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I was recently introduced to the music of George Crumb via the Brodsky Quartet recording of “Black Angels” from 1993.

I really like this a lot.

Where should I look next?

Is there another recording of this same piece that people prefer?

Is George Crumb’s other music in a similar vein?

If so does it matter where you start?

Are there any other similar composers I should investigate?




second that question! all i know is (part of?) his solo piano collection Makrokosmos which i really liked a lot in a concert some time ago (and definitely recommend...)

Posted (edited)

First suggestion that comes to mind is Ancient Voices of Children + Makrokosmos II, on Nonesuch:


Crumb's music often has a ritualistic performance aspect that doesn't come across in recording. For instance, I once saw/heard Eleven Echoes of Autumn 1965 live, and thought it was fantastic. But the recording I have (on the Swiss Jecklin label) is nowhere near as striking.

There's an excellent version of Black Angels by the Concord String Quartet on a discount VoxBox entitled American String Quartets 1950-1970 (may be oop, however). This has some other interesting pieces, eg by John Cage, Christian Wolff and Morton Feldman, although certain others, such as the quartet by Lejaren Hiller, sound somewhat dated and from the "bleeps and bloops" school.

Kronos Quartet also recorded Black Angels, but I generally dislike their playing (granted, they've done a tremendous amount in the service of new music).

Edited by T.D.

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