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Hingis tests positive for cocaine !!!

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I never tried cocaine (too expensive). Can anyone around here recommend it?

Over here cocaine is far less expensive that jazz box sets, and this is a pretty bad thing. When I was at college I lived one month, rent, food and everything included with 500,000 lire, the price of two grams of cocaine at those days. Today one gram of cocaine costs more or less the same of some pizzas and some pints for four buddies. If you have a 18 y/o son like me, this is pretty worrying.

Needless to say that, as Keith Richards pointed out in a recent interview, the quality is falled down since then.

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I may be wrong, but I believe false positives for cocaine happen more frequently than the other drugs they test for. And as it's getting to be the cold & flu season I'm fairly certain some medicines can trip up the tests. My normal reaction to these sorts of stories are along the lines of "gotcha," but for some reason I'm inclined to think she might be innocent. Odd feeling, as I'm not really a big fan of hers either.

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Its newsworthy because this kind of controversy doesn't happen very often in tennis.

Dunno about that. I don't know how much, er, substance there to it all, but quite suddenly and in recent times tennis is smelling pretty grubby, what with stubborn reports of betting and corruption, and the forlorn figure of Nikolay Davydenko. Guilty or not his life must be hell at the moment.

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Its newsworthy because this kind of controversy doesn't happen very often in tennis.

Dunno about that. I don't know how much, er, substance there to it all, but quite suddenly and in recent times tennis is smelling pretty grubby, what with stubborn reports of betting and corruption, and the forlorn figure of Nikolay Davydenko. Guilty or not his life must be hell at the moment.

But he claims he is completely innocent. I don't know if the commission has ruled on it yet, but I really don't think he's been effected by it, as per the interviews and his demeanor. The last major controversy I can think of is when Canas was suspended for using a type of steroid.

Edited by Holy Ghost
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on a positive note ( :D ) , i can heartily recommend, two great novels (actually (a really great one and another on that's just very fine) that deal excessively with the pros and cons of cocaine

Jörg Fauser "The Snowman"



(even better is his autobiography Rohstoff, not translated into English it seems, which is the best (and arguably most desillusioned) book about Germany around 1970 i know - through his heroin addiction the author is "forced" to spend his time in leftist/hippie circles which he understands a little to well to enjoy...)

the second book would have been pitigrilli's "cocaine" but it doesn't seem to be available in english...

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......"I have tested positive but I have never taken drugs and I feel one hundred percent innocent," Hingis said.


Hingis added that she had undergone a private test that came back negative and consulted an attorney.

"The attorney and his experts discovered various inconsistencies with the urine sample that was taken during Wimbledon.

"He is also convinced that the doping officials mishandled the process and would not be able to prove that the urine that was tested for cocaine actually came from me."

Hingis said she had also been advised that any fight to clear her name could drag on for years.


Wonder how she could test positive without taking coke? Since she has medical issues, is it possible that other drug treatments contain coke, without her or doctor's knowledge? I'd imagine that those testing officials were pretty darned careful not to screw up the test of a famous tennis star.

That attorney looked like he was well on the way to making the testing officials look like bumbling idiots.

I never tried cocaine (too expensive). Can anyone around here recommend it?

I could never understand people's preoccupation with it, it was my least fav, back in the experimentation days.

Edited by MoGrubb
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I don't know how people can say she's innocent. People don't just give in and retire if they are innocent. Guilty people don't do that. That's like someone being accused of murder, and pleading guilty to avoid a long trail, but claiming they really are innocent.

Don't necessarily agree. I've been following some of the cycling doping cases. Those who fought spent millions, and wasted years, fighting bureaucracies that are very unlikely to change their stance, in a juridicial forum quite unlike what we in the US are used to (less responsive to the plaintiff). In the meantime, they're suspended from the sport anyway (usually a two-year suspension).

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I never tried cocaine (too expensive). Can anyone around here recommend it?

Over here cocaine is far less expensive that jazz box sets, and this is a pretty bad thing. When I was at college I lived one month, rent, food and everything included with 500,000 lire, the price of two grams of cocaine at those days. Today one gram of cocaine costs more or less the same of some pizzas and some pints for four buddies. If you have a 18 y/o son like me, this is pretty worrying.

Needless to say that, as Keith Richards pointed out in a recent interview, the quality is falled down since then.

I never tried cocaine (too expensive). Can anyone around here recommend it?

No. Like the comedian said (can't remember which one), the main effect of cocaine is to make you want more cocaine.

I thought that was Robin Williams, except the line was "Cocaine is nature's way of telling you you make too much money." Apparently that is no longer true if Porcy is to be believed.

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I don't know how people can say she's innocent. People don't just give in and retire if they are innocent. Guilty people don't do that. That's like someone being accused of murder, and pleading guilty to avoid a long trail, but claiming they really are innocent.

I just thought her denial was so goofy that maybe she didn't do it. She seems like a dork.

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I thought that was Robin Williams, except the line was "Cocaine is nature's way of telling you you make too much money." Apparently that is no longer true if Porcy is to be believed.

The point with cocaine is that is one of the most insidious drug around. Apparently cocaine doesn't have the same social cost of heroin or other drugs: you can work, you can buy it, you can easily find it. Nor it has the same public blame: rich people use it, they aren't junkies in the streets.

When one starts you buy a gram with some friends and spend a nice friday or saturday evening. Often you start because you're tired of a working week and cocaine helps. It doesn't affect your normal life: job, friends, ecc. After a while you're in an enviromental of cocaine consumers and you do it every weekend. The occasional gram became an habits: put togheter in the same room ten cocaine's consumers and at the end of the show the amount of drugs consumed will be much more then ten grams, because cocaine push you to consume more cocaine in a frantic way.

Slowly you start consuming cocaine at work, because you think it helps, wich is obviously wrong, but you're psychologically addicted, you think you can manage all your distress, that is often caused by the drug itself.

At the end of the road you're addicted, at that point you need to be rich, because the gram of the week end became five or six grams per day.

The other day italian newspapers reported a news about the huge increasing of nose surgery that public hospitals have to do because of cocaine's abuse. Ten years ago this kind of surgery was pretty rare. Now we have waiting lists of several months. Go figure!

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Wonder how she could test positive without taking coke?

Most (if not all) drug tests can give false positives (as well as false negative) results. Googling around there are claims that Amoxicillin and synthetic penicillins can cause a false positive for cocaine. Tonic water, liver infection and diabetes can also cause a false positives as well, at least according to some sites.

Tonic water eh?

I made my remark about how I could believe she was innocent before I knew (or noticed) that she had also retired, but I don't think that necessarily changes things. Like many tennis players who start so young, she's broken down in a bad way long before age 30.

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I saw her on a news report, she didn't appear to be all that concerned about the situation. Retirement probably gives her an "it's all water under the bridge" perspective, why worry about it now? Which I can understand, unless they want her to forfeit any matches and earnings that she won while under the influence.

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