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Barry Bonds quest for HR record

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We've got to face the facts that sometimes "bad" guys break records: witness Pete Rose.

The difference is that the "thing" that makes Bonds a bad guy is same thing that's causing him to be able to break the record.

If he was busted for a DUI, or was a gambler, or a racist even, he still wouldn't be a likable character, but he'd probably be more acceptable as a record holder.

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Well, I don't know about you guys but I don't root for my team because they are loaded with really nice guys who kiss babies and help little old ladies across the street, all right? I want to see wins and championships not a wonderful bunch of guys wearing the same uniform.

And if there is any truth to tell there are far bigger assholes enshrined in the MLB Hall of Fame, for pete's sake....worse than what Bonds had been made out to be.

Lastly, 54% of all fans polled two months ago want to see him do it; 75% of all Blacks want to see him do it. It is only here and in the media I read or hear all the negativity.

So if there is an asterisk to be given, fine. That will not change, alter or in any way, shape or form erase the greatness of this accomplishment. And you guys can bitch and moan all you like....I'll be the true fan enjoying it while you guys grind your teeth over it. Be bitter. It's your loss.

Next, I want to see an asterisk next to Eric Gagne's 72 saves....there is no way in hell he wasn't juicing and I can parade in front of you all of the specious "evidence" you guys have accepted as literal fact, too. Then we need to investigate every single HOf'er, record holder or great baseball player, hell, any sport's athlete, as well. Let's astrisk them all, if you guys are so concerned about the fairness of it all. How 'bout it?

Such foolishness....it's a game, dammit.

Edited by GoodSpeak
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Well, I don't know about you guys but I don't root for my team because they are loaded with really nice guys who kiss babies and help little old ladies across the street, all right? I want to see wins and championships not a wonderful bunch of guys wearing the same uniform.

And if there is any truth to tell there are far bigger assholes enshrined in the MLB Hall of Fame, for pete's sake....worse than what Bonds had been made out to be.

Lastly, 54% of all fans polled two months ago want to see him do it; 75% of all Blacks want to see him do it. It is only here and in the media I read or hear all the negativity.

So if there is an asterisk to be given, fine. That will not change, alter or in any way, shape or form erase the greatness of this accomplishment. And you guys can bitch and moan all you like....I'll be the true fan enjoying it while you guys grind your teeth over it. Be bitter. It's your loss.

Next, I want to see an asterisk next to Eric Gagne's 72 saves....there is no way in hell he wasn't juicing and I can parade in front of you all of the specious "evidence" you guys have accepted as literal fact, too. Then we need to investigate every single HOf'er, record holder or great baseball player, hell, any sport's athlete, as well. Let's astrisk them all, if you guys are so concerned about the fairness of it all. How 'bout it?

Such foolishness....it's a game, dammit.

You're right there are, were, and always will be plenty of assholes in sports. And of course Bonds is not the only one using steroids, past or present.

That is obvious as hell. He is though, the one about to break Aaron's record, so the spotlight is on him.

Where did you get those numbers at?

In a poll conducted by MSNBC just a few days ago, the numbers are quite different...


This ESPN poll matches your numbers more closely, but you left out the fact that 73% of those polled believe Bonds uses Steroids.


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We've got to face the facts that sometimes "bad" guys break records: witness Pete Rose.

The difference is that the "thing" that makes Bonds a bad guy is same thing that's causing him to be able to break the record.

If he was busted for a DUI, or was a gambler, or a racist even, he still wouldn't be a likable character, but he'd probably be more acceptable as a record holder.

Is Aggie getting aggie-vated over Bonds? ;)

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Well, I don't know about you guys but I don't root for my team because they are loaded with really nice guys who kiss babies and help little old ladies across the street, all right? I want to see wins and championships not a wonderful bunch of guys wearing the same uniform.

And if there is any truth to tell there are far bigger assholes enshrined in the MLB Hall of Fame, for pete's sake....worse than what Bonds had been made out to be.

Lastly, 54% of all fans polled two months ago want to see him do it; 75% of all Blacks want to see him do it. It is only here and in the media I read or hear all the negativity.

So if there is an asterisk to be given, fine. That will not change, alter or in any way, shape or form erase the greatness of this accomplishment. And you guys can bitch and moan all you like....I'll be the true fan enjoying it while you guys grind your teeth over it. Be bitter. It's your loss.

Next, I want to see an asterisk next to Eric Gagne's 72 saves....there is no way in hell he wasn't juicing and I can parade in front of you all of the specious "evidence" you guys have accepted as literal fact, too. Then we need to investigate every single HOf'er, record holder or great baseball player, hell, any sport's athlete, as well. Let's astrisk them all, if you guys are so concerned about the fairness of it all. How 'bout it?

Such foolishness....it's a game, dammit.

You're right there are, were, and always will be plenty of assholes in sports. And of course Bonds is not the only one using steroids, past or present.

That is obvious as hell. He is though, the one about to break Aaron's record, so the spotlight is on him.

Where did you get those numbers at?

In a poll conducted by MSNBC just a few days ago, the numbers are quite different...


This ESPN poll matches your numbers more closely, but you left out the fact that 73% of those polled believe Bonds uses Steroids.


I got those numbers from a poll done a couple months a go.

These new polls should suggest to you that the media is attempting to do some damage control.

I mean, think about it, you have a multi-billion dollar organization which has been bitching about Bonds, with no actual proof, what would you do?

Answer: Take another poll which favors your prejudice..

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Well, I don't know about you guys but I don't root for my team because they are loaded with really nice guys who kiss babies and help little old ladies across the street, all right? I want to see wins and championships not a wonderful bunch of guys wearing the same uniform.

And if there is any truth to tell there are far bigger assholes enshrined in the MLB Hall of Fame, for pete's sake....worse than what Bonds had been made out to be.

Lastly, 54% of all fans polled two months ago want to see him do it; 75% of all Blacks want to see him do it. It is only here and in the media I read or hear all the negativity.

So if there is an asterisk to be given, fine. That will not change, alter or in any way, shape or form erase the greatness of this accomplishment. And you guys can bitch and moan all you like....I'll be the true fan enjoying it while you guys grind your teeth over it. Be bitter. It's your loss.

Next, I want to see an asterisk next to Eric Gagne's 72 saves....there is no way in hell he wasn't juicing and I can parade in front of you all of the specious "evidence" you guys have accepted as literal fact, too. Then we need to investigate every single HOf'er, record holder or great baseball player, hell, any sport's athlete, as well. Let's astrisk them all, if you guys are so concerned about the fairness of it all. How 'bout it?

Such foolishness....it's a game, dammit.

You're right there are, were, and always will be plenty of assholes in sports. And of course Bonds is not the only one using steroids, past or present.

That is obvious as hell. He is though, the one about to break Aaron's record, so the spotlight is on him.

Where did you get those numbers at?

In a poll conducted by MSNBC just a few days ago, the numbers are quite different...


This ESPN poll matches your numbers more closely, but you left out the fact that 73% of those polled believe Bonds uses Steroids.


I got those numbers from a poll done a couple months a go.

These new polls should suggest to you that the media is attempting to do some damage control.

I mean, think about it, you have a multi-billion dollar organization which has been bitching about Bonds, with no actual proof, what would you do?

Answer: Take another poll which favors your prejudice..

"the media" is a single, multi-billion dollar organization, apparently engaged in an unprecedented attempt to destroy a decent, honorable man ... do you ever listen to yourself?

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Next, I want to see an asterisk next to Eric Gagne's 72 saves....there is no way in hell he wasn't juicing

But....but....you yourself have said that steroids dont help baseball players play better. You've been arguing that point throughout this whole thread, seemingly.

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Lastly, 54% of all fans polled two months ago want to see him do it; 75% of all Blacks want to see him do it. It is only here and in the media I read or hear all the negativity.

In the 2 month old poll I quoted in Post 13 of this thread, only 37% wanted Bonds to break the record. So your argument that these are "new polls" that are doing damage control is also incorrect.

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Well, I don't know about you guys but I don't root for my team because they are loaded with really nice guys who kiss babies and help little old ladies across the street, all right? I want to see wins and championships not a wonderful bunch of guys wearing the same uniform.

And if there is any truth to tell there are far bigger assholes enshrined in the MLB Hall of Fame, for pete's sake....worse than what Bonds had been made out to be.

Lastly, 54% of all fans polled two months ago want to see him do it; 75% of all Blacks want to see him do it. It is only here and in the media I read or hear all the negativity.

So if there is an asterisk to be given, fine. That will not change, alter or in any way, shape or form erase the greatness of this accomplishment. And you guys can bitch and moan all you like....I'll be the true fan enjoying it while you guys grind your teeth over it. Be bitter. It's your loss.

Next, I want to see an asterisk next to Eric Gagne's 72 saves....there is no way in hell he wasn't juicing and I can parade in front of you all of the specious "evidence" you guys have accepted as literal fact, too. Then we need to investigate every single HOf'er, record holder or great baseball player, hell, any sport's athlete, as well. Let's astrisk them all, if you guys are so concerned about the fairness of it all. How 'bout it?

Such foolishness....it's a game, dammit.

You're right there are, were, and always will be plenty of assholes in sports. And of course Bonds is not the only one using steroids, past or present.

That is obvious as hell. He is though, the one about to break Aaron's record, so the spotlight is on him.

Where did you get those numbers at?

In a poll conducted by MSNBC just a few days ago, the numbers are quite different...


This ESPN poll matches your numbers more closely, but you left out the fact that 73% of those polled believe Bonds uses Steroids.


I got those numbers from a poll done a couple months a go.

These new polls should suggest to you that the media is attempting to do some damage control.

I mean, think about it, you have a multi-billion dollar organization which has been bitching about Bonds, with no actual proof, what would you do?

Answer: Take another poll which favors your prejudice..

So, should we discount polls about politicians, war, music, and favorite colors?

I mean, what you're saying is that the people reporting and taking these polls are twisting the numbers to make the outcome whatever they want. Or polling to the exact select group that will give them the answers they want. Or maybe they're skipping right over the process of even conducting the poll and just publishing numbers the way they see it.

I'm convinced.

Fuck it, I'm convinced, Barry deserves a break and at this point I don't see why he should even have to hit one more fucking time. JUST GIVE HIM THE TITLE YOU BASTARDS!


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Well, I don't know about you guys but I don't root for my team because they are loaded with really nice guys who kiss babies and help little old ladies across the street, all right? I want to see wins and championships not a wonderful bunch of guys wearing the same uniform.

And if there is any truth to tell there are far bigger assholes enshrined in the MLB Hall of Fame, for pete's sake....worse than what Bonds had been made out to be.

Lastly, 54% of all fans polled two months ago want to see him do it; 75% of all Blacks want to see him do it. It is only here and in the media I read or hear all the negativity.

So if there is an asterisk to be given, fine. That will not change, alter or in any way, shape or form erase the greatness of this accomplishment. And you guys can bitch and moan all you like....I'll be the true fan enjoying it while you guys grind your teeth over it. Be bitter. It's your loss.

Next, I want to see an asterisk next to Eric Gagne's 72 saves....there is no way in hell he wasn't juicing and I can parade in front of you all of the specious "evidence" you guys have accepted as literal fact, too. Then we need to investigate every single HOf'er, record holder or great baseball player, hell, any sport's athlete, as well. Let's astrisk them all, if you guys are so concerned about the fairness of it all. How 'bout it?

Such foolishness....it's a game, dammit.

You're right there are, were, and always will be plenty of assholes in sports. And of course Bonds is not the only one using steroids, past or present.

That is obvious as hell. He is though, the one about to break Aaron's record, so the spotlight is on him.

Where did you get those numbers at?

In a poll conducted by MSNBC just a few days ago, the numbers are quite different...


This ESPN poll matches your numbers more closely, but you left out the fact that 73% of those polled believe Bonds uses Steroids.


I got those numbers from a poll done a couple months a go.

These new polls should suggest to you that the media is attempting to do some damage control.

I mean, think about it, you have a multi-billion dollar organization which has been bitching about Bonds, with no actual proof, what would you do?

Answer: Take another poll which favors your prejudice..

"the media" is a single, multi-billion dollar organization, apparently engaged in an unprecedented attempt to destroy a decent, honorable man ... do you ever listen to yourself?

Hope not; he'd be even dizzier! :lol:

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Would we even be having this discussion if Bonds played for a team OTHER than the Giants (i.e. Goody's team)?

Of course not. Would I express my man-love for David Ortiz if he didn't play for the Red Sox? Would Goody have so much emotionally invested if Bonds wasn't doing this in San Fran? Now watch as he is going to tell us that he is really for fair play, constitutional rights, etc. and that he'd be defending Bonds even if he played for the Dodgers.

Yeah right.

Oh well - it will be over soon and afterwards it will be real interesting to see Bonds' reception on the road when he is the so-called "Home Run King". He gets a great deal of boos on the road now but my guess is that in the aftermath of this farce, the reception he gets will be ten times worse, as fans who aren't blinded by allegiance to the home team will really let him know what they think of him.

And then, in the offseason, the Giants will try to pick up the pieces of their broken down, sad pathetic franchise, where old farts litter the roster, and when they sign free agents, they are pathetic busts like Zito. Goody says he wants to root for a winner yet he somehow can't see how the team sold out any chance it had for a championship by being do desperate to enable Bonds' fraud to continue.

My guess: the ballpark will be empty in the aftermath as the chickens come home to roost (Bonds in jail, the Giants in the cellar, and the owners wondering where the fans went).

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every AB until the end of this career the pitcher gives bonds an intentional pass

Works for me.

Or Bonds could do the right thing and simply retire from baseball today.

No, my preference would be the old HBP in every at bat until he quits. Then when his teammates don't do anything to protect him, Bonds will learn the consequence of treating them all like shit.


(this plan might also give Barry the chance to obtain a career record honestly, which is quite an accomplishment for him.)

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only one way for the hammer's record to stand

every AB until the end of this career the pitcher gives bonds an intentional pass

"Intentional pass"??? Why waste 3 pitches when you can achieve the same result by plunking him with one??*

*see Drysdale, Don.

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only one way for the hammer's record to stand

every AB until the end of this career the pitcher gives bonds an intentional pass

"Intentional pass"??? Why waste 3 pitches when you can achieve the same result by plunking him with one??*

*see Drysdale, Don.

And to bring it full circle, Hank Aaron hit more home runs off of Drysdale (17) than any other in his career. Without wearing a big ass elbow guard either. :)

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No, my preference would be the old HBP in every at bat until he quits. Then when his teammates don't do anything to protect him, Bonds will learn the consequence of treating them all like shit.

:g That's exactly what I thought when I read the intentional walk suggestion. Might I suggest that his head is now a particularly large target...? :lol:

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Bonds is a joke where it counts...delivering a world championship. I still remember how the Braves kept intentionally walking Bobby Bonilla to get to Bonds, who inevitably failed to hit in the 1991 playoff series.

This surly steroid user has tarnished the game and has no business in the HOF.

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Bonds is a joke where it counts...delivering a world championship. I still remember how the Braves kept intentionally walking Bobby Bonilla to get to Bonds, who inevitably failed to hit in the 1991 playoff series.

This surly steroid user has tarnished the game and has no business in the HOF.

Do you fish?

This post sure looks like bucket of fish bait to me.

Hey! Ken "Bait Bucket" Dryden...your new nickname :P

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Well, I don't know about you guys but I don't root for my team because they are loaded with really nice guys who kiss babies and help little old ladies across the street, all right? I want to see wins and championships not a wonderful bunch of guys wearing the same uniform.

And if there is any truth to tell there are far bigger assholes enshrined in the MLB Hall of Fame, for pete's sake....worse than what Bonds had been made out to be.

Lastly, 54% of all fans polled two months ago want to see him do it; 75% of all Blacks want to see him do it. It is only here and in the media I read or hear all the negativity.

So if there is an asterisk to be given, fine. That will not change, alter or in any way, shape or form erase the greatness of this accomplishment. And you guys can bitch and moan all you like....I'll be the true fan enjoying it while you guys grind your teeth over it. Be bitter. It's your loss.

Next, I want to see an asterisk next to Eric Gagne's 72 saves....there is no way in hell he wasn't juicing and I can parade in front of you all of the specious "evidence" you guys have accepted as literal fact, too. Then we need to investigate every single HOf'er, record holder or great baseball player, hell, any sport's athlete, as well. Let's astrisk them all, if you guys are so concerned about the fairness of it all. How 'bout it?

Such foolishness....it's a game, dammit.

You're right there are, were, and always will be plenty of assholes in sports. And of course Bonds is not the only one using steroids, past or present.

That is obvious as hell. He is though, the one about to break Aaron's record, so the spotlight is on him.

Where did you get those numbers at?

In a poll conducted by MSNBC just a few days ago, the numbers are quite different...


This ESPN poll matches your numbers more closely, but you left out the fact that 73% of those polled believe Bonds uses Steroids.


I got those numbers from a poll done a couple months a go.

These new polls should suggest to you that the media is attempting to do some damage control.

I mean, think about it, you have a multi-billion dollar organization which has been bitching about Bonds, with no actual proof, what would you do?

Answer: Take another poll which favors your prejudice..

"the media" is a single, multi-billion dollar organization, apparently engaged in an unprecedented attempt to destroy a decent, honorable man ... do you ever listen to yourself?


You mean like they did to President Clinton?

Go back to sleep, Dan...you're dreaming.

Edited by GoodSpeak
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