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Ahhh, the good old days

Soul Stream

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I was thumbing through the new little Blue Note Album Cover Artbook (the small one that combines vol 1 and 2). It made me a little sad.

I remember when I first got those cover are books....I used to just drool and IMAGINE what those albums sounded like. So many were unavailable on CD, and finding them on vinyl was almost impossible in this part of the country.

Now, I have most all of the Blue Notes in one form or another. It makes me a little sad that the sense of discovery is over. The idea of hearing a Blue Note for the first time after looking at the cover in those books for so many years. I can still remember how blown away I was after recieving my first TOCJs of my Holy Grails....John Patton's "The Way I Feel," "Oh, Baby!", and Freddie Roach's "Brown Sugar."

Those were the days. I really miss them. But on the bright side, "Mode For Joe" comes out today and I've never heard that!

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I know exactly what you mean, Soul Stream.

When I first saw the cover of Andrew Hill's Compulsion, I thought it must be the baddest thing ever recorded. Same goes for Donald Byrd's The Cat Walk . Luckily, Mosaic helped out in both circumstances.

The whole design aspect of the Blue Note releases really added to the anticipation and expectations I had as a listener. Two more I love--Hutcherson's Happenings and Sam Rivers' A New Conception. Wild!

I guess we just have to find a new label to discover at this point!!

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The art was always a big part of the BN appeal and added to the mystery. In fact the art is sometimes better than the album and shame on those who say it is all about the music (all!!??).

Pity that the mystique and allure of these classic albums has become somewhat marred in their Euro editions by the addition of the Copy Controlled logo in the fornt insert window, while the 'explanation' about how this disk might give trouble in some CD players and PCs competes with the barcode on the already crowded rear insert.

I bet the US BN crowd won't be so happy when they see those, considering all the money they spend on design - the design is a big part of their marketing.

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But on the bright side, "Mode For Joe" comes out today and I've never heard that!

Great session! If you're looking for it, don't bother going to Best Buy. Last month, I was pleasantly surprised to find the last batch of RVG's in stock on their release date - something that had never happened before. I just went to the local store over my lunch break and they didn't have any of them. So, when I got back to the office I checked the inventory system to see which of the local stores would be getting them. Unfortunately, none of them have been ordered for any Best Buy store. Looks like I won't be getting the employee discount when I buy them. :angry:

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I know what you mean, SS. In my case, it was the LPs back in the 60s. Where I lived, they weren't too easy to get, and I heard very few. I took them up on their "For free catalog ... " offer, and they sent me one, in about 1967.

Those LP covers were so exciting, with the oval and the rectangle, and the Wolff/Miles design. When I see a CD cover, with the original number, it takes me back to those days: "Dexter Calling", "Silver's Serenade" etc. The TOCJs recapture it all best on CD.

Now, I have just about all of them that I want, and I don't even need any new RVGs and "Conns", except for the unissued sessions, and those are spoiled by McMasters' terrible sound, so they don't add much.

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I remember when I first got those cover are books....I used to just drool and IMAGINE what those albums sounded like. So many were unavailable on CD, and finding them on vinyl was almost impossible in this part of the country.

Now, I have most all of the Blue Notes in one form or another. It makes me a little sad that the sense of discovery is over. The idea of hearing a Blue Note for the first time after looking at the cover in those books for so many years. I can still remember how blown away I was after recieving my first TOCJs of my Holy Grails....John Patton's "The Way I Feel," "Oh, Baby!", and Freddie Roach's "Brown Sugar."

Those were the days. I really miss them. But on the bright side, "Mode For Joe" comes out today and I've never heard that!

You miss the hunt?

You miss drooling?

I'm amazed that these long OOP albums are on CD and available to hear/buy. Some of the re-issues even made it to LP format too.

Course, some of the covers had an imagined sound better than the album. :rolleyes:

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