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Toshiba technical support pissing me off

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My computer (a Toshiba Satellite laptop) is about 2.5 years old and recently has been developing some problems -- crashing from overheating, erratic CD/DVD drive, and hinges connecting the screen to the body coming loose.

Fortunately I have a 3 year warranty on the thing, and early last week sent it in for repairs. They sent it back pretty quick, fixed the hinges, replaced the CD/DVD drive, and replaced the cooling fans. I was very excited to have it back...

...Except now the computer will crash after 1 or 2 minutes of being on. I spoke with the technical support guy and it's definitely a hardware issue. So I have to send it for repairs again on Monday.

Not having the laptop doesn't make my work impossible (fortunately I am at a stage when I am mostly reading, not writing) but it does make life a hassle. I unrealistically demanded that they send me a replacement computer while this second set of repairs takes place.

How many sets of repairs do I have to undergo before I have a legitimate right to demand a new comptuer?


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Why are they pissing you off? Based on your comments, sounds to me that they're being quite attentive and aren't playing dodge-the-customer 'ball' w/you. That's a good thing. Send it back.....they'll fix it. The fact that they screwed up the first time is no biggy these days. If you own a house, you find that almost nothing gets done right the first time 'round. ..and as for cars....heck, from Mid-Sept-December, I had my Mercedes at the dealership on 4 separate occasions for a total of 5 weeks because their dimbullb mechanics couldn't correct a few things. When you have to go back that many times, then you start reading them the riot act and demanding that they give you a new Benz for a loaner...or in your case, a laptop. Come to think of it, that was rather sporting of the Service Dept. Manager to give me his personal vehicle. :cool:

Anyway, I'm happy to hear that Toshiba USA is accomodating ---now I'm beginning to second guess my earlier decision not to purchase the extended warranty w/that Satellite laptop (S4467) I bought for my wife on Monday. They wanted something like $240? Hell, that's 1/5 the cost of a new Miele Dishwasher! No way!! Damn, hope nothing bad happens! :ph34r:

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