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The Baseball Thread 2007

Tim McG

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Ah the past two days have been so much fun. Sunday I got a free ticket and saw the Phillies DESTROY the Padres 14-2. Tonight I went out w/ a friend to a sports bar near my house. On one wall they had two big screen TVs. One had the Phils/Mets and the other had the Yanks/Tigers. There was a young women sitting in front of us wearing a Yankees cap and a Mets jersey(Lo Duca). After an hour she had put both away for the night. Good times. ;)

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There was a young women sitting in front of us wearing a Yankees cap and a Mets jersey(Lo Duca). After an hour she had put both away for the night. Good times. ;)

If she had been wearing Mariner shorts you would have been all set.

Edited by Quincy
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An over the hill Clemens besting Beckett, a Cy Young 2007 candidate, who would've thunk it? Too bad the Yanks stunk up their last road trip, this week could have developed into one hell of a pennant race. Whatever happens, I don't want to see Kyle Farnsworth in a Yankee uniform next year. :blink:

Edited by MartyJazz
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Ah the past two days have been so much fun. Sunday I got a free ticket and saw the Phillies DESTROY the Padres 14-2. Tonight I went out w/ a friend to a sports bar near my house. On one wall they had two big screen TVs. One had the Phils/Mets and the other had the Yanks/Tigers. There was a young women sitting in front of us wearing a Yankees cap and a Mets jersey(Lo Duca). After an hour she had put both away for the night. Good times. ;)

I imagine the Phils have a very good chance to win the east! There has only been one team this year the Braves flat out own, and for some reason, it's the Mets! We may be able to help you guys in a few days....

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An over the hill Clemens besting Beckett, a Cy Young 2007 candidate, who would've thunk it? Too bad the Yanks stunk up their last road trip, this week could have developed into one hell of a pennant race. Whatever happens, I don't want to see Kyle Farnsworth in a Yankee uniform next year. :blink:

Well all I can say is thank heaven you did stink up that road trip, for I have no doubt that a sweep will be completed today. Let's see: crappy Schilling vs the winningest pitcher on the Yankee staff. No Manny. The only thing that might work in our favor is that Wang is a demonstrably worse pitcher in day games (hell, the Yanks are just a .500 team in day games while the Sox are 29-12 in day games), but someone is going to bust out with the bats, and with no Ramirez in the lineup and a creaky, pathetic broken down Schilling, which team is most likely to do that?

(I am not calling it a "Massacre" because I don't think that applies when the team doing the massacring is still five games out)

Which brings me to the one bright spot on this already hot Florida morning: I just saw that the Orioles have lost their eighth straight, and that ace Erik Bedard will miss his Saturday start at Fenway. So maybe, just maybe, the Red Sox will get back to whittling down that magic number once they get the fuck out of the Bronx.

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How the mighty have fallen: the World Series teams from 2005 are dead last in their respective divisions:

Chicago White Sox: 57-76, .429

Houston Astros: 59-74, .444

To put this in perspective, both of these teams have worse records than the Rangers (who seem to be having positive reactions from their mid-season trades). In fact, the only team worse than the White Sox is Tampa Bay. In Houston, it's gotten so bad that they fired their GM and their Manager.

Makes me wonder if that World Series may have been the biggest fluke of all time.

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Meanwhile the Tribe is finally on a bit of a roll--five straight (admittedly against KC and Minn, but both of those teams have been scrappy rather than crappy recently), and KC is beating Det. Last night I went to the Sabathia/Santana game at the Jake. 4 Tribe runs in the bottom of the first, didn't score after that. Carmona and Sabathia now have each beaten Santana twice this year (Santana also has a no decision against Cleveland). Sabathia was good, but not great--probably better in all of his previous 4 starts (which earned him 3 losses and a no decision thanks to the MIA offense). Finally a bit of offense (just enough as it turned out)--homers from Asdrubal Cabrera (who has Josh Barfield remaining on the squad only to pinch run) and Victor Martinez. JoeBo put the lead/tying runner on in the ninth, but Martinez made a great diving catch behind the plate, and (the defensively challenged) Ryan Garko started a nice double play to end it. Mariners in town for last makeup game at Jake (last makeup game gets played as part of a doubleheader out in Sea at end of season--how lame is that? Bud Selig is still a knucklehead), and then the White Sox are in town.

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Patrick, I think Cleveland is ready to put themselves in a good position, with Detroit still floundering - all of a sudden, the AL doesn't have close races right now, after Seattle stunk it up. Not so the NL, where the Mets suddenly find themselves with a three game lead after last night's "controversial" win. I don't know how others saw it, but it was pretty clearly a cheap shot, sort of like A-Rod's shot at Pedroia earlier in the year. Same throwing of the elbow/forearm, with the critical difference that the Met player sprung away from the base to make contact and A-Rod just sprung up on top of the base. What makes it even more pathetic is that it was unnecessary, Green was going to beat it out anyway and it would have been a tied game.

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Why do I FUCKING run my mouth like a fool?

The ONLY thing they needed to avoid, and they lay down like fucking dogs and give the god damned Yankees all the momentum in the world. I have a very hard time believing that they will hold on to first place while Manny is out. A VERY hard time believing it.

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And its especially nice when the only scoring opportunity goes for naught due to a complete bullshit call by the umps. I defy anyone to say that when Youklis eluded the tag, he was out of the baseline. A-Rod missed him while his feet were on the dirt. Just because his momentum carried him into the infield grass doesn't mean he was out of the baseline when he should have been tagged. What a piece of shit call.

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Why do I FUCKING run my mouth like a fool?

The ONLY thing they needed to avoid, and they lay down like fucking dogs and give the god damned Yankees all the momentum in the world. I have a very hard time believing that they will hold on to first place while Manny is out. A VERY hard time believing it.


If the Sox fall apart, well...I don't know what to say. They looked like a team that was going to make for a boring post season, winning series in 3, 4, and 4 games. Best starting pitching by far, but it does look like you are still short an offensive player or two(Don't you wish the Sox braintrust had listened to folks like me that said run as fast as you can from J.D. Drew? <_< )

I wonder if some team like the Diamondbacks will end up winning it all this year??? :rfr

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Hey Mets fans #2

Which active player has the most HRs against the Mets????

Is it





Actually they are #2 and #3 respectively. No the active player with the most Home Runs, including two today, is none other then Pat the Bat Burrell with 41 dingers!!


2 games back :P

edit for smaller pic of Larry

Edited by J.H. Deeley
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JH, I'd rather see your team than the Mets win...some rather nasty mets fans have invaded the Atlanta newspaper blog, and I am learnin' to dislike the Mets. Plus, your offense looks better to me...

Oh, and Dan, what has happened to the sonsofsamhorn.com website? Haved tried to check it out for a few days, but no dice....

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JH, I'd rather see your team than the Mets win...some rather nasty mets fans have invaded the Atlanta newspaper blog, and I am learnin' to dislike the Mets. Plus, your offense looks better to me...

Oh, and Dan, what has happened to the sonsofsamhorn.com website? Haved tried to check it out for a few days, but no dice....

We have no pitching. The offense does a great job of masking that problem. Unfortunately, that lack of a good pitching will be biting us in the ass before the end of the season. I think your team have just as good of a shot at catching the Mets as we do.

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Why do I FUCKING run my mouth like a fool?

The ONLY thing they needed to avoid, and they lay down like fucking dogs and give the god damned Yankees all the momentum in the world. I have a very hard time believing that they will hold on to first place while Manny is out. A VERY hard time believing it.


If the Sox fall apart, well...I don't know what to say. They looked like a team that was going to make for a boring post season, winning series in 3, 4, and 4 games. Best starting pitching by far, but it does look like you are still short an offensive player or two(Don't you wish the Sox braintrust had listened to folks like me that said run as fast as you can from J.D. Drew? <_< )

I wonder if some team like the Diamondbacks will end up winning it all this year??? :rfr

What?? JD Drew not coming through when it counts? Just no way that happens.... ;)

The thing that gets me about JD is that his suckitude in the clutch doesn't bother him in the least.

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Having a lousy baseball team in a town where football is a major religion second only to Southern Baptists has its benefits: last night, we bought the cheapest seats in the Ballpark (total tab for all three of us: $15), located in the upper deck down the right field line. Where we actually sat was the bleachers; total tab for THOSE tickets, had we bought them, would've been $36. Fact is, we could've sat behind home plate if we wanted to, since there were maybe 8,000 people there to watch two dead-last teams playing in a race to be the most unimportant game of the night.

The bleachers are also cool because they're right by the kids area, so my son could watch the game for a bit, then go back to the kids area & run around. The kid cleaned up last night: the kids area has various games & contests, and he came back with two wiffle-ball bats (to be used as Jedi training sabers), three wiffle-balls, a Rangers yearbook (oh look: Gagne's still on the cover, as is Teixeira :g), and a Michael Young poster. Not a bad haul.

On top of that, it was $1 soda/$3 beer night, so we consumed plenty of soda to keep us bouncing off the walls until next baseball season.

In addition to Junior, my dad joined us, so it was three generations of "Big Als" at the ballpark. Dad & I reminisced about when he took me to Ranger games at the old Ranger stadium, and I genuinely felt like a little kid again.

All of the above is why THIS, as far as I'm concerned, is why baseball is the greatest game ever.

Edited by Big Al
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Nice story Al. ...Somehow I don't think one gets the same experience at NFL or NBA contests.

Last night's Indians/Mariners game. In the bottom of the ninth inning of a now tied game (blown save #6 for JoeBo!), Seattle has already used Sean Green, George Sherrill, Brendan Morrow out of their pen. Eric O'Flaherty starts the ninth, and after retiring Hafner, puts on Martinez and Garko. At this juncture, the only arms left in the Mariner pen are all-star J.J. Putz, reclamation project Rick White, and lefty Ryan Rowland-Smith. Manager McLaren puts in White who retires Peralta for the second out, but then walks Gutierrez and Lofton for a walkoff walk. Question: your team is in a tied game on the road, do you always save your ace to pitch after you've taken the lead? Hindsight is often 20/20, but I'm a little surprised that McLaren went with White (of the 6+ ERA in limited work) with 2 on and only one out. Putz has pitched more than an inning in other games, Mariners may not get to the next inning (like last night), and if/when Mariners take the lead it may be by more than one run (making the need for your closer less vital). Whaddaya think?

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Nice story Al. ...Somehow I don't think one gets the same experience at NFL or NBA contests.

Last night's Indians/Mariners game. In the bottom of the ninth inning of a now tied game (blown save #6 for JoeBo!), Seattle has already used Sean Green, George Sherrill, Brendan Morrow out of their pen. Eric O'Flaherty starts the ninth, and after retiring Hafner, puts on Martinez and Garko. At this juncture, the only arms left in the Mariner pen are all-star J.J. Putz, reclamation project Rick White, and lefty Ryan Rowland-Smith. Manager McLaren puts in White who retires Peralta for the second out, but then walks Gutierrez and Lofton for a walkoff walk. Question: your team is in a tied game on the road, do you always save your ace to pitch after you've taken the lead? Hindsight is often 20/20, but I'm a little surprised that McLaren went with White (of the 6+ ERA in limited work) with 2 on and only one out. Putz has pitched more than an inning in other games, Mariners may not get to the next inning (like last night), and if/when Mariners take the lead it may be by more than one run (making the need for your closer less vital). Whaddaya think?

It's easy to second guess. I tend to figure that most baseball managers have been around the game for a long while and know more about it than I do - as much as I like to second guess.

The one manager (ex-manager) who would be an exeption to that rule is Don Zimmer. :D

edit: And he has an excuse - he was hit in the head by pitched balls at least a couple of times.

Edited by paul secor
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Nice story Al. ...Somehow I don't think one gets the same experience at NFL or NBA contests.

Yes indeed.

...after retiring Hafner, puts on Martinez and Garko. At this juncture, the only arms left in the Mariner pen are all-star J.J. Putz, reclamation project Rick White, and lefty Ryan Rowland-Smith. Manager McLaren puts in White who retires Peralta for the second out, but then walks Gutierrez and Lofton for a walkoff walk. Question: your team is in a tied game on the road, do you always save your ace to pitch after you've taken the lead? Hindsight is often 20/20, but I'm a little surprised that McLaren went with White (of the 6+ ERA in limited work) with 2 on and only one out. Putz has pitched more than an inning in other games, Mariners may not get to the next inning (like last night), and if/when Mariners take the lead it may be by more than one run (making the need for your closer less vital). Whaddaya think?

The same thing happened at home vs. the Angels. Bases loaded, 2 outs in the 8th, Vlad at the plate, and he brings in White. Bam Bam off course destroys the pitch and the Angels put it out of reach.

Oh to be able to flush away that stupid mentality brought about by La Russa in the days of Eck, where you only use the closer with a lead at the top of the 9th. Grumble grumble grumble (all baseball writers who didn't vote for Gossage for the Hall of Fame should be taken aside after one of these situations and have it explained to them, since apparently they're too young to remember, exactly why the Goose was so valuable.)

White's ridiculous colored facial hair had me hankerin' for an orange creamsicle after his appearance though.

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It kind of is reflected in the thinking behind the so-called "bullpen by committee" that the Red Sox tried in 2003: some outs are more important than others and they don't always come in the last inning, but to the greatest extent possible, your best pitcher should be on the mound for them.

Some managers are beginning to realize that if you don't use your closer to preserve a tie on the road, it won't matter anyway because you'll never get a chance to get the lead. I believe Francona has gone "against the grain" once or twice, but he isn't consistent in doing it. I believe that in the super-late game at Detroit that ended at 3:30 in the morning, Torre used Mariano for one or two innings in tie situation.

But the simple fact is that you have to get out of that inning to even have a chance of winning. It only makes sense to use your closer then. Yes, you take the risk of blowing a save an inning or two later but on the other hand, didn't a study show that something like 70 or 80% of the time that a reliever starts an inning with no one on and no outs, he gets the three outs without giving up a run? Bottom line is that if you are going to lose that game on the road, you might as well lose with your best guy on the mound. Hopefully managers are starting to re-think that concept, and also I have to believe that part of the motivation for the Gagne trade was the idea that on the road, the Sox could use a 'set up man' who is in reality one of the best closers of all-time to hold the home team down and still have the true closer to save the game.

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