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Just for laughs....

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As some of you may or may not know, I am part owner of a landscape business out west.

We maintain contracts mainly for various government agencies with our biggest customer being the department of transportation. I have at any time maybe 20-25 crews working on the highways 5-6 days a week. Needless to say given the rocky environment we receive calls from time to time about chipped or broken windshields when performing certain tasks. My standard practice to is pay the claim if proven valid.

More times than not they are bullshit, given that every other car in that neck of the woods has a broken windshield from all the rocks flying around as a result of the construction trucks and the desert environment.

Recently this guy called to complain that his BMW was hit and it was our fault. My foreman denies the possibility, so we had the guy file an accident report with DPS. When we got the claim form it was filled out no further than the guy giving his name and address. No make of car, no report of damage, no details. So, we left it at that.

This was the email he sent one of my office girls today... (I have XXXX out the names to protect the innocent) And for the record we were doing work as directed by the DOT using the correct equipment with all the safety devices installed.

Thanks for your help XXXXXXX. I realize this has no reflection on your or you ability to help correct this.

On that note: This is no big surprise to me.

My next step is Channel 12 for the stupidity of the company to be running weed eaters in the rocks on a heavily travel roadway without using extra care in the process.

It is a shame that American companies have become such a disgusting group money grubbing bastards, while the respectful folks in life keep taking up the ass.

You can forward this to XXXXXXX.

Thanks again for YOUR help.


I am tempted to send the guy a note saying we are in fact a Saudi Arabian owned company.


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