, too. Tomorrow I'm taking a lesson with him. Who knows what else me and Rachel will do; bikeride, museum...

Monday's a holiday for me, too. I might also get the lawn mowed once more.

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Had a great time @ the jazz kitchen fri. night--love Fareed. Just waiting for Mark to post some pix! From what I saw peeking over his shoulder, he got some great shots.

Joe just dropped me off @ the airport; I'm on my way to New Orleans for 4 days to attend the American Academy of Ophthalmology annual conference. Hopefully I'll have some time for fun and it won't be a 4 day geekfest... :) Anybody have any suggestions of where to go for good music that's not a tourist trap?

To everyone who has tomorrow off, enjoy!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Last day of classes today, almost time for the big holiday break (after finals week and a few meetings next week).

Looking forward to some time off! :)

Enjoy your weekend everyone! :party:

I'm going to get drunker than Cooter Brown tonight.

Just kidding, probably just throw back a brew or two. I have work to do this weekend. ^_^

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