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Joe G

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If you are sure they are motherfuckers that should be a big help to the police. :ph34r:

"All right, let's round up the usual motherfuckers."

The perp took a few hundred dollars worth of electronics. Also, get this: my custom molded earplugs. That's like having Cinderfuckinrella's goddam shoe. They aren't going to fit anyone else... me being Cinderella, of course. :rolleyes:

I'll take it in stride. The hassle is getting the back door fixed. He broke a garage window, then broke the window on the door to unlock it. So right now the house is basically open, plus cold air is streaming into the kitchen. Jesus.

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Two words, Joe: Big fuckin' dog.

Okay, three words. The guy broke in while you were at work? That's fucked up. No instruments missing, right?

If you haven't done this, do it now: Catalog the serial numbers of everything you own. Instruments, electronics, computer, etc. Get insurance on your instruments, too (Corey Christiansen knows a great musical instrument company that has saved his ass a few times... send him an email or I can give you his phone number).

And seriously, get yourself a big dog. Like a doberman. My sister can help you train him/her so he/she is the most benevolent creature you've ever met, until somebody tries to fuck with you or break into your house. Then it's "go time". I am seriously considering one for myself, since this neighborhood is getting a bit scary.

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All right, scratch the earplugs. I thought they were with the earbuds that were taken, but I found them elsewhere.

Good advice on the instrument insurance. The dog thing is sounding better all the time.

Actually, I was really freaked out for a minute, because I had been home about an hour (more than 15 minutes waiting on the phone for the police - and they still aren't here, now that the light for tracking footprints in the snow is gone) when I realized that my cat was nowhere around. She usually comes out from her sleeping place as soon as I come home. I was checking everywhere, calling her name, and she wasn't responding. I thought maybe I had some sadistic bastard on my hands who had thrown the cat outside or something. Was very relieved to find her behind the couch. Strangely, though, I can't get her to come out. Anyway...

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Sorry to hear about this.

Is moving a realistic option?

With the state of Michigan's (and especially Lansing, Michigan's) current housing market, I'd say no. The better option is a security system of some kind. An even better option is a big dog!

He could move to my area of Whitehall and have SWAT teams in his front yard. :excited:

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Sorry to hear that Joe.

Listen, get a security system. Don't worry if you can afford the cost. Ask yourself if you can afford to have someone rob you again. I have ADT - $40 bucks a month. Worth it alone for the peace of mind. Seriously, the cost of a new guitar could pay for a few years of security.

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...Was very relieved to find her behind the couch. Strangely, though, I can't get her to come out. Anyway...

Can 'o' tuna. Works every time.

The dog thing, think about it. They can be high maintenance. Can't leave them alone for long stretches like a cat. Alarm system with floodlights and high-pitched siren might be something to consider. You should get a break on your insurance with an alarm system as well. With a doby, they might up your insurance!

Edited by papsrus
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With the right kind of dog, nobody in their right mind would even attempt to fuck with it. I tell this story about our doberman all the time.

When I was a kid we raised doberman pups. We raised the red ones, really beautiful dogs and smart as hell. Every now and then we'd get a dumb one, so we'd usually keep him/her. When we stopped breeding, we had one left. She was my mom's dog, named Queenie. My mom loved her, but she was dumb as a fence post. You just could not train this dog at all. But she was very loving and sweet.

One day during the summer both my parents were gone (which was a rariety) and my elder sisters and us young ones were in the front yard farting around. We lived out in the country on a road that saw maybe 2 to 3 cars a day on an old milk farm. The barn was a good 100 years old at least and we had about 5 acres with old fence all around and a gate.

So we're outside doing our thing and this van pulls up outside the gate and two creepy dudes call my elder sister over and ask for directions. She's very wisely staying within the gate and they keep trying to get her to come out to the road. The whole time Queenie is chained up in the back yard, at least a football field away. She is going NUTS. Barking like crazy, just going out of her skull. She knows something is up.

These guys keep badgering my sis and she starts to walk away and one of them acts like he's going to get out of the van. No sooner does he crack the door, Queenie breaks her chain and barrels down the driveway, all teeth. She leaps over the fence, into the guy's open passenger window, and right at the motherfuckers. They peel rubber and she falls out of the window, gets up, and chases after them all the way down the road until they turned at the T and took off as fast as they could.

Like I said, dumb as a rock, but she knew something was up. Another time we were out walking to the creek and some guy in a beat-up car tries the same shit. Stops and asks for directions. We had Queenie with us and she was just starring at the dude and growling that really low, mean rumble that says "LET ME KILL HIM!" My sis just said, "I think you better go before I can't control her."

But she was a sweetheart to everyone, she wasn't just mean. She just knew when things weren't right.

If my wife would let me have a dog (and if we had a yard to speak of) I would get a dobie.

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Great Doberman story, Jim.

When I was in college I was living in an apartment with my girlfriend. One day she found a starving young dog and took it in. Because of its long tail and floppy ears, we didn't realize at first that it was a Doberman. Despite the fact that we were both living in this apartment, the dog quickly became hers. I was only tolerated. When I would come home from class, as soon as I approached the apartment, which was on the ground floor, this dog would start that "let me kill him" growl and follow me as I walked in front of two windows and got to the door. When I opened the door and the dog saw it was me, she would stop the growl but she was never friendly. It got to the point where I was uncomfortable being alone with the dog, although it never made a move against me. It was just... cold. Suspicious. I felt like I had to be on my best behavior.

With my girlfriend, on the other hand, it was the world's sweetest, happiest dog. All this with no training at all. Purely instinctive.

Before long the landlord learned we had a dog--contrary to the terms of the lease--and my girlfriend found a good home for it. For those months we had it, though, I certainly never worried about being burgled.

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Sorry you got broken into, again. Agree with it sounds like somebody local, who knows your pattern.

Only thing about a dog is...you get attached, and if some scum shoots/poisons/etc the thing to facilitate yet more burgling, then you got material & emotional loss.

But I love the idea of a creature that's Baby to you and Death to the Bad Guys!

Kinda farout, but, if you get a dog and train it to attack, get broken into again, don't "advertise" nor tell the cops the dog was trained to attack. The way the political correct climate is today the thief might sue you. It could be perceived that you set a trap, the law might frown on it.

Edited by MoGrubb
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You don't have to have a dumb-as-a-fencepost- Doberman to end up with a dog that is smart enough to protect its family. You can get that with a really dumb-as-a-fencepost Irish Setter, a breed generally known to be most likely to lick an intruder to death.

Our Setter Chauncey was not very bright, failed obedience training three times before it was suggested that we not bring him back, and unbelievably affectionate to his family and any person brought into the house. But one day the mail man came with a package. He stood outside the door, Chauncey is standing there next to Dad, door opens, hand reaches in with the package - and Chauncey lunged and bit him! We were all so stunned that it happened, but obviously the dog perceived that since this person wasn't being welcomed into the house, he was not supposed to be in the house, and a dog that never bit anyone else, anytime, anywhere, acted to protect his family.

Fortunately, the mailman didn't sue or make a big fuss, but from then until Chauncey left us, he always left packages at the bottom of the steps.

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