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Girls Gone Wild!

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I didn't know that the fuckhead "Girls Gone Wild" dude was in jail for contempt.

What's even more funny is that he is looking at additonal charges for possesion of drugs and bribery of a guard.

To top it all off he has a tax evasion indictment to face in Nevada.

All this and crying like a bitch! :g

Joe Francis isn't wild....

Edited by catesta
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Here's a nice spinoff from that series that he could try.

Convicts gone wild, see inmates beat the living hell out of the whiny geek and then try to make him their bitch

...can see a lot money with that series

Talk about a hit reality show I would actually watch. :tup

Edited by catesta
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Are we forgetting those girls chose to get drunk and "flash their high beams" [i gotta remember that one :g ] for the camera?

And with the cellphone filming technology available now...anyone here honsetly believe this is going to end with Joe Francis anytime soon?

YouTube, Rever, Yahoo and various assorted other video sites are showing this stuff for free even as I type. Maybe, if I may be so bold, the girls flashing their 5mph bumpers should just not drink so damn much.

Besides, nobody gets all pushed out of shape over flashers at Mardi Gras every year. There the girls do that stuff for freakin' beads, fer cryin' out loud.

Edited by GoodSpeak
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In the "real" world...people take responsibliity for their own actions.

Well....unless, of course, you have some convenient person or thing to blame for your own actions.

I don't fault the guy for starting the "girls gone wild" business.

However, dude was caught on tape convincing minors to lie about their age. When he was busted he agreed to settle the case out of court and ended up in the clink when he failed to pay the settlement.

He has a long history of this type of thing and it finally caught up to him. He also seems to have a problem touching girls when they say no and that ain't cool.

The rest of the trouble Francis is facing is all tax fraud related, so fuck him, there is no one to blame besides himself.

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In the "real" world...people take responsibliity for their own actions.

Well....unless, of course, you have some convenient person or thing to blame for your own actions.

I don't fault the guy for starting the "girls gone wild" business.

However, dude was caught on tape convincing minors to lie about their age. When he was busted he agreed to settle the case out of court and ended up in the clink when he failed to pay the settlement.

He has a long history of this type of thing and it finally caught up to him. He also seems to have a problem touching girls when they say no and that ain't cool.

The rest of the trouble Francis is facing is all tax fraud related, so fuck him, there is no one to blame besides himself.

Fair enough.

OTOH, it is common practice for girls to lie about their age....with or without the benefit of being in a video. The alcohol, then, becomes a convenient excuse for those girls to foist blame rather than actully take any personal responsibility for their own actions. "It wasn't my fault" they might say or "He took advantage of me when I was drunk."

Most importantly, however, is the glaring issue of girls getting drunk in the first place...underaged girls. What I'm saying is Joe Francis is a conveinet target for some rather selective moralizing on the part of these girls who were filmed and/or those who take offense to flashing in public. Make sense?

Edited by GoodSpeak
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In the "real" world...people take responsibliity for their own actions.

Well....unless, of course, you have some convenient person or thing to blame for your own actions.

I don't fault the guy for starting the "girls gone wild" business.

However, dude was caught on tape convincing minors to lie about their age. When he was busted he agreed to settle the case out of court and ended up in the clink when he failed to pay the settlement.

He has a long history of this type of thing and it finally caught up to him. He also seems to have a problem touching girls when they say no and that ain't cool.

The rest of the trouble Francis is facing is all tax fraud related, so fuck him, there is no one to blame besides himself.

Fair enough.

OTOH, it is common practice for girls to lie about their age....with or without the benefit of being in a video. The alcohol, then, becomes a convenient excuse for those girls to foist blame rather than actully take any personal responsibility for their own actions. "It wasn't my fault" they might say or "He took advantage of me when I was drunk."

Most importantly, however, is the glaring issue of girls getting drunk in the first place...underaged girls. What I'm saying is Joe Francis is a conveinet target for some rather selective moralizing on the part of these girls who were filmed and/or those who take offense to flashing in public. Make sense?

Sure, that part all makes sense.

I realize the girls are ignorant for letting it happen and are not blameless.

That shit with the underage girls is not his real problem though. His real problem was making the settlement deal and than trying to back out of it. Of course that is not near as serious as what he faces for bullshitting the man.

Francis is an arrogant "wannabe celebrity" douchebag. This whole story is funny to me for that reason alone. Toss in his crying in jail and the bonus of bribes for bottled water and drugs and it's a trifecta of comedy.

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In the "real" world...people take responsibliity for their own actions.

Well....unless, of course, you have some convenient person or thing to blame for your own actions.

I don't fault the guy for starting the "girls gone wild" business.

However, dude was caught on tape convincing minors to lie about their age. When he was busted he agreed to settle the case out of court and ended up in the clink when he failed to pay the settlement.

He has a long history of this type of thing and it finally caught up to him. He also seems to have a problem touching girls when they say no and that ain't cool.

The rest of the trouble Francis is facing is all tax fraud related, so fuck him, there is no one to blame besides himself.

Fair enough.

OTOH, it is common practice for girls to lie about their age....with or without the benefit of being in a video. The alcohol, then, becomes a convenient excuse for those girls to foist blame rather than actully take any personal responsibility for their own actions. "It wasn't my fault" they might say or "He took advantage of me when I was drunk."

Most importantly, however, is the glaring issue of girls getting drunk in the first place...underaged girls. What I'm saying is Joe Francis is a conveinet target for some rather selective moralizing on the part of these girls who were filmed and/or those who take offense to flashing in public. Make sense?

Sure, that part all makes sense.

I realize the girls are ignorant for letting it happen and are not blameless.

That shit with the underage girls is not his real problem though. His real problem was making the settlement deal and than trying to back out of it. Of course that is not near as serious as what he faces for bullshitting the man.

Francis is an arrogant "wannabe celebrity" douchebag. This whole story is funny to me for that reason alone. Toss in his crying in jail and the bonus of bribes for bottled water and drugs and it's a trifecta of comedy.


But TBH...I would cry if thrown in jail, too. ^_^

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I think it is funny that y'all know the guy's name.

Duh, his name is all over the credits at the end of the videos.


I mean I heard him mentioned on CNN.

This reminds me of something Randy once said:

Though it doesn't have an official spokesperson, the "Girls Gone Wild" infomercials are clearly some of the most disgusting and despicable infomercials currently running. Even worse are the videos themselves. They represent the worst aspects of our hedonistic and exhibitionist culture. Everytime I view one of them I come away depressed about the future of our civilization; and the lighting is really bad.
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