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wonderful concert.

casual intimate room with great sound and walls lined with paintings of our heroes. (beer is very cheap, too)

one of the friendliest groups i have been in recent memory.

Mary Halvorson (guitar) and Tomas Fujiwara(drums)

taylor and his trio, a real trio in every sense, played generous portions of some of the most cohesive music i have heard, arriving in columbus after a long drive from a chicago appearance, gave a magnificent performance for the couple dozen of us there, playing 4 numbers and a suite.

his mastery and control of the low register of his cornet and the intensity he summons,(and, really, all of it) is hair raising.

taylor's humorous unpretentious tasteful remarks lasted until he picked up his horn.

taylor is a beautiful ambassador for new music and i hope to see him perform live again soon, although he is very very busy with braxton.


http://www.iceboxshows.com/ (next show tuesday night, the thing)

Edited by alocispepraluger102

I was lucky enough to tour with him in the UK last autumn (album due out very soon...:)) - and agree with what you say. A staggering player - no surprise to see the fast company he keeps (besides Braxton, for example, he does the Cecil Taylor large ensembles and is doing one with Bill Dixon later in the year, etc. etc.) - and one of the most knowledgeable, insightful, and nice guys I've met.

Check out his releases under his own name, as well (obviously) as the Braxton stuff etc. I think a few were discussed in the 'Funny Rat' thread a while ago - but I love each of the ones I have.

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