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[at the pre-tour party, the waiters are mime artists]

Marty DiBergi: It's such an interesting concept, mixing mime and food.

Morty the Mime: It's a kick isn't it? Well, I used to be an actor but I could never remember my lines, so I thought "just shut up", you know? Don't say nothing. And my father used to say the same thing to me every dinner time, he used to say to me "shut up and eat", so that's what we do and that's the name of the company "shut up and eat".

[at the pre-tour party one of the waiters is on his way back to the kitchen with an entire tray of food]

Morty the Mime: Whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah. How come you got so much here?

Mime Waiter: I don't know, they're not eating it.

Morty the Mime: Did you do the wind?

Mime Waiter: I did the wind, I did the wind.

Morty the Mime: No, you don't push the wind away, the wind comes at you. Ok change those, get the little dwarf canolies. Come on, don't talk back, mime is money, come on, move it.


His pantomimes are fully protected by copyright and will be for another 70 years. So don't try to mime your way out of a box. Maybe your great grandchildren will be allowed to do that.

I saw him perform back in the 1970s and I recall that he was an amazing technician. I mean, you could practically see the box he was in and feel the wind he fought against. But he was not funny. Not at all.

Give me Chaplin any day. Or Dario Fo, the greatest "mime" I ever saw in person, though he did include nonsense vocalization as part of the act.


I saw him perform back in the 1970s and I recall that he was an amazing technician. I mean, you could practically see the box he was in and feel the wind he fought against. But he was not funny. Not at all.

Yes, he wasn't funny, but he was marvellous at what he did.




I didn't think he intended to be funny. He was super at what he did though, what an imagination!

Wasn't his stage character named "Bip the Clown"?

And aren't clowns supposed to be funny, even when most of them aren't?

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