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One thing I noticed about CD Universe is they don't ship in advance of Tuesday release dates. I think the old CD Now used to do that so that you would actually get it close to Tuesday.

I suppose if I want these on Tuesday, I should buy them locally. But aside from Borders and Barnes & Noble, there is only one independent record store left in town. And this is a metro area of 1.5 million plus. So why go way out of my way to go to this one store only to discover that Rooster has beaten me to the punch :D . BTW, I think the Borders experience really blows. They almost never have their new stuff in the racks on Tuesdays and it is way freaking expensive compared to CD Universe or even Amazon. So, I shop at CD Universe and wait till Thursday or Friday. I don't mind the waiting, but I really do miss the good old independent record store experience.


Edited by Eric


The European editions of these will be appearing with the words Copy Control on them, and I will be waiting for my next trip to the US to pick them up.

From what I read, EMI will introduce this in the USA soon, so enjoy your remaining batches of freedom...

Did I mention that EMI Classics in the UK do NOT employ this technology? Evidently they judged the classics market too audiophile and didn't dare risk the middle class backlash (!). Instead they just print a plea under the clear plastic tray insert about not copying.

It is interesting that they perceive they have different customer groups to deal with. In fact, classical collectors and jazz collectors are pretty often the same people, but jazz gets lumped in with the pop division and so has gone the same way as far as copy control is concerned.


As Pryan pointed out, we here in Canada will have to wait a bit longer for these Conns. But I am already looking forward to what you guys are going to say about them. I expect to see reviews beginning on Oct 7th starting around 12 Noon EST. I'm really looking forward to comments re the Hill, Morgan and Mobley CD's.


BTW, what the heck is going on over at www.cheap-cds.com ? They used to be right on the ball with the new Conns and RVG's, even shipping them out before the street date. ( I have bought LOTS of cds from them). But they don't even have the new Conns listed. And their back stock has reduced to nearly zilch. Most CD's (except for the very latest) for most artists are listed as NONE.


I am holding off ordering any new EMI CDs from whatever country until it is clear whether they are copy controlled or not. If the word is that these Conns or next years RVGs are copy controlled in both US and Europe that'll probably be the end point of my BN/ pacific/Roulette CD purchasing.

I wont buy this new format however tempting the morsels might be. !!!!


David, Clunky and other Europeans,

I placed an order today at CD Universe for five of the Connoisseurs. The total sum including shipping was 75.94 US dollars, which is about 15 dollars per CD or about 9 British pounds per CD. Now there will probably be some duties I’ll have to pay when they arrive, but I’ll think you’ll agree that this still is a very competitive price. It may actually turn out to be cheaper to buy the American CDs than the European Cactus Datashield discs! Since this is the first time I have done this, I will have to report back how much extra it cost me in the end.

Of course, if it is true that EMI will switch from CDs to Cactus Datashield discs in America too, then it will be thanks and goodbye to EMI from me as well. But it’s not like there is a shortage of other labels to explore. Fantasy has a huge catalogue of recordings in a similar style on Prestige, Riverside, Contemporary etcetera. There’s Collectables and other labels that have reissued large amounts of Atlantic, Columbia and RCA recordings. Japanese Blue Notes may still come out on CDs. Mosaic too. And as the years roll on more and more will enter the public domain and be available from other labels, including EMI recordings. If EMI wants to shoot themselves in their foot, then let them. Hopefully this move will be a fiasco, and they will revert to CDs. Going from CDs to a superior format like SACD is one thing, but going from CD to an inferior format just shouldn’t have been an option.

OK, I digressed a bit, but the point is that, for the time being at least, buying from America seems to be a very viable option.


By the way, I DID unpack the Rouse Conn yesterday. the only one I wasn't planning on getting and I have to wait until Monday just to hold the ones I wanted in my hands! :(

One question....does the bonus track seem somewhat out of place or is it a Bossa Nova tune to keep in with the theme of the disc?


Amazon.co.uk? Since it’s a European branch, are you sure you don’t get the copy controlled format instead of CDs? I notice that they say ”Audio CD” but you can’t trust that since they just relay the info the record companies are providing them.


That will depend on where you plan to play them. On car stereos and DVD players they will probably be unplayable. On computers the audio section isn’t played at all. Instead low quality compressed files are being played (wma, mp3 or similar). On a regular CD player the difference will at best be indiscernible to your ears, although tests in hi-fi magazines have revealed that the difference is audible. It is after all the same remastering as on the CD, but with the difference that errors are constantly inserted. Philips, which developed the CD format, and is adament that these new discs aren’t CDs and can’t be called that, has also warned that ”normal wear and tear could eventually overwhelm the error correction for the altered discs, causing them to become unreadable within a few years”. The reason for this is that the error level already is so high, that further degradation, that wouldn’t be harmful to the playability of CDs, could push the error level over the edge of what the error correction schemes can handle.

The bottom line is that if you think that the copy protected Connoisseurs sound good, then you can be certain that you would find the Connoisseur CDs to sound at least as good (and possibly better), since it is the same remastering. And the CD also comes without all the other drawbacks that Cactus Datashield discs have. That makes the decision easy for me personally – I’d rather pay a bit extra for the CD version (and it may not even turn out to be more expensive).

I also think that it is important that we as customers don’t support this move from Blue Note/EMI. If European customers turn out to be compliant, that may encourage EMI and maybe other record companies to switch to copy protected disc formats in America too - and then we will have no CD versions at all.


I pre-ordered my Conns for 6.90 British pounds at amazon.co.uk (mid September). I will listen to the CD's first before I break out in hysteria.

Alfred - i also ordered the conns for that price & have been crossing my fingers ever since that i dont get an Email saying they've realised their mistake - I got this mail on Friday

Dear Customer,

We are sorry to report that the release of the following item has been


Lee Morgan "Sonic Boom"

This item has now been cancelled from your order and we can confirm


you have not been charged for it.

Your card has NOT BEEN CHARGED for this item.

Please accept our apologies for any disappointment or inconvenience


If you took advantage of a promotional offer when placing this order,

this cancellation may affect your order's eligibility for that offer.

If you discover this to be the case, please contact customer service

so that we may investigate. You can send an e-mail to customer service

from the following URL:


This item may be available from an Amazon.co.uk Marketplace

seller. The availability of the item will be indicated in a blue box

that says "More Buying Choices" on the top right-hand side of the

product's information page. The links in this box lead to lists of

new, used, refurbished and collectable copies of that particular

item. To buy the item click the yellow "Buy from Seller" button and

fill in the requested information to complete your purchase.

To view the current status and the costs associated with your order,

please visit Your Account (http://www.amazon.co.uk/your-account).

For your reference, here is a summary of your order:


Usually dispatched in 1-2 weeks

1 of Larry Young "Mother Ship"

Not yet released by publisher

1 of Andrew Hill "Passing Ships"

Not yet released by publisher

1 of Hank Mobley "The Flip"

Not yet released by publisher

1 of Lee Morgan "Sonic Boom"

Item unavailable

1 of Charlie Rouse "Bossa Nova Bacchanal"

Not yet released by publisher

Please note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that

cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.

Thank you for shopping at Amazon.co.uk, we hope to see you again.


Customer Service Department



did you get one too ?

Sonic Boom is avalable to order for £11.99 , so I think they must have realised their error .

I'm just waiting for 4 more Emails now :(


Hi Gary, I also got the Mail. However I asked amazon uk, why they cancel my order on the one hand but still offer the CD on their homepage. Thereupon they added the CD to my order again.


Hi Alfred ,

I also asked them the same question & got a different reply -

We have checked your account and found that you may have already

received an e-mail from us about this item. Unfortunately, when we

contacted the supplier, we found that the item is no longer available.

As we are currently unable to offer this item, it has been deleted

from your order, and you have not been charged for it. We apologise

for this inconvenience. Until recently we had still hoped to be able

to obtain this item. Please note that the item offered on our Web

site is a different item with slightly different features and

therefore has a different price.

You must have been a bit more persuasive than me!

I think I'll leave it at that & not risk jepordising the other titles.

I hope you get all of yours.


Oh Dear I got the same offer and I suppose I must just have to wait for a bit.

I only ordered two ( the Hill and Mobley as I have Japanese versions of Sonic Boom and Procrastinator)

Chin up and lets hope they honour their offer. :o


PS to Free For All --- I'll see you at Streetside at 10am tomorrow. We can give the disc a full spin in my car (as that's probably the best stereo either one of us has access to at the moment). It's a good system, and we can crank it -- not to "11", but at least to 6 or 7.

Can't wait!!!


Ohhhh, my serious bad... :wacko:

Vacation has made me soft and I thought today was tomorrow!!! I have to go back to the drawing board, banishing thoughts of Rooster sitting there listening to this stuff while many of us wait for the mail...

And to think...I wrongly impugned CDUniverse, who, according to an email I just got, shipped my CD's TODAY!!!

Ugh...I gots to check the calendar before I speak!


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