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Kleinschuster Sextett feat Jimmy Heath, Art Farmer & Slide Hampton

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Finally. after a two year hiatus, Universal Austria released the second 2CD set featuring vintage recordings of Austrian all time jazz great Erich Kleinschuster with guest stars. CD1 features Jimmy Heath and Art Farmer at their peak in 1968 (giving a valuable addendum/comparisson to Mosaic`s current "Single" reissue of "The time and the place" featuring the same line-up some two years earlier !!) and CD2 Slide Hampton&Jimmy Woode in early 1971. :excited::excited:

Again the production is clearly a labour of love and interested board members can obtain this via ( i `m not holding any particular interest in this onlineshop :blink: )


Let`s marvel with with releases like this one as long they "keep coming"....

Best, Emil


Finally. after a two year hiatus, Universal Austria released the second 2CD set featuring vintage recordings of Austrian all time jazz great Erich Kleinschuster with guest stars. CD1 features Jimmy Heath and Art Farmer at their peak in 1968 (giving a valuable addendum/comparisson to Mosaic`s current "Single" reissue of "The time and the place" featuring the same line-up some two years earlier !!) and CD2 Slide Hampton&Jimmy Woode in early 1971. :excited::excited:

Again the production is clearly a labour of love and interested board members can obtain this via ( i `m not holding any particular interest in this onlineshop :blink: )


Let`s marvel with with releases like this one as long they "keep coming"....

Best, Emil

That's great news. I have Volume 1 with Joe Henderson & it's terrific!

The problem I have with trying to buy Volume 2 through www.redoctopus.at is that I can't speak German and there doesn't seem to be an 'English' translation on the website. Does anyone know if there is another 'English' site selling the CD or can someone tell me which buttons to press on the 'redoctopus' site in order to make a purchase.


Contact them via e-mail, they speak English and are very friendly!


Yes! I ordered Vol 1 from them thru this method, and it is as Mike says - very friendly and very professional.

Order with confidence!

Posted (edited)

Well, perhaps finally the truth about this session will be revealed... or maybe not. :rsly:

Has anyone ordered yet? Is there a track listing with composer credits or timings available?

Edited by Daniel A

shucks, just wanted to share the good news... here's the post I prepared to start a new thread with (under "new releases"... didn't check here first, this isn't actually a reissue, even though the music's not from this or last year...)


Erick Kleinschuster

Sextet Vol. 2

Jazz mit Erich Kleinschuster

... war der Titel eines jahrelang auf Ö3 gesendeten wöchentlichen Radioprogramms, in welchem ORF - Studioproduktionen des Kleinschuster Sextetts, häufig mit prominenten Gastsolisten, eingesetzt wurden.

1966 formierte der Posaunist mit zwei weiteren Steirern (Pianist Dr. Harald Neuwirth und Schlagzeuger Erich Bachträgl) und drei seiner Wiener Orchesterkollegen in der Johannes Fehring Big Band (Saxophonist Hans Salomon, Trompeter und Flügelhornist Robert Politzer und Kontrabassist Rudolf Hansen) das Erich Kleinschuster Sextett.

Bis zu seinem Ausscheiden aus dem ORF, 1981, ist es Erich Kleinschuster gelungen, nicht nur etliche talentierte Jazzmusiker an die ORF – Ensembles zu binden, sondern über längere Zeiträume hinweg auch amerikanische Jazzstars wie die Trompeter Art Farmer und Benny Bailey oder den Bassisten James Bryant „Jimmy“ Woode, dessen „großer Ton“ einige Arrangements auf diesen CDs durchdringt . Insgesamt wurde in dieser „Ära Kleinschuster“ in Wien eine international repräsentative Profi – Jazzszene etabliert, eine legitime Fortsetzung der ersten, noch eher marginal wahrgenommenen „Hochblüte“ des Jazz in Österreich der 1950er Jahre mit den Austrian All Stars und den Fatty George Gruppen.

Viele Tonbänder aus dieser Zeit sind glücklicherweise erhalten geblieben, und die Musik wird jetzt, nach mehr als dreieinhalb Jahrzehnten, endlich einem größeren Interessenten- und Sammlerkreis zugänglich gemacht. Modales und Harmonie bezogenes Material, gerade und ungerade Metren, freie Tempi und hart swingende Passagen, vollkommen frei Improvisiertes, „pastellfarbige“, zart-lyrische Melodielinien und expressive Effekte aus der Rock- und Fusionmusic: all das wurde von außerordentlichen Instrumentalisten unter der verantwortungsbewussten Führung des Bandleaders zu einem ausgewogenen Panorama zeitgenössischen (und auch heute noch gültigen) Musizierens verschmolzen.

Text: Klaus Schulz (Auszug aus Linier Notes der CD)

Erich Kleinschuster (tb), Hans Salomon (ts, bcl), Robert Politzer (tp), Harald Neuwirth (p, org), Fritz Pauer (p), Rudolf Hansen (b), Jimmy Woode (b), Erich Bachträgl (dr), Art Farmer (tp), Jimmy Heath (ts), Slide Hampton (tb)

rec. 1968 / 69


On TheTrail

One For Juan

When Sunny Gets Blue

Project S

I Waited For You

A Time And A Place

Blue Bossa

It Might As Well Be Spring




O.K. Persson

Strange Mood

The Wind

Wide Slide



New World


zuletzt geändert am 06.07.2007

You can get it here for 22.90 euro - no clue about shipping costs... as I am lucky to be in Vienna until next Sunday, I'll drop by and get me a copy in the store within the next days! Wowee!

Volume 1 is here, and discussion of it here:



Well, perhaps finally the truth about this session will be revealed... or maybe not. :rsly:

Has anyone ordered yet? Is there a track listing with composer credits or timings available?

I'll compare them once I'll be back home next week!


Thanks for letting me know, Flurin.

FWIW Bock's Music Shop has both volumes for 20.90 EUR apiece. Ordered from Bock once; everything went fine. Can't remember exactly what the shipping charges were - probably they were actual costs, give or take a few cents.


Another side-note - saw Sheila Jordan here at Jazzland, and Fritz Pauer was the head of the accompanying trio. He was smokin' and they obviously had lots of fun together on stage (I think they've known each other for several decades now and played together many times). I don't know yet which of the two pianists is on which of the three sessions, though...


Dusty still has both of these listed as "Spring 2007 (delayed)" --- the first one has been "coming soon" there for going on two years now... <_<

just look beyond the pond and order it from red octopus - their store is great and as others said, they're nice and easy to deal with!

Posted (edited)

Alright all you Bastardphiles, carpe diem...

I already done did last night (both volumes), within 30 minutes of discovering the "now in stock" e-mail from The Bastards.

Them suckers are gonna fly off the shelves at Dusty, like hotcakes!!

(Thought about posting about it here, but wanted to wait for my order confirmation before I unleashed the masses on 'em. I can't imagine they got more than half-a-dozen copies of each volume, at most.)

Edited by Rooster_Ties

I got the email, too but I'm too cash poor to pull the trigger.

Used to be that would depress me to no end but I am really getting away from the MORE MORE MORE mentality lately.


So I've got my order in, and will go pick them up at the store on Monday (the CTA Blue Line is down all weekend or I would be there already). Don't know how many they ordered, but I guess we'll find out soon enough.


Please allow me to reiterate - Red Octopus TCBs just dandily. If the Bassatids flake/run out, take the few extra seconds it takes to give Red Octopus an email exchange or two and get the freakin' deal done while it's still there to get done.

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