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Oh my god!!

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The strangest things happen! One of the priests in my church got arrested for downloading child porn on his computer, and soliciting sex to young boys on the interenet. What is this world coming to?

I don't understand. Why is this strange? :blink:

A priest tried to take advantage of the defenseless. Hasn't this been happening since Day One, A.D.?

Edited by Alexander
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The strangest things happen! One of the priests in my church got arrested for downloading child porn on his computer, and soliciting sex to young boys on the interenet. What is this world coming to?

I don't understand. Why is this strange? :blink:

A priest tried to take advantage of the defenseless. Hasn't this been happening since Day One, A.D.?

Do you seriously not understand that this is a bad thing, or "strange"? Or is this just another opportunity to laugh about things, like you did a while back when that minister's wife killed him and left their children fatherless?

Those that believe in God hold priests to a little higher standard than you clearly do. The fact that there are some that have problems (or take advantage of their position and inflict problems on others) is cause for concern.

Edited by Aggie87
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Do you seriously not understand that this is a bad thing, or "strange"? Or is this just another opportunity to laugh about things, like you did a while back when that minister's wife killed him and left their children fatherless?

Those that believe in God hold priests to a little higher standard than you clearly do. The fact that there are some that have problems (or take advantage of their position and inflict problems on others) is cause for concern.

Save your breath.


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Do you seriously not understand that this is a bad thing, or "strange"?

Do you seriously not understand that Alex meant "why is this strange" as in "why do you consider this unusual"?

I know what he meant, he has been very outspoken about his disdain for religion. If you're suggesting that in Alexander's world this should be considered *not unusual*...well, that's a world I don't want any part of.

It IS unusual, it is NOT the norm.

Edited by Aggie87
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Of course, atheists, who would want to molest little children would seem the most likely people to become priests, or boy scout leaders.

...Or ministers, or coaches, or counselors, or nice guy who loves kids whom you trust... Move away from the stereotype. The hell of it is the breach of trust. They could be anyone who has any interaction with kids, even an uncle, father or grandfather. That's why it's such a heinous crime. They walk among us and look just like anyone else.

Religion has nothing to do with it.

Edited by patricia
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Do you seriously not understand that this is a bad thing, or "strange"?

Do you seriously not understand that Alex meant "why is this strange" as in "why do you consider this unusual"?

I know what he meant, he has been very outspoken about his disdain for religion. If you're suggesting that in Alexander's world this should be considered *not unusual*...well, that's a world I don't want any part of.

It IS unusual, it is NOT the norm.

No, it's not the norm, but it sure as hell isn't unusual.

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Just this past week the Pope reaffirmed the need for celibacy for Catholic clergy. So long as the Church continues to twist human sexuality to its own ends, it will continue to attract a disproportionate number of those who are already either sexually twisted or predisposed to becoming so.


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Of course, atheists, who would want to molest little children would seem the most likely people to become priests, or boy scout leaders.

...Or ministers, or coaches, or counselors, or nice guy who loves kids whom you trust... Move away from the stereotype. The hell of it is the breach of trust. They could be anyone who has any interaction with kids, even an uncle, father or grandfather. That's why it's such a heinous crime. They walk among us and look just like anyone else.

Religion has nothing to do with it.

Really, how can you tell about anyone? I've known some priests who have been dismissed from the priesthood, and in each case (but one), I was very surprised.

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Just this past week the Pope reaffirmed the need for celibacy for Catholic clergy. So long as the Church continues to twist human sexuality to its own ends, it will continue to attract a disproportionate number of those who are already either sexually twisted or predisposed to becoming so.


I have often said that while it is likely that *some* pedophile priests got into the game because of the opportunities it would present, I think that *most* of them joined the priesthood specifically because they thought that it would help them stay on the straight and narrow. Imagine being a religious person, plagued by unhealthy and unnatural desires that they fear they cannot resist forever. I think they sincerely *believe* that once they take that vow of chastity, God will help them resist the temptation to harm children. They couldn't be more wrong, of course. They have, in fact, placed themselves at the very heart of darkness. They are trusted in the community, and people think nothing (or, at least, did until recently) of leaving their children alone with the family priest. As much as they might try to resist, the temptation becomes overwhelming.

I have a fairly jaundiced view of human nature. I feel that most people will take advantage of a situation if they believe they can get away with it. How many of us speed or are prepared to run a yellow light when the situation suits us? How many of us walk off with office supplies? The difference is that in MOST cases, nobody gets hurt. I have never believed that priests are somehow "better" than other people, so when they turn out to be all too human, no I'm not surprised in the slightest. Point of fact, I think that people who throw their lot in with an imaginary father-figure are even MORE human (that it to say, prone to weakness) than the rest of us.

Edited by Alexander
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