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Alfie's behavior is just like our dog Coltrane. He is the weirdest male dog we've ever seen - he wants to nursemaid anyone in the house who is sick or injured, and it really started when we brought Gracie, a big Weimaraner, home. Within a day, Coltrane had discovered that Gracie's rear paws had ant bites with big red welts. He would bring a toy to her, drop it on her head, and then lay down at her rear feet and start licking and cleaning them. :wub:

My wife has owned many more dogs, and families of dogs than I have and she has never seen a male dog do that, let alone a male dog that is unrelated to the other dog. He hasn't tried to nursemaid any other species, but I bet he would if he got the chance.

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Well, Coltrane is just a big sweetie! (said in my deepest 'doggy voice')

I love these stories. Prior to these situations the weirdest (but cutest) thing I had seen was my male cat, Steely, who loved to sit and groom my male Schnauzer, Myles. They would sit on the couch for hours and Steely would lick around Myles' ears as if Myles was one of his kittens which would put Myles in this meditative, trancelike state.

They're both gone now which makes for a very quiet and somewhat empty-feeling home. I wish I had the space and the schedule for a big dog like Coltrane. :)

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Well, Coltrane is just a big sweetie! (said in my deepest 'doggy voice')

I love these stories. Prior to these situations the weirdest (but cutest) thing I had seen was my male cat, Steely, who loved to sit and groom my male Schnauzer, Myles. They would sit on the couch for hours and Steely would lick around Myles' ears as if Myles was one of his kittens which would put Myles in this meditative, trancelike state.

They're both gone now which makes for a very quiet and somewhat empty-feeling home. I wish I had the space and the schedule for a big dog like Coltrane. :)

Actually Coltrane isn't so big - about 40 pounds is all. He gives away a good 25 pounds to Gracie but is such an alpha male that he easily dominates her. But he's really the perfect size since he just slips between me and my wife in our queen size bed. Any bigger and one of us would be in the spare bedroom. :)

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Dogs are wild this way. Luke, my big, dumb (not really, but he acts it), clumsy oaf of a labrador, who I got as a puppy after my wife and I split, displays crazy "nursemaid" tendencies. Whenever I cook (and I tend to be clumsy too), he's right there watching, waiting for me to cut myself with a knife (has happened more times than I can count)...when it happens, he always tries to come over and "make it better". He knows when something is messed up...very cool. He's all grows up now...Rachel, you will particularly get a kick out of how big he's gotten!

Oops...photo's too big. will have to attach it later!

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Well, Coltrane is just a big sweetie! (said in my deepest 'doggy voice')

I love these stories. Prior to these situations the weirdest (but cutest) thing I had seen was my male cat, Steely, who loved to sit and groom my male Schnauzer, Myles. They would sit on the couch for hours and Steely would lick around Myles' ears as if Myles was one of his kittens which would put Myles in this meditative, trancelike state.

They're both gone now which makes for a very quiet and somewhat empty-feeling home. I wish I had the space and the schedule for a big dog like Coltrane. :)

I'm enjoying the stories, too. It does make me miss my dog a lot. When I moved to Florida he stayed with the ex in KC (mutual but very difficult decision)- he has a great yard and will be well taken care of (he still goes to Santa Fe every summer). But he and I were great pals, and he is the type of dog (border collie mix) that does not let many people into the "inner circle". I think about him every day. I'd get another dog, but my schedule is such that it would be difficult to care for one properly. He used to fall asleep while looking out the living room window (with his feet up on the back of the sofa) and gradually start to topple over in slow motion. If you happened to be sitting next to him, you'd gradually end up with a lapful of dog. Best part of my day, hands down. :)

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Actually Coltrane isn't so big - about 40 pounds is all. He gives away a good 25 pounds to Gracie but is such an alpha male that he easily dominates her. But he's really the perfect size since he just slips between me and my wife in our queen size bed. Any bigger and one of us would be in the spare bedroom. :)

Try sleeping with two people and a 70-pound German Shepherd in a queen-size bed. My wife loves to remind me that she suggested we get a king-size bed when we first moved into our house, several years before the dog came along. Hindsight's always 20-20.

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Actually Coltrane isn't so big - about 40 pounds is all. He gives away a good 25 pounds to Gracie but is such an alpha male that he easily dominates her. But he's really the perfect size since he just slips between me and my wife in our queen size bed. Any bigger and one of us would be in the spare bedroom. :)

Try sleeping with two people and a 70-pound German Shepherd in a queen-size bed. My wife loves to remind me that she suggested we get a king-size bed when we first moved into our house, several years before the dog came along. Hindsight's always 20-20.

Our dog (60 pounder) had great skill at sneaking stealthily onto the bed, then getting between us and ever so slowly spreading out, pushing out w/his paws and back until we were both in opposite corners and he was in the prime center spot. :rsmile:

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