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Guest donald petersen

he brought some funk to some unexpected places.



birthday 2 days ago. we must not forget this master.

still living in cleveland, i think.

his beautiful beautiful work with hemphill and newton and duets with leroy come quickly to mind.

One of my favorite records!

Thanks for bringing this up. He's excellent on record (never got to see him live), and I hope he is doing well!


I saw him when he was with Arthur Blythe's group- excellent! Bob Stewart on tuba, Kelvyn Bell on guitar & Bobby Battle(?) on drums. They did some interesting interplay with the guitar and cello.

Posted (edited)

His work with the BAG guys is baaaaad. Wadud is not just funk--he's menace...

As noted above, his work with Julius Hemphill is tremendous. They brought out the best, most aggressive playing in one another.

Edited by ep1str0phy

I'm from Cleveland, and I haven't heard of him popping up at any of the ususal night clubs, which is basically two. Besides the Bop Stop and Night Town, there's really nowhere else to find any jazz, let alone advant garde/experimental. part of the problem is advertising. Because jazz is not nearly as important as rock around here, you really have to search if you want to find something special. This happened when I learned that Marshall Allan and Henry Grimes came to Lakewood (a suberb of Cleveland) a week after they already came. What a drag, because I live a half hour away from the venue they played at. The Cleveland jazz scene is virtually non-existent, except for the Tri-C jazz fest and the occasional big-name act that rolls into town every five years or so (last huge show was Sonny Rollins at Severence Hall in 3/2001, which was excellent, btw). If I heard Wadud was playing somewhere around here, I'd be there in a flash.


Hi HG. I grew up in Cleveland, and while I still visit family and friends there, I'll confess to having not gone out for live music there in awhile (besides the Cleveland Orchestra). Is the Boarding House over by Case Western no longer with us? I remember listening to Ace Carter there before he left to join the Basie band. (Never a place for AG/experimental as I recall.)

I smiled last week when my mother told me how much she enjoyed Lovano/Barron quartet doing a Monk tribute at the recent Tri-C jazzfest. Would have tried to attend that one if it were feasible. That likely was a highlight of the jazz year in Cleveland, or so it seems.

Posted (edited)

Hi HG. I grew up in Cleveland, and while I still visit family and friends there, I'll confess to having not gone out for live music there in awhile (besides the Cleveland Orchestra). Is the Boarding House over by Case Western no longer with us? I remember listening to Ace Carter there before he left to join the Basie band. (Never a place for AG/experimental as I recall.)

I smiled last week when my mother told me how much she enjoyed Lovano/Barron quartet doing a Monk tribute at the recent Tri-C jazzfest. Would have tried to attend that one if it were feasible. That likely was a highlight of the jazz year in Cleveland, or so it seems.

Hi Patrick,

Funny enough, I grew up in Florida and moved to Cleveland to go to school. I used to hang out at the Boarding House all the time. During the day, it was your usual quiet bar (used to love looking at the jazz photos on their walls), but at night it did turn into a vibrant, local jazz showcase (you may remember the Barking Spider near Case's campus which featured a trombonist from Ellington's band; cannnot remember his name, but he played there every Friday night). Lately though, I think the emphasis has shifted there, and they don't feature jazz as much as they used to. The Tri-C jazz fest, does bring some great acts, most notably of late, Wayne Shorter with Perez, Pattituci and Blade (had first row seats) and wow, what a show. Brian Blade just blew me away!

Edited by Holy Ghost
Posted (edited)

And now that the Bop Stop has moved away from the warehouse district (E 6th) to the edge of downtown Cleveland, they now have a much bigger venue for larger audiences. The Cleveland Jazz Orchestra is amazing! I took a couple of Paul Ferguson's jazz classes and I think he's now the director of the CJO. One thing he managed, and I'll never forget this, is he got Lester Bowie to come in for a surprise guest lecture. I just about fell out of my seat, as he came in with his horned-rimmed glasses and doctor's coat. The best surprise of a lifetime. I should add that this was about 11 years ago.

Edited by Holy Ghost
  • 2 years later...

Thanks. I heard from a friend of Yusef Mumin (Joe Phillips), so I assume it's true though he didn't have an exact death date.

Couldn't find anything in the Plain Dealer. Did he die in Cleveland? Is that his birth name?

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