K1969 Posted February 7, 2007 Report Posted February 7, 2007 (edited) I admit that I was naive before recordsfornoone burned me, but the past month has been a rapid wake-up, and what i now find so amazing is how you guys can spot a scam a mile off whilst ebay are still so blind to it?!!! I can't believe that pure love of money is the only explanation, since administering all the post scam litigations must take 3 times the man power than shutting them down in the first place. And anyway when this reaches critical levels - and that doesn't seem far off - people will start turning away. Maybe they could employ you lot as a kind of crack scam watch?! Naaa i wouldn't want to work for EvilBay either Edited February 7, 2007 by K1969 Quote
michel1969 Posted February 7, 2007 Report Posted February 7, 2007 I admit that I was naive before recordsfornoone burned me, but the past month has been a rapid wake-up, and what i now find so amazing is how you guys can spot a scam a mile off whilst ebay are still so blind to it?!!! Very easy to spot : The guy that can not provide a single scan of a record The guy that has a 100 % feedback rapidly built in selling TRASH The guy that suddenly has a" good friend" who" sells" him his lexingtons, 447 west and riversides The guy who describes everything a M/M (have you ever seen a Mint record ? Not me) The guy that writes "yes mate" "no mate" ( the imbecile does not realize that we are not mates) The guy that ends the listings and reinstate it with unclear explanation. Only ONE of these reasons is enough to make make me feel dubious and avoid. Regarding Ebay... Ebay doesn't care about scammers. Ebay is devoted to sellers, period. Quote
jazzguy43 Posted February 8, 2007 Report Posted February 8, 2007 Ebay cares about one thing and one thing only COLLECTING THEIR FEE!!! As to how to spot a scammer??? in my line of work we say TRUST, BUT VERIFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quote
michel1969 Posted February 8, 2007 Report Posted February 8, 2007 Let's stay positive ! you are not the only one to be scammed ! look a that ! Truly... ...Blue Quote
K1969 Posted February 8, 2007 Report Posted February 8, 2007 (edited) OK it's a long posting but hopefully of interest. You can now follow the Padovese odyssey on satellite TV, via your Blueberry, Ipod and soon to be serialised in Harpers and Queen and in a 5 part Teledrama starring Martin Sheen as the overbearing father, John Travolta the older brother and respected Milan DJ, and Emilio Estevez, the dumb youngest son and wanna-be baad-ass vinly gangster. He's bloody everywhere: Soul source in the UK Here, angry brit DJs are broadcasting his name over the radio and threatening to end his DJ career by all means possible: "Dave, give me his details full name, location etc. and i will name and shame on the show mate no problem, this is just too much, when is all this gonna stop? and when are Ebay/Paypal gonna do something about this type of stuff, they claim to have security measures set in place yet situations like this seem to continue." "'Does anyone have a phone number for him. ......If anyone does know him, but doesn't want to hand out his phone number then get him to phone me 07971 141858 (00 44 7971 141858). I'm about a few hours away from getting on a plane very angry." And it gets better...much better... Soul Strut In the US they're saying that PayPal, desperate to refund victims without of course losing a nickel themselves (Mmmmm Ebay keeping it in the family...), have resorted to the most underhand means imaginable. Apparently they have yanked a load of legitimate payments that Diego made to a bunch of UK sellers for some 45s, AFTER, yes AFTER, the 45s had already been sent to him!!! Can you imagine??!!! They simply reversed the transactions and redirected the money into the accounts of some of his dodgy auction victims!!!!! So it's not inconceiveable that local hero JazzGuy, now has a some of the cash that originated from the Northern UK dealers, from Diego!! Hey keep it! I fully intend to get my hands on some of it too. I might be a limey but I'm a southern one, and now live in France - so you can tell where my sympathies lie. Here's Soul Strut: "wow, thanks Chris, apparently he sold a bunch of records, filled his paypal account to the tune of 10,000 pounds, bought a handfull of rare 45's from some brits then never sent the stuff he sold, so buyers yanked their paypal transactions and then Paypal reversed all the stuff he bought from the brits, so now he's got some bulldog heavyweight northern blokes ready to invade Italia just like Operation Husky in the dubya dubya eye eye." I just can't believe the god almighty mess this guy has created. It's surreal. Utterly Surreal. He's loooking more and more like a kind of Forrest Gump figure or that Peter Sellers character in "Being There" - causing total chaos in his wake, so effortlessy, that you'd be forgiven for thinking it was the work of some evil criminal genius, and not in fact that of a vacant, unknown DJ from "Colleferro" - wherever the fuck that is. Half of Europe and North America want him dead either for ripping them off or for unwittingly diverting funds from legitimate transactions. And the REALLY galling thing is that he GOT the 45s, effectively free of charge!!! So now, as well as us, there's a bunch of mad UK sellers after him and Pay Pal. And these guys come from the north and really are quite mad, clinically speaking, believe me: John Manship - well known UK soul 45 dealer: "BEWARE!! We no longer accept PAY PAL. Why?Because Pay Pal seem to think they can take your payments back .. at will!" and from another supportive dealer.... "Paypal put the funds into my account as cleared funds, so how can they now try to claim the money back from me. As this was cleared funds that Paypal allowed me to move to my Bank I then spent it!!!!!!!! They should be chasing Diego, as the purchaser and the person how commited the funds I agree with John (Manship) it's about time people collectively started making a fuss about the shitty way Paypal does business. Maybe we could start something through this site, use real people power to make Paypal clean up it's business" But don't worry - these sites may have got the scoop but all the postings began in February so hold your heads high because the world read it here first at organissimo!!!! Who do you take your hat off to? Diego for pissing off half the groove community in the western hemisphere, or pay pal for making him seem positively cuddly by comparison. Hey Diego, "matey", if you're reading this in some kind of blurred narcissistic web binge, congrats' you're famous. How about writing a book about your exploits to raise money to pay us back? You'll have to do something in jail to while away the time, afterall it certainly won't have internet access. Edited February 8, 2007 by K1969 Quote
jazzguy43 Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 Shit!!! Quite a mess! I had noticed our friend was buying 45 rpms in 450 pound sterling price range! How can Paypal pull that kind of crap? It almost sounds like you need to withdraw your paypal money quick stick it into your bank account that paypal has access to and move it into another account they have no way of getting into! By the way I NEVER PAID BULLSHITFORALL a red cent!!!! I LOST $$ with RECORDSOFSOUND and Paypal paid me for that! I was on to SHITFORBRAINS after he told me hey mate, can't make you those scans!!!! Quote
jazzguy43 Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 i just got finished reading about SHITFORBRAINS at http://www.soul-source.co.uk/forum/index, can anyone on this site get a hold of those poor sellers and tell them Diego's word is meaningless bullshit! They actually are showing some sympathy for him! This guy is a crook and belongs in an Italian jail getting to know a very angry and very large Turkish man!!!!! Quote
RDK Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 By the way I NEVER PAID BULLSHITFORALL a red cent!!!! I LOST $$ with RECORDSOFSOUND and Paypal paid me for that! I was on to SHITFORBRAINS after he told me hey mate, can't make you those scans!!!! I'm confused, and your presumably made-up names aren't helping. Are Bullshitforall, Recordsofsound, and Shitforbrains the same seller or different? You're not helping me know who to stay away from. Quote
K1969 Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 (edited) By the way I NEVER PAID BULLSHITFORALL a red cent!!!! I LOST $$ with RECORDSOFSOUND and Paypal paid me for that! I was on to SHITFORBRAINS after he told me hey mate, can't make you those scans!!!! I'm confused, and your presumably made-up names aren't helping. Are Bullshitforall, Recordsofsound, and Shitforbrains the same seller or different? You're not helping me know who to stay away from. To save you reading the last 8 pages, he was called recordsforall and ripped off 75,000$ from fake auctions of jazz and psych LPs in late December. I say "was" because he's been kicked off ebay. Recordsofsound is a totally different ebayer who thinks that Nevada is a state in Japan - ask Jazzguy about him. So getting back to recordsforall (I know, it's a joke - hence the word play), what you really need to look out for is the name behind it: Diego Padovese alias The Smart Groover (another ironic name), a small time Italian DJ, soon to be doing time. Edited February 9, 2007 by K1969 Quote
michel1969 Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 By the way I NEVER PAID BULLSHITFORALL a red cent!!!! I LOST $$ with RECORDSOFSOUND and Paypal paid me for that! I was on to SHITFORBRAINS after he told me hey mate, can't make you those scans!!!! I'm confused, and your presumably made-up names aren't helping. Are Bullshitforall, Recordsofsound, and Shitforbrains the same seller or different? You're not helping me know who to stay away from. To save you reading the last 8 pages, he was called recordsforall and ripped off 75,000$ from fake auctions of jazz and psych LPs in late December. I say "was" because he's been kicked off ebay. Recordsofsound is a totally different ebayer who thinks that Nevada is a state in Japan - ask Jazzguy about him. So getting back to recordsforall (I know, it's a joke - hence the word play), what you really need to look out for is the name behind it: Diego Padovese alias The Smart Groover (another ironic name), a small time Italian DJ, soon to be doing time. i'd add that the guy used those 75000 $ to buy pricey northern soul 45's from English sellers. And now, the mess is, that Paypal has refunded the ripped jazz and psych collectors with the money from English 45's sellers paypal accounts. NATO's AWACS are in permanent alert to trace Recordforall (aka by Mark Knopfler "money for nothing and discs for free").Keep posted. Quote
porcy62 Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 i'd add that the guy used those 75000 $ to buy pricey northern soul 45's from English sellers. And now, the mess is, that Paypal has refunded the ripped jazz and psych collectors with the money from English 45's sellers paypal accounts. NATO's AWACS are in permanent alert to trace Recordforall (aka by Mark Knopfler "money for nothing and discs for free").Keep posted. Woaw! He is not bad at all in his scam, he could easily find a good place in an investments bank. Quote
K1969 Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 Woaw! He is not bad at all in his scam, he could easily find a good place in an investments bank. If the real guy behind this isn't called Diego Padovese and has never been to Colleferro then we've all been had by one clever SOB - pay pal, the bidder-payers, and several UK 45s dealers. However my hunch is that he is called Diego Padovese and does live in Colleferro afterall I've not heard anyone called the smartgroover protest his innocence so far, and there are many references on the web equating Diego with the smartgroover that as early as 2005. He's just managed to make an enormous amount of enemies in a very short space of time. I just wish he wasn't a rugby player Quote
jazzguy43 Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 THank you K1969 for the clarifications. In Nevada (Las Vegas) we have Paris, New York City, Egypt (Luxor), and Ancient Rome (Caesars Palace), NO JAPAN!!!!! So then you are correct there is NO JAPAN in NEVADA!!! On to something very amusing I received from Diego this morning, Please remember I was the one who got his PAYPAL suspended and started posting warnings on his FEEDBACK, you will NOT believe what he sent me: I know, many thanks for your support, much appreciated... Mate, this story started bad, continued in shit, and now is a total chaos... Trust me, It was not planned to be a scam..I was ABSOLUTELy in good faith at start, I was promised the records to sell on ebay, and then when the auctions ended , the seller refused to sell me them. And now started my mistakes...I hasd already received the money , and I tried to find some replacements...but time was passing, amd people started reclaming..and I had no records.....I had to gain more time , and sentr them that fake tracking number, I thought that just a bit of time would have be enought to find new recordds,,,and so on , and on... Now i'm at this, funny , eh?? All ebay buyers have been (or are being ) refunded by paypal....all people I've bought something from are receiving their goods back (or have been paid again)..paypal is happy because didn't lose money....All for nothing?? Regards..it was funny to have to deal with you....hope you're not offended for what I wrote to you ;-) I replied with this to him: Diego, WHAT SUPPORT, I TURNED YOU IN TO PAYPAL AND STARTED TO WARN EVERYONE ABOUT YOU. I DO NOT SUPPORT YOU, I SCORN YOU. DO YOU THINK I AM AN IDIOT????? YOU ARE A CROOK WHO GOT CAUGHT BECAUSE YOU ARE STUPID!! DO NOT APPRECIATE SHIT FROM ME..I WANT YOU IN JAIL! YOU TRIED TO ROB ME FOR $1652 BUT i WAS ON TO YOU. THE LPS NEVER EXISTED AND YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD GET AWAY WITH THIS! ARE YOU ALSO MENTALLY ILL THAT YOU BELIEVE YOUR OWN BULLSHIT? Does he believe his own BS?????? Our friend also has at least one other ebay name: soulrecordscollector Quote
K1969 Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 (edited) Our friend also has at least one other ebay name: soulrecordscollector Nice one - how did you find that out? It's clearly him cos it's not longer an registered user ID - Ie ebay are shutting down all his aliases. http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?...ecordscollector I've had the drugged up, grovelling, incoherent, treatment too: "I tried to refund moneys but paypal limited my account, and I can't do nothing now...what can I do now?? This situation is killing me....I know I've been stupid in first place, but now? I'm damning my self for what I've done, but I have no way out of it....." when I read so far I thought, shit may be he's cracking, may be he's going to top himself. We all do stupid shit once in our life..... ...but then you read on and it's back to the bull shit "I'm not a criminal , I really didn't want to do it that way....it was just all bad things coming together.." ....and you realise that this guy's got zero grasp of reality. He talks as if we all go back a long way together. High school mates. Kind of "Hey I crashed your Porsche, then sold it to a repair garage for 2000$ and bought a rolex, so I can't pay you back 'n all.... but i didn't want it to turn our like that....... I didn't meant it, it was just like bad vibes n' all. The rolex came running at me and sort of ordered me to buy it like, which was after the speed barrier lept at the Porsche that i was driving at high speed, making me crash it, like. Sort of bad shit coming together like at the wrong time - know what I mean? mate?..hey mate where are you ...mate? mate? MATE!! HEY MATE!! Hey is any body listening,,, hey MAAAAATTTTE!!!!!" You sad sad man. Edited February 9, 2007 by K1969 Quote
Dave Garrett Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 How can Paypal pull that kind of crap? It almost sounds like you need to withdraw your paypal money quick stick it into your bank account that paypal has access to and move it into another account they have no way of getting into! Bingo. I don't do a lot of selling on eBay, mainly buying, but from various comments I've read over the years from regular eBay sellers who use Paypal, that is exactly what you should do. IIRC, Paypal is not subject to banking regulations, and they have strenuously protested over the years that they are not a bank and should not be subject to those regulations, despite having every appearance of engaging in many of the same financial activities that banks do. So they can get away with things that a regular bank would be slapped down hard for by federal regulators. The bank account linked to my Paypal account only has a token balance in it, just enough to keep the account active, and on the rare occasions I do sell something on eBay, I don't leave the received payment in my Paypal account or the bank account attached to it for very long. It is far too easy for an unscrupulous buyer to receive an item and then file a non-receipt claim with eBay/Paypal, and before you can react, Paypal has reversed the payment out of your account. Even if you used delivery confirmation, it's a potential hassle I prefer to minimize the chance of getting burned by. The reverse applies as well - if you're buying a big-ticket item, it's better to fund the Paypal payment with a credit card (despite the nagging screen you'll get urging you to reconsider doing so when you send the payment). If you get burned, and the seller has emptied his Paypal account of funds, you may not get your money back. If you pay with a CC, you can initiate a chargeback with your CC company. The caveat here is that Paypal really, really dislikes chargebacks, and is liable to close your account for doing so. But if the amount involved is large enough, it can be worth that risk. If you do a bit of googling, you'll find page after page of complaints against Paypal. Many of them are typical half-cocked rants by people who failed to read the fine print on the terms of service when they signed up, but there are many others that are IMO quite valid. For what it's worth, I've never had any real problems with Paypal itself, and have only been ripped off for small amounts of money on a handful of occasions where Paypal was unable to recover any of the funds. Quote
jazzguy43 Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 I was told by a genleman in NYC that Diego contacted him using that ebay name! Hey Mate, I needed the Rolex more than you needed your POrsche! Diego, leave your hands offa my Porsche! Quote
jazzguy43 Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 Bingo. I don't do a lot of selling on eBay, mainly buying, but from various comments I've read over the years from regular eBay sellers who use Paypal, that is exactly what you should do. IIRC, Paypal is not subject to banking regulations, and they have strenuously protested over the years that they are not a bank and should not be subject to those regulations, despite having every appearance of engaging in many of the same financial activities that banks do. So they can get away with things that a regular bank would be slapped down hard for by federal regulators. I read on the other site that they are trying to go into those poor sellers credit card to get back the $$ Diego paid them with! How can Paypal protect the guilty and punish the innocent???? Are they affiliated with the G W Bush administration or the Vatican???? Quote
peebles Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?...P:feedback:2:us More negatives for 6627michel, the unholy son of recordsforall. No buyer has reported good feedback re any of the valuable LPs, and the negatives are going to get quickly pushed down and swamped under positive feedback for all the BuyItNow junk that 6627michel currently has listed. Definitely an improvement over Diego's scam! If he was really cleaver, 6627michel would have had one or two shill bids on some expensive vinyl, so those buyers could report something like, "I paid cash and I'm glad I did because I've never seen this record in such impeccable condition before -- better than advertised! A+++." That would probably suffice to hook a few suckers into sending cash or money order. Quote
michel1969 Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 (edited) Are they affiliated with the G W Bush administration or the Vatican???? I think both. The army and the Church. Historically speaking that's the most efficient formula. Edited February 9, 2007 by Michel Quote
peebles Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 Are they affiliated with the G W Bush administration or the Vatican???? I think both. The army and the Church. Historically speaking that's the most efficient formula. http://www.truecatholic.org/donations.htm Paypal. Papal. Coincidence? Quote
jazzguy43 Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 Do the pious papal people take paypal? Say that 5 times fast! As far as the army and the church...were they not one for many hundreds of years???? Do we have any Italians out here who can inform an Italian newspaper of this guy's crimes? Quote
K1969 Posted February 10, 2007 Report Posted February 10, 2007 At soul source some are now suggesting that Diego is in league with another pay pal member - sending funds between accounts, emptying the accounts, then charging back the funds via pay pal under the pretext of fraud. "Another thing that puzzles me is he said he had the money in his paypal account before he got a chargeback a month later from paypal which he then used to buy the £10k worth of 45s what the f**k did he sell to get that much dough in his paypal account a ferrari ? you can only ask for 3 charge backs a year from paypal if you are a buyer. Is this a loophole to get a mate to put money in your paypal account you then spend the money then your mate makes a chargeback against you after you've spent all the dough. your mate then gets his money back and you've got 10k worth of 45's for f*** all. At the end of the day who spends 10k on 45s when they know they haven't got the money unless they are up to something." http://www.soul-source.co.uk/forum/index.p...t=0#entry433345 Personally I think that Diego assassinated JFK and was the driver of the "third car" that killed Princess Diana. Quote
porcy62 Posted February 10, 2007 Report Posted February 10, 2007 (edited) Do we have any Italians out here who can inform an Italian newspaper of this guy's crimes? Yes, but I do not do it, because I think that Justice is due to Courts, not to mediatic pillory. And we have much more interesting scandals over here, from the medias' POV. Politics, Football, you know: business as usual. Plus more serious problems about crimes, mafia, camorra, ecc. I think Diego found Achilles heel of ebay and paypal, and he exploited it. Now what about a class action against ebay and paypal faults? As I said before this is that kind of exposure ebay's CEO would avoid at any costs. If you can gather enough people in U.S. that would be the way. IMHO. Edited February 10, 2007 by porcy62 Quote
michel1969 Posted February 10, 2007 Report Posted February 10, 2007 Do we have any Italians out here who can inform an Italian newspaper of this guy's crimes? Yes, but I do not do it, because I think that Justice is due to Courts, not to mediatic pillory. Right Quote
jazzguy43 Posted February 10, 2007 Report Posted February 10, 2007 Anybody want to set up a scam where we sell 45 rpm records and actually mail them very valuable Bluenote or Prestige jazz lps in Mint shape??? Quote
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