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I've been a casual viewer of South Park since it began, but lately I've found myself watching it almost every night on Comedy Central because the episodes seem to be so much funnier than they used to be. I'm assuming the episodes are newer because they reference people/events that are more recent. I've been thinking about picking up a couple of seasons on DVD, but not sure where to go? Any opinions on which seasons were the best? I saw an episode where Cartmen forms a Christian rock band that had me close to pissing myself...would love to have that one in the collection!


Cartman's Christian Rock Band is a classic!

I've never watched the show regularly, only caught random episodes here and there. It's had me laughing myself silly every time. I'm not much help with your question.


Season 5 have the brilliant "Scott Tenorman Must Die" episode, along with family fun such as "Cripple Fight" and "Proper Condon Use." Oh yes and "How To Eat With Your Own Butt." And "Butters' Very Own Episode."

Season 9 has some terrific eps too, such as "Die Hippie, Die," "The Death of Eric Cartman," and "Ginger Kids" to name a few.

Season 8's "Woodland Critter Christmas" is one of the great Xmas episodes. It also includes "The Passion of the Jew" ep, and one where the boys are transformed into Japanese magna-style warriors.

Seasons 6 & 7 also have some classic episodes within. You could almost make a decision based on whether you come across the sets used (which is how I've gotten mine.)

Um, you can also (cough cough) "preview" the episodes at (no "www") mrtwig dot net. Real audio works just great for these eps as it's not a graphics intensive show.

I do think this show is a rarity in that it might be better 11 years later than it was in the first few years.


I've never been a regular viewer, mainly because I just don't watch much TV at all (just "The Simpsons" and "House") Whenever I see it, I love it, but I've never made it a priority. I know the first season much better than any that followed.

This has been a disappointment to some of my students. I do very good impressions of Stan and Kyle, Mr. Mackie, Mr. Hankie, Mr. Garrison (and Mr. Hat) and (ESPECIALLY) Cartman. Wherever I sub, my Cartman impression quickly becomes legend and I get frequent requests from both teachers and students. However, students are always asking me to do characters from after I stopped watching the show. I've never seen Towlie, for example, so I don't know what he sounds like. I've also only rarely seen Butters, so I can't do his voice either.

I don't know if I've ever mentioned my mimicry on the board prior to this. I know it sounds like I'm just bragging, but I've always been a very good impressionist. People are often impressed by this talent I have (I only rarely have to work to develop a voice. Most of them come quite naturally to me) and many have urged me to go into voice acting for this reason. I do quite good impressions of Bush and Clinton (these are very popular among students), as well as Reagan, Nixon, Kissinger, Arnold Schwartzenegger, Sly Stallone, Jimmy Stewart, Sean Connery, Robert DeNiro, Woody Allen, Dustin Hoffman, Jack Nicholson (although almost anyone can do Jack. The trick is to do Jack well), Cary Grant, William Shatner, Christopher Lloyd (both as Reverand Jim and Doc Brown), James Brown, Elvis Presley, Marlon Brando (in "On The Waterfront" and "The Godfather"), Ray Charles, and several others. I also can do a lot of character voices like Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Homer Simpson, Kermit the Frog, etc. This is no idle boast. I've been doing these voices my whole life, and I know I'm good. It's a very useful tool for a substitute teacher. I can use it to entertain students when a lesson plan fails to cover the whole period, and I've used it as a "reward" for when the students keep it together for a whole period.

The big problem I have is that once it gets out that I can do impressions, people want to hear all of the voices I can do. Even once I've established that I can do a dozen or more voices, people are always disappointed when I can't do the one specific voice they wanted me to do. Kids are forever asking for "Family Guy" characters, and I have to point out that I've never really seen the show, so I don't know what Stewie sounds like (I've seen it enough to know who he is, but not enough to be able to hear his voice in my head). It's a weird ability to have, kind of like being double-jointed (which I am as well). I didn't ask for it. I didn't really have to work at it. I just opened my mouth one day, and out came these voices!


I've bought all the seasons out so far (1-8, 9 out in March 2007) and I remember liking 4 (The Fingerbang episode) & 7 (The J Lo one (Taco Taco!), South Park Is Gay, Christian Rock Hard) alot. Try season 7. They're all good, you can't go wrong and don't forget the movie (Unclefucka!)


Thanks for your replies! I think I'll be picking up seasons 7 & 8 and will slowly work backwards. I need that Christian rock episode. That was too funny.

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