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Just checked out of curiousity to see who the member celebrating their birthday today is and whether they would be worth posting a "happy birthday" to. Well I'll pass on this one and I suspect there are a large number of other people like this one registered as members who have zero posts and many who haven't even been back since they registered!

Just an observation. I guess this is probably common on all the forums boards..

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On the forum I help run, we have nearly 2800 people registered. Of that, just over half have ever posted. Curiously, I notice this forum is also plagued by spammers, porn sites and other crap registering accounts. Usually we end up deleting most of this stuff as I'm sure Jim has to do here on a daily basis.

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One third of all members have 0 posts.

What many forums do is delete members who haven't logged in for more than a year. This gets rid of all those who registered and never came back (or never log in), and many of the 0-post members.

I'm all for deleting 0-post "members" after a year, but I'm not keen on "cleansing" the formerly active who, for reasons unknown to us, no longer participate.

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Just poppin' in to make an obligatory post to keep my membership in the board active. My mother always said that if you don't have anything intelligent to say, say nothing at all. But this thread changes everything ;)

Now back under my rock...... :cool:

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I don't understand why people are so eager to delete members. I don't see the presence of lurkers doing any harm.


I read WAY more than I post. If somebody just comes in now and again to read...what's the harm?

So, in short, I concur with Guy.

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Just poppin' in to make an obligatory post to keep my membership in the board active. My mother always said that if you don't have anything intelligent to say, say nothing at all. But this thread changes everything ;)

Now back under my rock...... :cool:


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That, or they just don't want to be associated with our idiocy...

what, you mean they prefer someone else's idiocy to our's? :angry:

actually, i think there's something missing here on the board.

something that might get more people to actively participate in discussions.

what we need...is a mascot!

any nominations?

photos or illustrations welcome ^_^

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  • 1 month later...

Could be and I've thought of that. But unfortunately, unless we want to be barraged with ads for Cialis, penis-enlargement, porn, lotteries, Ugandan business deals, etc., that's what I have to do (ie, manually validate all new registrations).

i know one "member" from new hampshire that might be interested. :P

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But unfortunately, unless we want to be barraged with ads for Cialis, penis-enlargement, porn, lotteries, Ugandan business deals, etc., that's what I have to do (ie, manually validate all new registrations).

So does the security code confirmation thing not prevent these spam bots from registering?

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But unfortunately, unless we want to be barraged with ads for Cialis, penis-enlargement, porn, lotteries, Ugandan business deals, etc., that's what I have to do (ie, manually validate all new registrations).

So does the security code confirmation thing not prevent these spam bots from registering?

I don't think Jim's referring to bots, but actual humans who's only goal in life is to share their spam with you, though I'm thinking more of the street teams pimping the latest Chris Botti release, or whatever.

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