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I can't believe no one's cited this guy:


You think Newton could have kept that radio working all those years?

Not so hard being the smartest guy on that island.

But one must give props to anybody who can make a radio out of a coconut.

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I always thought Leibniz's metaphysical theories were interesting (though somewhat wacky). Dr. Pangloss!


Yes, metaphysics has always been one of the strangest disciplines in philosophy! And the Monodology is no exception. I wrote a paper on Leibniz's concept of a 'monad' and one thing he argued was that the an infinite series of monads leads to God. I argued that this was not possible.

On the side, an interesting story is how Leibniz stumbled upon on a copy of Descartes' De Regulae, in a used book store, which was originally lost on its way to Paris!

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Now was Newton a looney tune? You probably have to be when you're that kind of genius. For example, it is known that he would pace for weeks at a time, non-stop, before he was ready to work.

The alchemy thing is a bit tough to take as well...


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