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Pee Wee Russell 50's or 60 's Material


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Swinging' With Pee Wee on Prestige contains 2 lps - Swingin' With Pee Wee and Portrait of Pee Wee. The first is a quintet (1960) with Buck Clayton and Tommy Flanagan. The other date (1958) includes Ruby Braff, Bud Freeman and Vic Dickenson. The disc times 77'31".


Another good one is "Jazz Reunion" on Candid (1961). This one has Coleman Hawkins, Bob Brookmeyer, Emmett Berry, Nat Pierce, Milt Hinton and Jo Jones.

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Guest Bill Barton

the quartet albums with modern material, one on Impulse and one on Columbia, the names of which I'm forgetting, are v. nice, I'm sure others here can supply the particulars...

The one on Columbia is titled New Groove and was reissued on Collectables.

The Impulse! is Ask Me Now!

I really love the one he did with Henry "Red" Allen: The College Concert of Pee Wee Russell and Henry "Red" Allen which is also on Impulse! and shamefully never reissued on CD to the best of my knowledge.

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I very much like the Impulse! side he did w/George Wein & the Newport All Stars. Front line is Pee Wee, Ruby Braff, Bud Freeman, & Marshall Brown, 3/4 of which is personality with a capital P, if you know what I mean.

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Swinging' With Pee Wee on Prestige contains 2 lps - Swingin' With Pee Wee and Portrait of Pee Wee. The first is a quintet (1960) with Buck Clayton and Tommy Flanagan. The other date (1958) includes Ruby Braff, Bud Freeman and Vic Dickenson. The disc times 77'31".


Another good one is "Jazz Reunion" on Candid (1961). This one has Coleman Hawkins, Bob Brookmeyer, Emmett Berry, Nat Pierce, Milt Hinton and Jo Jones.

These are wonderful recordings and proof that Pee Wee is equally at home in a swing / mainstream setting as in the dixieland / chicago style he is mostly associated with.

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Swinging' With Pee Wee on Prestige contains 2 lps - Swingin' With Pee Wee and Portrait of Pee Wee. The first is a quintet (1960) with Buck Clayton and Tommy Flanagan. The other date (1958) includes Ruby Braff, Bud Freeman and Vic Dickenson. The disc times 77'31".


Another good one is "Jazz Reunion" on Candid (1961). This one has Coleman Hawkins, Bob Brookmeyer, Emmett Berry, Nat Pierce, Milt Hinton and Jo Jones.

Great recommendations! I got the Jazz Reunion album on vinyl back in the 80's---one of the first things by Pee Wee that I ever got, and I still like it. Swingin' With Pee Wee I picked up just a few years ago and it's great value for the money.

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"The College Concert" was reissued in Japan. I got a CD copy from a member of this forum a month or two ago.

the quartet albums with modern material, one on Impulse and one on Columbia, the names of which I'm forgetting, are v. nice, I'm sure others here can supply the particulars...

The one on Columbia is titled New Groove and was reissued on Collectables.

The Impulse! is Ask Me Now!

I really love the one he did with Henry "Red" Allen: The College Concert of Pee Wee Russell and Henry "Red" Allen which is also on Impulse! and shamefully never reissued on CD to the best of my knowledge.

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Guest Bill Barton

"The College Concert" was reissued in Japan. I got a CD copy from a member of this forum a month or two ago.

the quartet albums with modern material, one on Impulse and one on Columbia, the names of which I'm forgetting, are v. nice, I'm sure others here can supply the particulars...

The one on Columbia is titled New Groove and was reissued on Collectables.

The Impulse! is Ask Me Now!

I really love the one he did with Henry "Red" Allen: The College Concert of Pee Wee Russell and Henry "Red" Allen which is also on Impulse! and shamefully never reissued on CD to the best of my knowledge.

Thanks for this information, jazztrain, I'll be doing some research into tracking this down.

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  • 1 month later...

"The College Concert" was reissued in Japan. I got a CD copy from a member of this forum a month or two ago.

the quartet albums with modern material, one on Impulse and one on Columbia, the names of which I'm forgetting, are v. nice, I'm sure others here can supply the particulars...

The one on Columbia is titled New Groove and was reissued on Collectables.

The Impulse! is Ask Me Now!

I really love the one he did with Henry "Red" Allen: The College Concert of Pee Wee Russell and Henry "Red" Allen which is also on Impulse! and shamefully never reissued on CD to the best of my knowledge.

Thanks for this information, jazztrain, I'll be doing some research into tracking this down.

Any help on where to find (on-line) a copy of that Japanese CD reissue of "The College Concert" CD? I'd love to have that disc!

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Swinging' With Pee Wee on Prestige contains 2 lps - Swingin' With Pee Wee and Portrait of Pee Wee. The first is a quintet (1960) with Buck Clayton and Tommy Flanagan. The other date (1958) includes Ruby Braff, Bud Freeman and Vic Dickenson. The disc times 77'31".


The original "Swingin' With Pee Wee" LP is one of my desert island discs (geez, I love what he does on "Englewood"), and "Portrait Of Pee Wee" is also a very remarkable date.

On both dates he shows he was much more a complete musician than the dixieland-type he was ordinarily considered, and that in fact he was much more comfortable with flexible and "modern" rhythm sessions, faraway from the steady rhythm of trad jazz drummers.

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Guest Bill Barton

<<Any help on where to find (on-line) a copy of that Japanese CD reissue of "The College Concert" CD? I'd love to have that disc!>>

Well, periodically I Google for it, and I just came up with this link to a scarily priced LP/CD burn combo:

College Concert

I also found many copies of the LP, but that doesn't do me much good, as all my LPs and the turntable are currently in storage, and in any case I already have the original album... Just can't play the sucker right now. :(

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Feelin' melancholic today...

From the old BNBB, part 1:

Author Topic: Pee Wee Russell on impulse!



Member # 1611

posted April 21, 2001 05:07 PM


Just got back from a quick trip to the Verve bulletin board (sorta like emptying one's bladder into the head-on accelerated air-flow isn't it!) and saw the thread on PW Russell. There would be one more addition to Pee Wee's Impulse output, for those of you who are curious and/or intrested, and that would be: "George Wein & The Newport All-Stars" Impulse A-31. The personel besides Mssrs. Russell and Wein include Ruby Braff, Bud Freeman & Marshall Brown on the front-line with Bill Takas & Marquis Foster rounding out the rhythm section. This was one of the first jazz albums I ever bought, one of the legendary denizens of the Longview,Tx "Treasure City" (a most accurate appellation) cutout bins (1970-1977 R.I.P.), and still sounds good after all these years of expanding taste! Wein is a little hammy (surprise!) and Brown plays like the pedant he supposedly was(is?), but Jeez- Braff, Freeman, & Pee-Wee. Da' stuff just REEKS of personality, you know what I mean?

Anyway, just wanted to let those who didn't know about this date hear about it, so they could lobby Verve (talk about an INNACCURATE appelation!) for it's inclusion in the list of things they have no plans for any time soon.

But seriously-that Coltrane box might surprise EVERYBODY!




Member # 405

posted April 22, 2001 02:22 AM


For that matter, there is a Dot session from 1959, which was paired with the Russell tracks from the Wein date, in an Impulse reissue in the seventies. As you will recall, Russell does not appear on all the tracks in the Wein, so a sensible reissue might pair it with other lesser known mainstream dates in the Verve holdings, rather than any of the Russellls. It is not as though Wein has any following as a musician.

We will have to keep lobbying them, to ensure that "Ask Me Now", which appears to be just over the horizon, does appear.



Lon Armstrong


Member # 137

posted April 22, 2001 04:17 AM


That Pee Wee on Dot, "Plays (Pee Wee Russell)" is one of my favorite jazz albums, period. This is a job for Mosaic: the complete Verve holdings recordings of Charles Ellsworth Russell. We have a better chance getting these from Mosaic.

There are also some Condon gang appearances, including Pee Wee, on Warner Bros. and ABC/Paramount that would be wonderful to have on cd. And there is another Newport All Stars recording on Atlantic, with Buck, Vic, Pee Wee (throughout) and Bud, that needs reissuing---and we may have a better chance of seeing this from Rhino than anything from Verve, damnit!



Member # 1142

posted April 22, 2001 06:02 AM


There was an CD and Vinyl reissue on Atlantic around 1990 of the Warner Brothers "That Toddlin' Town", a post Columbia Condon record with Peewee, Max Kaminsky, Cutty Cutshall and Bud Freeman in the front line along with a rythm section of Wettling , Gaskin and Schroeder. I'ts a great record. The reissue came and went quickly.

All this stuff is overdue for reissue.

[This message has been edited by Harold_Z (edited April 22, 2001).]

Lon Armstrong


Member # 137

posted April 22, 2001 06:57 AM


I have That Toddlin' Town on lp/cdr. Man I love it. Didn't know it was out on cd; will probably be impossible to find now. . . .Thanks for that info.

I think this was among the first of Avakian's productions. Got it right from the start if you ask me!




Member # 1611

posted April 22, 2001 09:19 AM




Originally posted by Lon Armstrong:

we may have a better chance of seeing this from Rhino than anything from Verve, damnit!



I'm blushing......

If Verve can cause THIS, they MUST be more messed up than any of us realize!

(You realize I'm kidding don't you? I know EXACTLY how you feel!)



Member # 1142

posted April 22, 2001 02:45 PM


"That Toddlin' Town" was originally issued in 1959 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of "The Chicago Jazz Album" (which was Avakian's first production). I think this was the first "concept" jazz album. 12 78 rpm sides, with Condon, Jimmy Mcpartland, and George Wettling doing 4 sides each. It was available as a 12" LP (DL 8029) under that title into the 60s and since then all the sides are availalble seperately in various reissues. Classics has them all under the respective artists names, and they're all good. Very good.

Avakian followed this up in 1939 with a New Orleans album (New Orleans Jazz - DL 8283)and a Kansas city album. All made it to 12" lp eventually and I think to CD via seperate reissue under the various leaders. All were originally on Decca. The New Orleans album had bands led by Louis Armstrong, Zutty Singleton, Red Allen, Johnny Dodds and Jimmy Noone - all for this album. It's the first appearance of the Armstrong sides with Bechet from 1939.

I'm not that familiar with the "Kansas City Jazz" album as I am with the other 2. I wish I was!

[This message has been edited by Harold_Z (edited April 22, 2001).]

Lon Armstrong


Member # 137

posted April 22, 2001 03:06 PM


Thanks for that info Harold. Great stuff!

And JS: sorry I got carried away. . . Verve sitting on Pee Wee (and so many others) aggravates me about once a week.



Member # 1611

posted April 22, 2001 03:21 PM


FWIW-The Wein Impulse album is VERY GOOD STUFF! Wein hinself plays a minimal role in the proceedings, and Pee Wee, Freeman (what a natural, organic swing!), & Ruby Braff (who I swear, on this album anyway, has the quirkiest phrasing of anybody this side of Sonny Rollins at HIS quirkiest!) carry the show long, LOUD, and proud! It's a livlier affair than other Newport All-Star dates I've heard and should delight all but the most ideologically stolid listener!


Anger can be fun! Just don't get me going on Wynton!

[This message has been edited by JSngry (edited April 22, 2001).]

Chuck Nessa


Member # 422

posted April 22, 2001 04:18 PM


Moving from Pee Wee to Bud, Verve could issue a monster cd by coupling his Dot "Summa Cum Laude Trio" 1958 (Bob Hammer, piano and Mousie Alexander, drums), with a similar trio date for Grand Award in 1955. The GA date is with Dave Bowman and Don Lamond. This would give us a 5 star collection of 18 tracks of killer tenor.



Member # 1142

posted April 22, 2001 05:16 PM


Chuck, I would love to hear that material. I've heard of it, but never HEARD it. Bud is another one on my "buy whatever you see" list. Dot also has a Wettling trio album I've never heard(Schroeder, and I think Wild Bill and Pee Wee taking turns)and the "Brother Matthew" Boyce Brown with Condon's band (Pee Wee, Wild Bill and Cutty). I have a cassette of about half of the material but would love to hear the whole thing, preferably on a good CD reissue.

Has any Grand Award stuff made it to CD? There's some nice things in that catalogue. Jazztone also. I think Jazztone did the last (only?) reissue of the Wild Bill Pax 10" LP. There's lots of great stuff on Jazztone.

[This message has been edited by Harold_Z (edited April 22, 2001).]




Member # 31

posted April 22, 2001 06:55 PM


Wow! You guys are talking about dream albums. I'd love to see these get reissued.

Harold - I have the excellent Chicago Jazz album on 78 and LP - that is a real classic. Too bad it's unavailable on CD as a whole.

I've never heard the New Orleans one, but I have most of the Kansas City on 78. It's great music - Big Joe Turner's Piney Brown Blues, Pete Johnson, Hot Lips Page, Mary Lou Williams. I don't remember the rest - I have to dig out those records.


Lon Armstrong


Member # 137

posted June 13, 2001 09:47 AM


Just thought I would bring this man back up for air. This year has been a Chicago Style one for me, and in session after session, Pee Wee's clarinet just gets my attention and keeps it. In some ways he ruins me for other great clarinetists because he has that added pallette of slurs and sqwacks that just add so much to his expressive exploration of the changes. And his chalemeau (sp?) register is so woody and grabs me. I find myself listening sometimes to Edmond Hall, or Herb Hall, or Matty Matlock, or Rod Cless, or others with the circle of Chicago Style musicians and thinking what Pee Wee woudl play!

Another person that I latch on to in the same sessions is Ernie Caceras. Here is a man who was a master at baritone, and an excellent clarinetist as well! He had an original style too and a beautiful tone. And he added such a fullness to the ensemble with his baritone and never got in the way. Here's to these not sung about enough jazzmen!

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