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For all '.those.' Videos..Jazz - '.Collectionists.' I can send (-by-E - MAILS-) ..my.. Jazz - Live-Concerts Pages-lists- ALL the. '.concerts.'..Jazz-Festivals..+..Jazz-TV's-programs..+..Jazz - talks.+.Documentary.. came from ..European-Televisions..+..U.S.A.'s..Programs..and..'.few.'.from Japan.. For '.those.' interested, ..please.. send me -your-e-mails-. Thanks ..ciao.. fabio -R o m a-.


  jazzshrink said:

========= ..'.Thanks.' dear Mr'.jazzshrink.' ..B U T.. I -do..not- 'clik'-to-open-'.UNKNOWN.'..link-'.sito.' as indicated in your '.replay.'post... Look, this is -MY-e-mails fab.baglioni@tiscali.it send me only ..your ..e-mails- and I -do- will send you .my ..catalogue..from -ADDERLEY'.s..cannonball+natt- ..to...-TONY WILLIAMS.drums'.leader.'-...Ciao ..fabio..-


Are these official authorized DVDs with cover art and necessary packaging, or are you attempting to sell DVDRs of television broadcasts that you recorded or acquired through other means? I don't mean to offend, but your post seems a little suspicious to me.


  relyles said:
Are these official authorized DVDs with cover art and necessary packaging, or are you attempting to sell DVDRs of television broadcasts that you recorded or acquired through other means? I don't mean to offend, but your post seems a little suspicious to me.

======== Dear '.Sir.' I am sure that ..all.the..-Videos-Collectionists-.. that -surf- this sito are -F R E E- to decide by 'themself' to trade-exchange, ..to..sell, ..to..buy.. The '.collectionism..of..'.R A R E.'-Jazz-Concerts .has ..NOTHING.. to '.do.' ..with.. Commercial - Videos - Music-Shops.. Ciao ..fabio..-


  makpjazz57 said:
Yes, he sells these and no, I did not and would not purchase.


===== Mrs Marla, ..yes.. I remeber about 'videos..with..drummer-ALAN DAWSON'.. If you are .N O T..-at..all-!!!!.. interested to .my '.Videos..collection.' ..O..K.. For all I can '.understand.' I am ..sure.. that ..NOBODY..in ..ALL..AMERICA .!!! ..has '.forsed.' you to buy ..jazz-concerts.from..my ..catalogue. For all I can 'understand' in ..ALL...AMERICA.. -NOBODY- .care.. if you -DO- ..NOT.. buy ..my..videos...-????-.. Anyway, ..I will send .you..-drummer-Alan Dawson.+.Bill Evans-trio...to'.stay.'..in..peace.. Ciao ..fabio..-


  relyles said:
Are these official authorized DVDs with cover art and necessary packaging, or are you attempting to sell DVDRs of television broadcasts that you recorded or acquired through other means? I don't mean to offend, but your post seems a little suspicious to me.

I guess he's the same guy who pissed off several members of the dimejazz yahoo group by talking of trades but then wanting big $$ for it... :tdown


of course everybody is free to pay for everything s/he wants, but the wonderful thing about the dime community is that people just offer their stuff for the fun of it! And selling such recordings or videos (and I assume you don't pay anything for copyrights and nothing to the musicians, or their estates, either) may be nice for some folks to get hold of something, but in the end, it's just as bad as what the bootleggers did and do (think Lonehill, RLR, Gambit etc.), and there are many people here who don't like that attitude for some or other (mostly good and ethical) reasons.



Certainly, everyone is free to do what he/she wants with regards to your collection. I was just stating my preference not to purchase - from you or anyone else - either TV broadcasts or already released DVDS/videos available for purchase as copies of same. I do purchase a great deal of authorized/released DVDS such as those currently available from Jazz Icons, LaserSwing Productions, others.


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