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Baseball Statistics Question


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With what team do his records/stats reside?

The old Senators became the Twins, & I don't think he's in their record books.

The new Senators became the Rangers, and I know they're not there.

So what, is this guy a man without a team?

That's weird, and all kinds of wrong.

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According to ESPN, the Texas Rangers.

I don't know why you think this page shows that WJ's statistics belong with today's Rangers. For one thing, according to his ESPN stats page, Johnson threw two no-hitters in his career, yet they aren't listed under Rangers pitchers who threw no-hitters.

That would be because Johnson's Senators became today's Twins, where Johnson holds just about every team record.

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Glad to hear that he's got a team, and glad to hear that it's the Twins, the franchise where his records belong. After all, if Harmon Killebrew, who made the transition, gets all of his records counted as Twins records, then so should Johnson.

Justice is served.

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With what team do his records/stats reside?

The old Senators became the Twins, & I don't think he's in their record books.

That would be incorrect, sir.

Is this a fairly recent development? Because I seem to remember Kaat & Blyleven being listed as "team record holders" for a while back in the day. And that just didn't seem right.

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According to ESPN, the Texas Rangers.

I don't know why you think this page shows that WJ's statistics belong with today's Rangers. For one thing, according to his ESPN stats page, Johnson threw two no-hitters in his career, yet they aren't listed under Rangers pitchers who threw no-hitters.

That would be because Johnson's Senators became today's Twins, where Johnson holds just about every team record.

Since it shows the 1961 Senators as part the the Rangers history, if you keep going down, you'll eventually reach the years for Johnson -- in theory, at least. But, either way, those old Senator are like the St. Louis Browns, long gone, alive in memory and history books.

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With what team do his records/stats reside?

The old Senators became the Twins, & I don't think he's in their record books.

That would be incorrect, sir.

Is this a fairly recent development? Because I seem to remember Kaat & Blyleven being listed as "team record holders" for a while back in the day. And that just didn't seem right.

I don't know. I consider baseball-reference.com to be the online equivalent of the Baseball Encyclopedia, but I've never gone looking at Twins record holders.

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...like the St. Louis Browns, long gone, alive in memory and history books.

Man, the Browns sucked so hard for so long that nobody's records from that team could survive the Orioles of the late 60s thru the early 80s.

Still, it would be nice to see the Orioles pay tribute to Pete Gray & Eddie Gaedel in Camden Yards, if they don't already.

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According to ESPN, the Texas Rangers.

I don't know why you think this page shows that WJ's statistics belong with today's Rangers. For one thing, according to his ESPN stats page, Johnson threw two no-hitters in his career, yet they aren't listed under Rangers pitchers who threw no-hitters.

That would be because Johnson's Senators became today's Twins, where Johnson holds just about every team record.

Since it shows the 1961 Senators as part the the Rangers history, if you keep going down, you'll eventually reach the years for Johnson -- in theory, at least. But, either way, those old Senator are like the St. Louis Browns, long gone, alive in memory and history books.

But it stops with the 1961 Twins. I had no further to scroll on my page, and no second page, so I don't understand how you can "reach the years for Johnson". In fact, the Twins page on ESPN shows the 1960 Senators and then the Twins from there forward. I'm not real strong on this aspect of baseball history, but obviously baseball did not want to leave Washington, so when the original Senators left after the 1960 season for Minnesota, the "new" Senators took over in 1961. The old Senators took their history to Minnesota which is why WJ is in their record books.

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Walter Johnson was-- & always shall be one of the great drummers of ear the 'swing-era' as they call it. I was unaware he played ball also but it makes sense-- play a cpl hours in the afternoon, gig at night.

My old man used to be in a regular floating craps game with Walter and Tab Smith btw-- crazy, pops!


To go off-topic. I love those old pictures of jazz musicians and gangsters with baseball players in the 20' & 30s; Big Bands even had teams that played against other Big Bands. It would be an interesting articles about the connection between Jazz and the Negro League, I think that musicians like Ellington gave financial support at times to teams.

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I'm not real strong on this aspect of baseball history, but obviously baseball did not want to leave Washington, so when the original Senators left after the 1960 season for Minnesota, the "new" Senators took over in 1961.

If I remember my history correctly, there were rumblings in Congress about looking into revoking MLB's anti-trust exemption when the first Senators left, and that got everybody in gear to put a new team in DC, pronto.

You probably already know this, but the other AL team in that expansion move was the Los Angeles (sic - they were originally the LA Angels before becoming the California Angels, and now they're back to how they started) Angels, who played their first few seasons in Chavez Ravine, aka Dodger Stadium. Seems that the AL was feeling left behind in the wake of the westward move of the game (the KC Athletics were the league's westernmost team at the time) and wanted to make amends as quicly as possible.

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I have a cassette recording of Walter Johnson working a complete game as a radio announcer for the Senators in early September 1939. Strangely enough he also doubled as the stadium PA announcer; at different points in the game he goes off the radio mike in order to make announcements over the PA system. He also plugs personal appearances he's making at Washington supermarkets.

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I've always wondered about the Cleveland Browns records myself. Are they the Baltimore Ravens records now? Is Jim Brown the Baltimore Ravens legacy? If no, then why not?

It's even weirder when you think, well the Baltimore Colts went to Indianapolis, and every year we read about whether the Colts will ever get anywhere without Unitas. Do the Indianpolis Colts still consider themselves the Baltimore Colts legacy or do the Baltimore Ravens get that honor?

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Didn't the NFL decide that the old Cleveland Browns records would stay with the new Browns team as a recognition of the franchise's importance to the community of Cleveland and to the legacy of the NFL in general (ironic, because they began in the rival All-American Football Conference)?

And no Colts/Ravens crossover, I'm pretty sure. The Baltimore/Indy line runs uninterrupted. So the Ravens find themselves in the odd position of being a team with a real legacy, but the history of an expansion team. Go figure that.

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I have a cassette recording of Walter Johnson working a complete game as a radio announcer for the Senators in early September 1939...He also plugs personal appearances he's making at Washington supermarkets.

Does he say who else was in the band?

Well he does mention Miles and Cannonball

Edited by Randy Twizzle
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With what team do his records/stats reside?

The old Senators became the Twins, & I don't think he's in their record books.

That would be incorrect, sir.

Is this a fairly recent development? Because I seem to remember Kaat & Blyleven being listed as "team record holders" for a while back in the day. And that just didn't seem right.

Sometimes announcers make the distinction about leaders in the current city, such as for the Atlanta Braves as opposed to what happened in Boston or Milwaukee. So that's what might have been going on there.

Dan's link above for Twins/Senator Ver. 1 pitching leaders works as access to all franchise leaders. Just click "Teams" on the quick index in the light blue stripe near the top. Next click a team of interest. Now on the "Team Index" click either "Batting" or "Pitching" next to "Leaders." Next, pour a drink & watch time fly.

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