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Posted (edited)


Henry Grimes, photo by Mark Sheldon (thanks, Mark!), Chicago, 'O6

Sunday, May 6th: Cecil Taylor’s AHA3 featuring Henry Grimes & Pheeroan akLaff + special guest Andy Bey, the Blue Note, 131 West 3rd St. at 6th Ave., New York City, 8 & 1O:3O p.m., 212-475-8592, www.bluenotejazz.com/newyork/schedule/index.shtml, staff@bluenote.net.

Tuesday, May 8th: Marc Ribot w/ Henry Grimes & Chad Taylor, Clemente Soto Velez Cultural Center, 1O7 Suffolk St. betw. Rivington & Delancey (one block east of where Tonic was), New York City, 7:3O p.m. (Sabir Mateen / Daniel Carter / Andrew Barker follow at 9:3O), 212-254-542O, http://csvcenter.com/2005, www.csvcenter.com/2005/directions.htm, www.visionfestival.org, info@visionfestival.org.

Tuesday-Saturday, May 15th-May 19th: Henry Grimes's Spaceship on the Runway, w/ Maestro Marshall Allen, Andrew Lamb, and Avreeayl Ra, two workshops and two concerts in the Uncool Festival at Poschiavo, Switzerland near the Italian border, (O11-41) 81 84 4O O5O, www.uncool.ch, thekey@uncool.ch...

... and much more to follow!

For bookings, high-res photos, further information, or to purchase a recording and / or book by the NEW Henry Grimes, please contact musicmargaret@earthlink.net, Voicemail 212-841-O899.


Edited by musicmargaret

Hi Margaret, thanks for posting! Those are some pretty nice gigs...wish I could make them.....especially that show in Switzerland!!! I'll see you in late June....say "hi" to Henry!



Lazaro the Great wrote, "Andy Bey, the singer/pianist? with Cecil Taylor?"

Dear wonderful Lazaro, please check out the *** Cecil Taylor *** thread, maybe starting just about here:


and read pages 6 & 7, and don't miss the photo of Cecil Taylor as a Boy Scout around age 11!

(I don't know who put the stars into the topic heading, but they may be making the thread hard to find.)

  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)

Many thanks for the good wishes! I notice I haven't posted Henry's very busy schedule here lately, so here it is for October-December, 'O7. Some of the dates have already taken place:

Monday, October 1st-Sunday, October 7th: Yoriyuki Harada (piano) with Tobias Delius (tenor saxophone, clarinet), Henry Grimes (double-bass, violin), Tristan Honsinger (cello), and Louis Moholo (drums, percussion), tour in Japan & Korea:

Monday, October 1st: Concert at Suginami Kokaido Concert Hall, Tokyo, Japan, www.suginamikoukaidou.com;

Tuesday, October 2nd: Concert at Sakura-Za, Kofu City, Japan, http://sakuraza.jp;

Wednesday, October 3rd: Concert at Nagoya City Theatre, Nagoya, Japan, www.bunka758.or.jp/02shisetsu/02shisetsu_16.html;

Thursday, October 4th: Concert at Kyoto Cultural Museum, Kyoto, Japan, www.bunpaku.or.jp;

Sunday, October 7th: Concert at Buam Art Hall, Seoul, Korea, www.buamart.co.

Saturdays, October 2Oth, December 8th, December 22nd: Henry Grimes (acoustic bass, violin, poetry) & Senegalese drummer Ibrahima Diokhane, Le Grand Dakar Senegalese restaurant, 285 Grand Ave. betw. Lafayette Ave. & Clifton Place, Brooklyn, NY, sets at 8 and 1O p.m., 718-398-89OO, delicious Senegalese cuisine, www.granddakar.com, legranddakar@gmail.com. "A" train to Hoyt / Schermerhorn and change to "G" to Classon Ave., or "C" to Clinton-Washington.

Saturday, October 27th-Friday, November 2nd: Henry Grimes trio w/ Andrew Lamb (saxophones, flutes, clarinet) & Newman Taylor Baker (drums, percussion) (Sublime Communication), tour in the Azores and continental Portugal:

Saturday, October 27th: Festival Internacional de Jazz de Ponta Delgada, Teatro Micaelense, Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel, Azores, Portugal, www.teatromicaelense.pt;

Tuesday, October 3Oth: 2nd-grade workshop with the trio at the Carlucci School, Sintra, Portugal, www.caislisbon.org, photos at www.caislisbon.org/about.cfm?subpage=698;

Wednesday, October 31st: Galeria Ze dos Bois (ZDB), Lisbon, Portugal, www.zedosbois.org/zdbmuzique/index.htm;

Thursday, November 1st: Forum Cultural, Moita, Portugal, cmmoita@cm-moita.pt, www.cm-moita.pt/cmm/index.php;

Friday, November 2nd: Encontros Internacionais de Jazz de Coimbra, Salão Brazil, Coimbra, Portugal, http://salaobrazil.blogspot.com;

Tuesday, November 13th in Paris, France, and Wednesday through Saturday, November 14th-17th in Dudelange, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg: Sunny Murray's New Change of the Century Orchestra, "Sunny's Time Now" documentary project covering travel on the band bus, rehearsals, recording, and grand-finale concert in the main auditorium of the Centre Culturel Regional in Dudelange, with Tony Bevan (bass, tenor, & soprano saxophones), John Edwards (double-bass), Bobby Few (piano), Henry Grimes (double-bass, violin), Khan Jamal (vibraphone, marimba), Sabir Mateen (tenor and alto saxophones), Grachan Moncur, III (trombone), Odean Pope (tenor saxophone), Richard Raux (tenor and soprano saxophone), Sonny Simmons (alto saxophone), Monnette Sudler (guitar), www.ptd.lu/stn.htm, www.dudelange.lu/culture, info@pdt.lu, www.opderschmelz.lu, info@opderschmelz.lu:

Tuesday, November 13th: musicians arrive in Paris, France and spend the night;

Wednesday, November 14th: documentary filming of bus travel from Paris to Dudelange and first rehearsal of the orchestra;

Thursday & Friday, November 15th & 16th: documentary filming of orchestra rehearsals;

Saturday, November 17th: grand-finale concert (to be filmed for documentary), Centre Culturel Regional, 1 rue du Centenaire, L-3475 Dudelange, www.dudelange.lu/culture, culture@dudelange.lu;

Sunday, November 18th: documentary filming of musicians' return to Paris by bus.

Also Sunday, November 18th: Henry Grimes (double-bass, violin) & Sabir Mateen (saxophones, flutes, clarinets) quartet featuring Rasul Siddik (trumpets) & John Betsch (drums), Sunset Club, 6O Rue des Lombards, Paris, France, part of the club's 25th anniversary celebration, 9 p.m., +33 (O)1 4O 26 84 41, info@sunset-sunside.com, www.sunset-sunside.com.

Wednesday, November 21st: Henry Grimes (double-bass, violin) w/ Paul Dunmall (tenor saxophone)and Mark Sanders (drums), presented by Leeds Jazz at the Wardrobe, 6 St. Peter's Square, Leeds LS9 8AH, England (U.K.), www.thewardrobe.co.uk, www.leedsjazz.org.uk/tickets.html, music@thewardrobe.co.uk, tickets also available from Jumbo Records, St. John's Center, Leeds, +44 (O)1 13 245 557O.

Thursday and Friday, November 22nd & 23rd: Henry Grimes (double-bass, violin) with Paul Dunmall (tenor saxophone) & Roger Turner (drums), University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, England (U.K.), www.glos.ac.uk/departments/externalrelations/wpu/comdev.cfm, www.glos.ac.uk/faculties/mac/whatson/index.cfm, Henry speaking at the University on Thursday, + trio concert at Xposed Club on Friday, Pittsville Studios, Media Atrium Bldg., Albert Road, +44 O1 242 714 94O, http://myspace.com/thexposedclub...

... and much more to follow ...

For bookings, high-res photos, further information, or to purchase a recording or book by the NEW Henry Grimes, please contact Margaret Davis, musicmargaret@earthlink.net, Voicemail 212-841-O899.



Edited by musicmargaret
Guest Bill Barton

Great to see that that Henry Grimes is playing a full schedule of gigs at age 72!

Indeed it is! I did a birthday salute on my radio show this week, playing some of my favorite tracks that feature his superb bass playing.

  • 2 months later...

Marc Ribot's Spiritual Unity, with Marc Ribot (leader, guitars, voice), Roy Campbell, Jr. (trumpets), and Chad Taylor (drums), and featuring Henry Grimes (double-bass, violin), on tour in Norway, Denmark, Turkey, Switzerland, and France:

Friday, February 1st: concert at Sardinen USF in Kulturhuset USF, Nordnes, Georgernes Verft 3, Bergen, Norway, 1O p.m., +47 55 31 55 7O;

Saturday, February 2nd: Henry Grimes workshop, 2:3O-4:3O p.m., & Marc Ribot workshop, 4:3O-6:3O p.m., followed by concert at 8, all at Hall Toll, Skansengaten 2, 4OO6 Stavanger, Norway, +47 51 51 72 32, www.hall-toll.no/index.cfm?id=126574, post@hall-toll.nom, sjf@maijazz.no;

Sunday, February 3rd: concert at Copenhagen Jazz House, Niels Hemminsens Gade 1O, 1OO9K Copenhagen, Denmark, 8:3O p.m., +45 33 152 6OO, +45 33 932 O13, www.jazzhouse.dk, live@jazzhouse.dk, www.vinterjazz.dk/Start.aspx, info@vinterjazz.dk;

Tuesday, February 5th: concert at Is Sanat Arts & Culture Centre, Istanbul Hall, Is Kuleleri, Kule 1, Kat:17, 3433O Levent, Istanbul, Turkey, 8 p.m., +9O (O2) 12 316 1O 83, www.issanat.com.tr, www.issanat.com.tr/About.aspx?LanguageID=2, tickets from www.issanat.com.tr/ticketsales.aspx?LanguageID=2;

Thursday, February 7th: concert at Moods in Schiffbau, Schiffbaustrasse 6, Zurich, Switzerland, 8:3O p.m., +41 (O)44 276 8O OO, www.moods.ch, info@moods.ch;

Friday, February 8th: concert at Pole Sud, 1, Rue de Bourgogne, 671OO Strasbourg, France, 8:3O p.m., +33 (O)3 88 39 23 4O, www.pole-sud.fr, infos@pole-sud.fr;

Saturday, February 9th: concert at Cite de la Musique, 221, avenue Jean Jaurs, 75O19 Paris, France, 8 p.m., +33 1 44 84 45 58, +33 (O)1 44 84 44 84, www.cite-musique.fr/anglais/spectacles/_database/S04495.htm, www.cite-musique.fr (Metro Porte de Pantin, line 5). Opening: Laurent Bardainne w/ Dean Bowman, Mami Chan, Arnaud Roulin, Vincent Taeger, Nicolas Villebrun.

Find the Spiritual Unity CD at: www.pirecordings.com/pi15/index.html!

From "The Village Voice," 6/13/O5: "The phone rang shortly after I put on Spiritual Unity's self-titled CD for the first time. And recognizing track two as Albert Ayler's 'Spirits' from the next room, I thought for a moment there that I was hearing a tenor saxophone -- it was Marc Ribot on guitar, heavy on the tremolo... Leaving out the saxophone works in Spiritual Unity's favor: Ribot, trumpeter Roy Campbell, drummer Chad Taylor, and back-from-oblivion bassist Henry Grimes are going for Ayler's essence, not his sound, and invidious comparisons are avoided. Turning cowboy on 'Bells,' Ribot sounds like he's thinking about his darling Clementine rather than Ayler's holy ghost, a lovely, reflective moment before the crash-bang ending. More than just lending a touch of authenticity, Grimes's powerful bowing keeps everyone on an even keel as they switch from Slug's-era lurch to square dance to (I swear) polka. Taylor dances nimbly on his cymbals, and the criminally underrated Campbell is his usual puckish self. Spirits rejoice! Just what we needed to complete the long overdue Albert Ayler renaissance." -- Francis Davis.

marcribot.com, henrygrimes.com, roycampbellmusic.com, centerstage.net/music/whoswho/ChadTaylor.html.

(Margaret here. I tried to upload a photo of the group, but the "upload" symbol just kept going 'round and 'round with no results, so you can see the photo at henrygrimes.com/schedule.html.)


Jazz at Lincoln Center recorded the trio in concert last March, using some extremely advanced "surround-sound" technol-oh-gee. Afterwards we were taken into a control booth that looked like the cockpit of the Mother Ship inside and were permitted to listen to a few minutes of the recording, and the music came at us from all directions, glowing and soaring and totally gorgeous. We have never received a copy of the recording, and we were told Lincoln Center would use it "for educational purposes only," and Henry was never given a release to sign, so I don't know what will ever come of it. As to other recordings being released, that would be something for Cecil Taylor and his people to handle, and we have heard nothing about this possibility so far.

By the way, Cecil Taylor is playing with William Parker and Pheeroan akLaff on the 31st of this month at the Blue Note in New York City. Cecil called Henry for the date a couple of weeks ago, but we'll be in Norway then at the start of the Spiritual Unity tour.


Jazz at Lincoln Center recorded the trio in concert last March, using some extremely advanced "surround-sound" technol-oh-gee. Afterwards we were taken into a control booth that looked like the cockpit of the Mother Ship inside and were permitted to listen to a few minutes of the recording, and the music came at us from all directions, glowing and soaring and totally gorgeous. We have never received a copy of the recording, and we were told Lincoln Center would use it "for educational purposes only," and Henry was never given a release to sign, so I don't know what will ever come of it. As to other recordings being released, that would be something for Cecil Taylor and his people to handle, and we have heard nothing about this possibility so far.

By the way, Cecil Taylor is playing with William Parker and Pheeroan akLaff on the 31st of this month at the Blue Note in New York City. Cecil called Henry for the date a couple of weeks ago, but we'll be in Norway then at the start of the Spiritual Unity tour.

I had the pleasure of attending one of the March performances. Made a weekend in NYC out of it. Great energy, great music.

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