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Car accident

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I don't normally post personal matters, but I had to get this off my chest.

I got involved in a nasty car accident yesterday. I was driving; my girlfriend was my passenger. It was a gorgeous day, like late May, blue skies and all. We decided to go to a park off of the Potomac River, Great Falls, but it was so crowded, we ended up going to one of the locks along the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, that also runs along the Potomac. Walked together for a couple of hours, and had a great time. Got into my truck, which was in a parking lot that was close to the main road. You have to back out and turn parallel before entering the road, which is what I did. I let the oncoming traffic go by. When the road was clean, I was going to move when I saw two cars come down the road. I let them go, then turned. I never saw the third car. It struck my truck on the left corner, barely missing the driver's door. Both vehicles ended up towards the right side of the road, but we were now both inoperable, as my wheel was crushed and his had a flat. We were all shaken up, but most importantly, no one was hurt. When we all calmed down we talked and the other couple were nice people -- I got tips on a better insurance company from the wife, and made nice with their pet bulldog, Killer! The cops came and were all professional -- I got the citation, because in DC, Maryland and Virginia law, there has to be some accountability. I got off light with a failure to give right of way. I was able to see my girlfriend off - her brother picked her up. She has been very supportive and understanding. I've just been upset because I have never been in a situation like this, and at how close it came for someone to get hurt. I have everything squared away with my insurance company, and the truck is in the body shop. I made mention in another thread where I was looking forward to the New Year, where I would be less hard on myself and enjoy life a lot more. I have gone through mild depression and loneliness in the past, and I felt that I have come a long way from that. When something like this happens you question everything about yourself, but I think I can work my way through it. Again, what's most important is that everyone is safe. Just a nasty end to a beautiful day.

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Stefan, I can imagine how such an experience would weigh on your mind, but its important to stick with what you're already emphasizing: No one was hurt. Plus, the other people sound good and reasonable and nice when they could be real bastards in this situation, and your truck is on its way to getting fixed.

A tough start to the year, but I think everything will be fine.

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Stefan, I think I see where you are coming from. You know that this could have been a true tragedy. I think we have all been there, pretty sure that we are good drivers, and are 99.9% percent of the time. It takes just one time to be "off". I remember driving with a friend, deep in conversion, at a left turn lane at a light. I saw green and turned, but it wasn't a left turn arrow! I could have gotten my friend killed as a car was coming. Fortunately, the guy saw me turning and stopped!!!!

Like the others said, take comfort in the fact no one was hurt the one time you were "off".....heck even your truck can be fixed. Perhaps the way to look at it, is it was a good start to the year, all things considered.

Edited by BERIGAN
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Wow, that is ironic. On Saturday, (yesterday) I got into a car accident too. I was coming back from a model train show in New Jersey. My dad was driving, I was in the back and two of his friends were in the car. The car behind us lost his brakes, bumped into us real hard then slammed us into the divider on the Southern State Parkway. Not that much damage, but it was a really big bump. I saw my life flash before my eyes, and the whole rest of the day, I couldn't get it off my mind. One of my dad's friends had to go to the hospital, but everyone else was okay. I thought the car was going to flip over, but thanks to my dad's excellent driving skills, he kept the car under control. A very bad ending to an otherwise great day. The show was great, and it was warm as hell. A high of 73 in January!

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Stefan - I know this accident looks like your fault, on paper - but consider a few things - given that you did not see the third car there is a good chance that:

1) he was tailgating the second car - following so close that you could not have seen him -

2) he was speeding - so you could not have judged his approach properly -

or all of the above - I can tell you that I had a near-accident just like yours last year - because the last car was following too closely and going too fast, and I just saw him at the last second. SO, don't beat yourself up; AND, talk to your insurance company and your body shop - body shop guys can often tell by the angle of collision if it was caused by speeding - DO NOT admit guilt yet -

Edited by AllenLowe
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Thanks. I'm back at work, and though I had a few anxious moments, I'm good. I never received any points for the incident. It's up to the insurance companies to assess now. I'll get a loaner tomorrow. My girlfriend is shaken up but is back at work as well. I've been talking to her every day since. All is well.

Edited by Stefan Wood
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Boy I really feel for you Stefan. I think you got written up because the other driver was thru traffic.If he was tailgating he should have been cited as well but even he did rate a citation chances are you would have still been written up. Don't be hard on yourself though it wasn't like you were being reckless or DUI. It happens-try as you may sometimes you just can't see everything that's coming. In Pagosa there's more obstructions to my line of sight then I can shake a stick at and I really have to be on my toes. Hell,getting out of the Post Office parking lot I wish I could do that swivel head thing like Linda Blair because traffic in there comes at you from every possible angle. Now you talk about stragglers when you commute any distance in Colorado there's a good chance you're going to have to deal with critters and when say for instance there's a group of deer crossing the road there's a good chance that at least one Bambi is going to be dragging ass behind the rest of the group and that can create an interesting scenario. At any rate I'm glad that no one got hurt and this too shall pass.

P.S. Your avatar reminded me that one of these days I'm going to have revisit that group.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Sorry about the truck, but good news about the Camry. Did you go to Rockville - I assume you went yesterday, based on the time of your post.

Coincidentally, I just sold my Camry to the Carmax in Rockville this afternoon! Plan on buying a Civic tomorrow.


Edited by bertrand
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