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organissimo in City Pulse

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Nice little write-up in the City Pulse today about our upcoming performance at the East Lansing Summer Solstice Jazz Festival:


Here's the part about us:

Spotlight: organissimo

As high summer smacks the high-hat on the celestial drum kit, organissimo (organist Jim Alfredson and guitarist Joe Gloss of Lansing and drummer Randy Marsh of Grand Rapids) is ready to ride the earth for one more chorus.

"I don't think we've maxed out the format," Alfredson says. "When Joe and I formed the band, our main purpose was to expand the organ trio tradition, and we haven't run out of ideas." Alfredson's pulsating organ will billow the jazz tent 4:30 p.m. Saturday.

With its confident, eclectic brand of funk, organissimo (small "o") has taken a specialized jazz format all over the map, from the chicken shack to the art gallery, the smoky bar and the incense-filled ashram. Working its way toward a follow-up to their award-winning 2005 CD,

"This is the Place," the trio completed a successful tour of the Eastern United States last fall and played the Tel Aviv Jazz Festival in February, all the while keeping up their ongoing slate of Great Lakes gigs.

A highlight was a March concert at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, a long way from the band's usual haunt, Founder's Bar in Grand Rapids.

"It was a beautiful room," Alfredson says. "We're sitting there playing amongst this amazing artwork. It was intimate, almost like a club setting. We had a packed house and got a standing ovation."

Oops... got the month wrong for the Philly hit, but oh well.

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