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  • 1 year later...

I have been grooving to "Raising The Roof "all week has anything by Odell Brown and the Organ-izers made it to Cd ?

That's a good one - I used a track on my first BFT, and Sangrey pulled it out of thin air. :excited:

  • 2 weeks later...

See, there's a bunch of albums many of us (I assume, at least it's true for me) would have never known if not for some of those morally lacking blogs - now if some of these came out on CD, I'd indeed be willing to buy them, but if I didn't know them from the blogs... well, depending on discussions here I might still get interested, but I'm not sure I'd ever buy them. Now you can believe me or call me a liar... :)


See, there's a bunch of albums many of us (I assume, at least it's true for me) would have never known if not for some of those morally lacking blogs - now if some of these came out on CD, I'd indeed be willing to buy them, but if I didn't know them from the blogs... well, depending on discussions here I might still get interested, but I'm not sure I'd ever buy them. Now you can believe me or call me a liar... :)

Exactly. This is the sort of relatively obscure and/or uncommercial stuff (in that it won't ever sell in large numbers) that falls into that gap between being "profitable enough" to legally re-release and "good enough" not to lose to history. Chuck's very legitimate concerns aside, I often wonder what's best for an artist's legacy: a few extra bucks in his (or his heirs) wallet or people actually being able to hear the music he's left behind.


There's no bucks if no one knows... and if the heirs just bother about the bucks and not about doing something for the legacy of the artists, I guess all that music would just be lost eventually. I wouldn't want to define what's wright or rong, however...

  • 3 weeks later...

Odell Brown is alive and well (well, he's got a website) and he's selling recent recordings on it. Must get round to buying them. So if someone's cheating a living and working jazzman out of some money, I'd be more concerned than if it were Coleman Hawkins.

But truthfully, OB&O was made into a classic organ group by the two sax players. As far as I'm concerned, Brown was an OK organist, and the right man to back up those two sax players with that concept.

I wouldn't be without the first two, which are both great albums. The rest, well they're OK.


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