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I have a feeling that another debate on the ethics of downloading is nigh...

Danielle, are you useing file-sharing services to obtain these downloads, or are you purchasing them from pay services like iTunes or eMusic?

You should know that many people here take a dim view of illegal downloads. Even I, who have no problem swapping copies of discs with friends, am morally opposed to the use of illegal file-sharing services.

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An ethical quandry indeed. I suppose a 14-year girl can listen to a Wayne Shorter album in several ways. She can save up her allowance for several weeks and buy the disc new for $12 or so; if she's really lucky her public library might carry a jazz disc or three; she might have a teenage friend she can borrow the disc from (which might work for Beyonce but probably not for Wayne); or she can download some tracks "for free" and try out an artist. I would tend to think that hooking a young girl, possibly for life, on the dying art of jazz might be worth losing a few dollars in the short term. It's not quite how things worked when I was a kid, but not really that different either...

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Danielle - try an Wayne Shorter album called Speak No Evil, and then another one called High Life. You seem to be responding right now to compositions that set a mood, and both of those albums are full of exactly that, although the styles and instruments used are totally different on each album.

If the solos seem to go on a bit long for you right now, don't sweat it. Plenty of time to figure all that out. Focus on the tunes themselves, and the moods they create for the soloing.

Hope they work for you!

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Hey Danielle - since you asked, here's a compilation of stuff that I put together. Download, unzip, and tell us what you liked/hated over on Blindfold Test thread...
WOW! I thank ya! Always wondered about these Blindfold thingies! :tup



Now playing: David Murray - Joanne’s Green Satin Dress

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Danielle, forget itunes for jazz and try out emusic.com instead. It's much cheaper (and legal!) and i think you can still try it out for free. Drop me a pm if you need more details. There's plenty of jazz on there that you'd like.

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I have X-mas money, I'll go buy a cd or two at Target/ Walmart.

Your selection might be limited there. Try exploring some online vendors like CD Universe or Amazon. You can look up at the uppermost right hand corner of this page and find a search function for either site. Anything you buy through that search will result in this site getting a few cents off the sale. It's a good way to get exposed to a much broader selection of music than you'll find at your local department stores and to help support this site. Win-win!

And btw - both sites are safe, honest, and reliable, so if you need to throw your bucks back to your folks to let them let you use a charge card to make an order, they can do so with confidence.

Either way, when you see/hear (there's online samples at both sites) all the great music that's out there that you've never heard of (yet!), well, you think you're excited about music now... ;)

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hooking a young girl, possibly for life

It's funny how some phrases will jump out of the text at you. I thought for a second this thread had taken a terrible turn.

Danielle, do you know about yourmusic.com? It would be a great way to build a collection. $6.99 a disc shipped.

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I'd definitely second eMusic purely for their choice of Prestige/ Contemporary and Fantasy releases alone.

You can quite often get some good introductory offers with them too, and when you try to cancel they tempt you back at reduced prices!

eBay is of course marvellous if you read the descriptions and check out the feedback.

Have fun and sorry about your wallet (or purse!). :)

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