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A n g e l i c A

F o n d a z i o n e T e a t r o C o m u n a l e d i B o l o g n a F o n d a z i o n e T e a t r o C o m u n a l e d i M o d e n a F o n d a z i o n e I T e a t r i d i R e g g i o E m i l i a - R E C F e s t i v a l d ' A u t u n n o R e g i o n e E m i l i a R o m a g n a - A s s e s s o r a t o a l l a C u l t u r a

c o n i l p a t r o c i n i o d i

C o m u n e d i B o l o g n a - B o l o g n a C i t t à d e l l a M u s i c a U N E S C O

c o n i l s o s t e g n o d i

F o n d a z i o n e C a s s a d i R i s p a r m i o i n B o l o g n a a t c - T r a s p o r t i P u b b l i c i B o l o g n a

c o n l a p a r t e c i p a z i o n e d i C i n e t e c a d i B o l o g n a R a i R a d i o 3

p r e s e n t a n o

C o n c e r t i C o n t e m p o r a n e i

q u a r t o a n n o :

C e c i l T a y l o r

m o v i m e n t o c o s t r u z i o n e

c o n

C e c i l T a y l o r

A n t h o n y B r a x t o n

W i l l i a m P a r k e r

T o n y O x l e y

B o l o g n a , M o d e n a , R e g g i o E m i l i a

10> 13 o t t o b r e 2 0 0 7

I accept the responsibility of having made them (choices).

I'm talking about the small part I'm playing in the evolution of music, the gift that has been given to me, to have seen spiritualized the mysteries of the music at an early age. This made my actions predestined.

One has to become aware of the force, both realistic and spiritual.

It's about hard work, which is about living to the full extent of one's capabilities.

Cecil Taylor

@ B o l o g n a

mercoledì 10 ottobre - ore 17 - Foyer Rossini del Teatro Comunale di Bologna

> Incontro con Cecil Taylor

partecipano Franco Fayenz, Marcello Lorrai, Francesco Martinelli, Franco Minganti, Giorgio Rimondi presiede e presenta Giordano Montecchi

mercoledì 10 ottobre - ore 22.30 - Cinema Lumière

> Imagine the Sound (Stati Uniti 1981; estratto)

di Ron Mann

> "Les grandes répétitions": Cecil Taylor a Paris (Francia 1966; 44’)


di Luc Ferrari e Gérard Patris

con Cecil Taylor, Jimmy Lyons, Alan Silva, Andrew Cyrille, Luc Ferrari, ...

@ M o d e n a

giovedì 11 ottobre - ore 21 - Teatro Comunale di Modena

> Cecil Taylor + Tony Oxley (Stati Uniti, Inghilterra)

Cecil Taylor pianoforte

Tony Oxley batteria, percussioni

@ B o l o g n a

venerdì 12 ottobre - ore 21 - Teatro Comunale di Bologna

> Cecil Taylor + Anthony Braxton (Stati Uniti) PRIMA ASSOLUTA

Cecil Taylor pianoforte

Anthony Braxton sax alto, soprano, sopranino, clarinetto contrabbasso

@ R e g g i o E m i l i a

sabato 13 ottobre - ore 21 - Teatro Valli

> Cecil Taylor Historical Quartet (Stati Uniti, Inghilterra) PRIMA


Cecil Taylor pianoforte

Anthony Braxton sax contralto, soprano, sopranino, clarinetto contrabbasso William Parker contrabbasso Tony Oxley batteria, percussioni


Teatro Comunale di Bologna Largo Respighi 1, Bologna

Cinema Lumière Via Azzo Gardino 65, Bologna

Teatro Comunale di Modena Corso Canalgrande 85, Modena

Teatro Valli Piazza Martiri del 7 luglio 7, Reggio Emilia


A n g e l i c a t 051.240310

info@aaa-angelica.com www.aaa-angelica.com

Teatro Comunale di Bologna t 199.107070

boxoffice@comunalebologna.it www.comunalebologna.it

Teatro Comunale di Modena t 059.2033010 2032993

info@teatrocomunalemodena.it www.teatrocomunalemodena.it

R E C Festival d'Autunno Reggio Emilia t 0522.458811 458854

info@recfestival.it www.recfestival.it


  • 4 weeks later...


I really hope the Cecil/Braxton meetings are being recorded...

This from the Braxton list:

Hi All!

I thought I mayby should write down some impressions from the Italian

Concerts with Anthony Braxton and Cecil Taylor. I know there is a lot

of interest out there.

I hade two great days in a sunny and nice Bologna, and with two very

interesting concerts at Friday and Saturday.

I start with Friday at Teatro Communal in Bologna…a very nice Italian

Opera house. Mayby not a place where you think you should find Cecil

Taylor and Anthony Braxton but this Friday you did.

October 12, 2007 Cecil Taylor Antony Braxton Duo, Bologna, Italy

The concert was announced as a duo, bit the first thing that one

could note was that there was a bass at stage. I yes, the duo was

expanded to a Trio with William Parker on Bass. Well, is some way

that was great, but it also gave a feelning that not felt so good

that mayby the duo was expanded into a trio because the dou format

not worked so well. But this was just a feeling. I dont know if it is

a fact. Anyhow the show ended in a very disappointing way which felt

rather bad, but I will come back to that.

1th Set:

a) Cecil Taylor reading two poems

b) Anthony Braxton Solo altosax

c) William Parker Solo

d) Cecil Taylor Solo pno

The 1th set was a series of great solos. Anthony Braxton solo was not

a usual Braxton solo. It was a piece that sounded like a collage of

compositions more the one composition. Mayby he was improvising. I

like his solo very much, It was great. William Parker and Cecil

Taylor also did great solos. The first set lasted about 1 hour.

2nd Set

a) Cecil Taylor/William Parker/Anthony Braxton Trio

The 2nd set was a disapointment indeed. They started to play, and it

looked like Cecil didnt like what Anthony was doing. A couple or

times Cecil stoped playing and waited until Anthony got silent, and

then he started to play again. After about only some few minutes more

then 20 Cecil Taylor suddenly took his notes, made a short nod

towards the audience and left the stage. It was like he got angry, or

like he just gave up. Angry on Anthony I mean. Well, Cecil left stage

and William Parker put his bass down on the floor and left, and

Anthony realized the situation in the middle of a phrase. Anthony

made a nod towards the audience, said thank you, and left. They did

not come back. I felt it to be a rather rude thing Cecil Taylor did.

I wished more that he had stayed and had taken the fight needed. I

felt it was rude towards the audience and rude towards Anthony. I

thought Cecil embarrassed Anthony. It didnt feel any nice at all. And

it was not so nice towards us in the audience. Well, I think the

theater was sold out so there was a big audience waiting to see more.

The music the played during those short 20 minutes was surpricingly

soft and lyrical. I think I could have developt into something very

nice if it not got interupted as it did.

Or mayby the plans where just to play a very short piece…but after a

1th set and on intemission you expect the 2nd set to be longer, and

if not so long as the first set rather close to it.

October 13, 2007 Cecil Taylor Historical Quartet, Reggio, Italy

The concert was announced as Cecil Taylor Historical Quartet w/

Anthony Braxton. Cecil Taylor pno, Anthony Braxton Reeds (sopranino,

soprano, altosax, cantrabass clarinet), William Parker Bass, Tony

Oxley drums, oercussin, electronics. It is the old CT "Feel Trio" +

Anthony Braxton. And the instruments on stage clearly was put in sich

way that there was a trio + Anthony.

This night it was a great concert!! I loved it. Great music! There

was no intermission tonight. All musci was played in one longer set.

And the four of them stood in line to thank the audience for the

applouse afterwards, and they even played on encore. Well this night

it looked much more as a real connection between Cecil and Anthony

with some smiles while playing. So this concert was in a better mode

than the Bologna Duo (sorry Trio) show. The concert was also in an

Oprea Housem but in Reggio (about 40 minutes with train from Bologna)

a) Cecil Taylor – Tony Oxley DUO (Poetry and drums/electronics)

b) William Parker SOLO (first on Shenai, then on Bass)

c) Anthony Braxton SOLO (sopranino, soprano, altosax)

d) Cecil Taylor SOLO pno

e) Cecil Taylor Historical QUARTET

f) Encore QUARTET

It was a great show. The Taylor/Oxley Duo was great. It jsut stared

with Cecil palying the piano standing. The he read poetry while Oxley

was drumming and using electronics. It was around 15 minutes. William

Parker made a great solo also. First he walked the stage playing

shenai, unamplified. The it was a great solo on Bass. The solo from

Anthony Braxton was very interesting, and different from things I

have heard him play. He stared with whistleing, saying some letters,

saying some numbers and the picked up the soprano and played (or was

it the sopranino). He made some gestures, turned around. Said some

more letters and numbers and the played the sopranino (if it was the

soprano first). Then som more talking and then playing on the alto.

It was a very interesting and nice solo.

The Quartet played about 30 + 10 minutes. So it was rather short. It

stared with some rather intense music with Anthony on alto. Great

playing. There where moments when I just smiled and thought. Yes,

this is music when it is the best music there is. Ever!! From the

rather intense frist half it slowed down and became more lyrical.

Both Anthony and Oxley became silent and where silent a long time.

Anthony didnt play a note för the last 7,8 minutes I think. (so it

was some feeling of seeing the feel trio plus someone). The piece

ended with piano and bass duo. After a long and well deserved

applause the quartet played a shorter encore. I musr have been a

composition. Cecil Taylor actually turned the peper wirh notes that

he had, and William Parker looked firmly inte his notes. This encore

hade even more feeling of being the feel trio as it ended with a long

silent from Anthony. Both the actual quartet and the encore ended

with silence from Anthony. I thought that he made the right decision:

the music was great and it didnt need him.

Well, I guess that there is a lot more to say. Please correct me,

anyone that find that I remember wrong will say. Or if you have

another opinion about the bad things at the friday concert. Say it.

Thanks Anthony, and thanks Cecil for some great music!

All the best,

Jan Carlsson



The Modena concert was broadcast (not in its entirety, alas) on Italian radio and put up on dime, I only just burned it to disc last night, didn't have time to listen yet... sounds like this is a pretty weird package... the Wire review of the quartet's London gig some time ago wasn't much more enthusiast...


...although it's worth noting that a lot of people at the gig disagreed with that Wire review (whilst of course many did agree).

That's good to know, of course! I'm no fan of W. Parker, so the weirdest thing was how great they found his solo improv... and Taylor/Oxley have been doing so many things together that I found it hard to believe that they were merely playing next to but not with each other... anyway, that one too, I have yet to listen to...


Yeah - I have to say, Parker's solo was really magnificent. And that criticism of the Oxley/Taylor duo is one I've heard a lot. I agree that it's very odd, but I think it wasn't untrue of their opening duos in London...it was the quartet which was astonishing though. It definitely all came together there though, and Parker was a great foil for Oxley.

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