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Carl Allen / Rodney Whitaker on tour

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Carl and Rodney have a new CD on Mack Avenue records called Get Ready and they're going out on tour to support it. Not only that, but our own Joe Gloss will be playing guitar with them on some of these dates. I'll let Joe chime in on which ones!

The Carl Allen - Rodney Whitaker Project

Carl Allen, drums

Rodney Whitaker, bass


George Colligan, piano

Joe Gloss or Rodney Jones, guitar

Steve Wilson, alto/soprano saxophones (NYC date only)


Detroit, MI - Cliff Bells


East Lansing, MI (organissio's hometown!!!)

Shows: 7 & 10 PM



Pentwater, MI


Muskegon, MI

Live Broadcast on Blue Lake Radio

Show at 7 PM


Location TBA, Grand Rapids, MI


Night Town, Cleveland, OH


Sweet Rhythm, New York City

Shows at 8 & 10 PM

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I got the call for this like yesterday. Literally. :crazy: I don't have the charts yet, so I've been learning tunes off the cd. Some VERY nice stuff here. I'm really looking forward to this.

As of now, I'm on these dates:

Cliff Bells in Detroit

Green River Cafe in East Lansing

Live from Blue Lake

Nighttown in Cleveland

There is also an appearance on Ed Love's radio show and a tv performance in Detroit on the 30th.

I was told that Rodney Jones would only be doing the NY stuff. As of today the Grand Rapids and Pentwater gigs have yet to be confirmed. I'd therefore assume I would be doing those if they come through.

Also, I think Wes Anderson will be filling in for Steve Wilson outside of NY.


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This is like that Far Side cartoon; the caption should read 'Joe fucks up'!

I got to hang with Rodney and Carl when they were the rhythm section for the pianists at the Monk competition last year. We spent a whole Friday at rehearsals - real nice guys.

Rodney used to teach Joe G. and B3-er and had real nice things things to say.

Too bad they're not coming through DC - I'd be there in a heartbeat.


Edited by bertrand
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Here's the confirmed schedule of performances in which I'll be participating. I also want to recommend the new CD Get Ready. It's a really satisfying album. :tup

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 - 7:00am

FOX 2 Detroit

Southfield, MI

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 - 7:00pm


Ed Love Show

Detroit, MI

Friday, June 1, 2007 - Two Shows 8:00pm & 10:30pm

CD Release Party

Cliff Bells

2060 Park Avenue

Detroit, MI

Saturday, June 2, 2007 - Two Shows 7:00pm & 10:00pm

CD Release Party

Green River Cafe

211 M.A.C.

East Lansing, MI

Monday, June 4, 2007 - 7:00pm

Blue Lake Public Radio

Live Radio Broadcast - Performance

Muskegon, MI

Wednesday, June 6, 2007 - Two Shows 7:00pm & 9:00pm

Night Town


Cleveland Heights, OH

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Yeah, that's the FOX2 morning show. We did it last year with organissimo. It was really rough. I have a DVD of it somewhere. I look like I have no idea where I am. :P

I'm not surprised, asking musicians to make a 7 AM hit.

Shit like that should be covered in the Geneva Convention, if not the Union work rules.


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That's 10 p.m. on Blue Lake. www.bluelake.org

I think we have Rick Roe on piano, Joe on guitar and Wess "Warmdaddy" Anderson on alto.

Follow up to the new CD, "Get Ready," as in Smokey Robinson's "Get Ready," as well as Marvin Gaye's "Inner City Blues." A collection of Motown inspired melodies taken the jazz route.

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