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Two things--- one, the Yuganaut concert will be held at the Drexel Theater Grandview as part

of the new CINEMUSEICA programming there----- live music soundtracks to silent films.

That show is on June 2nd- a Saturday.....Please read more at http://www.iceboxshows.com

I know for me personally it's big to be able to get shows into a larger venue like that, so please spread

the word....

Second thing is that we have Jim Ryan coming in on the 6th (WED.). Jim is a good friend and co-conspirator

of Rent Romus.....he plays tenor.

Jim's tour is called the FORWARD ENERGY GREYHOUND TOUR......he is essentially,

traveling the U.S. by Greyhound---solo--- and going from city to city in search of interesting collaborations

with local improvising musicians.

So far we have Ryan and Hasan lined up to play with him but if anyone else is interested, please let me


Check sound samples here:


Finally, if there's anyone who hasn't yet volunteered some kind of amount they would be able to contribute

to the DVD project (if they are interested in participating), please do so ASAP. So far we have $400 pledged

and we need to get over $700 for it to have a real chance. If we can't make it happen this time around we'll

shoot for later in the summer. Maybe we can hold a bake sale- lol.


YUGANAUT : The Lost World, at The Drexel June 2nd.

On Sat. June 2nd, Yuganaut, a Brooklyn- based progressive jazz trio (analog keyboards, bass, and drums) will perform a live soundtrack to 1925 silent film classic THE LOST WORLD. This is the second installment of the newly begun Cinemuseica series of film/live music collaborations, hosted by the Drexel Grandview Theater. It is also a joint production with The Icebox Music Series, an ongoing concert series (est. 2004) dedicated to presenting progressive jazz and improvised music in Columbus .Please look for articles on the event in this week's Other Paper and Alive.

"The Lost World" is based on a short story by Arthur Conan Doyle, and was directed by Harry Hoyt. It was a direct precursor to the style and theme used by Hoyt in "King Kong", both futuristic and prehistoric. Over 50 robotic dinosaurs battle to the accompaniment of the U.S.'s premiere Multi-media jazz group, Yuganaut. In tribute to The Lost World, there will be free toy dinosaurs to all in attendance!!

"Get your boarding passes ready and queue up for an interstellar

journey ..........piloted by Yuganaut, a crew of three intrepid

explorers skilled in traveling the byways of space and time in the

spirit of such previous pathfinders as Sun Ra, the Art Ensemble of

Chicago, and Miles Davis in his '60s and '70s electric period. Stephen

Rush, Tom Abbs, and Geoff Mann create genuinely unpredictable

soundscapes throughout this highly diverse disc, but always with

attention to organic development and flow... Yuganaut proves that

their chosen style of musical expression can be the sound of something

genuinely startling.

- Dave Lynch / All Music Guide


EVENT : CINEMUSEICA, in association with The Drexel Theater presents Yuganaut "The Lost World"

DATE: Saturday, June 2nd, Columbus Ohio.

VENUE: Drexel Grandview Theater, 1247 Grandview Ave.

TIME: 10 pm (till 'round midnight...)

TIX: $7 general, $5 students/seniors. Under 12 free.


Yuganaut website: www.yuganaut.com

Drexel Theaters: www.drexel.net

The Icebox Music Series: www.iceboxshows.com

A link to a summary of the 1925 movie THE LOST WORLD http://www.wsu.edu/~delahoyd/lostworld1925.html

Want to see the movie to tune up for the show? go here -> http://www.jonhs.net/freemovies/lost_world.htm

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